Cassandra creosote continues...

Chapter 6

Outside the diner, the sun had just risen. It is Saturday morning and people are starting to file in for breakfast. Tom Fresse pulls into the parking lot and exits his battered old Ford. It has been years since he last visited this diner. Tom had been away at school for a while, and having recently graduated, decided to take the weekend to reaquaint himself with some of things he enjoyed doing back in the day.

As Tom goes to enter the diner, some early birds are exiting. The puzzled and amazed looks on some of their faces intrigued Tom. He over hears what some of them are saying.


&q uot;Well, you don't see that everyday..."

"I lost my appetite..."

Tom enters and after waiting a few minutes, a frustrated host arrives to show him to his seat.

"Is one of the back booths available?" Tom asks, it is where his family would sit back then.

"Uhhh...yes sir, these front booths are open as well..." the host says, somewhat worried.

"I'd very much prefer a back booth, please," insists Tom.

"Yes sir, right this way," says the host. As they walk, the host also says,"by the way sir, this establishment is not responsible for any actions of its patrons."

"Okaaayyy..." Tom says confused.

As they round the corner to where the back booths are near the table section, it all becomes immeadiately clear for Tom.

"Oh dear..." a captivated Tom says as the host sits him down.

"Um, enjoy your breakfast..." says the host.

Tom is drawn to the commotion across the room.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm..." moans Cassandra with a mouth full of lemon meringue pie. Cassandra is finishing the final slice of pie, thereby almost bringing a close to her epic diner visit. Cassie is absolutely stuffed beyond any glutton's wildest dreams. The top half of her belly is exposed with her blouse riding up her fattened gut. It protrudes far out above her lower belly which is still contained by her sorry yet suprisingly strong pants.

"What the fuck?" Tom whispers to himself in disbelief.

As a mixture of thoughts invade Tom's brain, one thought outshines them all...

"That's....Cassandra Creosote????!!" Tom says to himself, stunned, and now sporting a raging erection. He could not stare awaw from the super sized beauty with empty dessert plates and trays piled up on her tables.

Tom had a huge crush on Cassie in senior year of high school. He would see her at lunch recess with her clique of socialite wannabe friends. He liked how she put on a few pounds and had a little belly towards high school graduation. It made sense, as she seemed to always have some kind of cookie or candy she would munch on after she had lunch. If you, dear reader, have not figured this out yet, Tom Fresse is a FA, and a feeder who just hit the jackpot.

"Waiter?" asks Tom to a passing waiter.

"Yes sir?"

"A slice of cheesecake for the young miss over there please," Tom says indicating Cassie.

Cassie catches her breath while she chews the final piece of pie. She begins to rub the exposed upper belly and a pained look comes over her face.

*Sooooo BIG...* Cassie thinks to herself.

*So so stuffed...stuffed so hurts...,* she continues to think.

*Big enough for you Jay?*

" is a slice of cheesecake, like you really need it" a half asleep Donna says as she replaces the empty pie stand with the slice of cake.

"Owwwww..." Cassie squeals in pain,"don't...uhhh...fucking talk to that. HICCUP!"

"Or what, you'll make me get you more ice cream??" Donna asks.

"NO..HICCUP! cream...uhhhh...HICCUP!" Cassie pathetically replies.

"Maybe I should get you some," Donna says.

"NOOOOO!!! HICCUP!....I, uhhh...I'm absolutely stuffed...HICCUP!...uhhh...take back this slice...HICCUP!...uhhhowwwhhh....I can't eat it....HICCUP!" Cassie says slowly, holding her huge belly.

This cake is courtesy of that cute guy over there, FYI..." Donna says indicating Tom.

Cassie instantly recognizes Tom from high school as a boy she liked, but treated shitty anyway to uphold her precious popularity. She had to accept this gift, she is still attracted to him. Denying it could ruin any chance they might have together.

"Uhhhhh....FINE! HICCUP!" Cassie exclaims.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Noarthereonl... 13 years
This is fantastic! smiley
Balloon 13 years
Excellent, let the stuffing continue!