Becky's research

chapter 2

At first Becky didn't know what she was looking at. There appeared to be multiple folders, each appearing to contain numerous images of a different woman. These women were all of similar age and size, probably in their mid 20's and slim build, most likely averaging around 160lbs. And, apart from them all wearing the same grey underwear, small French knickers and a matching grey bra, and all striking the same anatomical poses, Becky didn't really notice anything out of the ordinary. She supposed that these were just volunteers for some kind of research to do with the beauty or fashion industry, no, perhaps more medically orientated. She looked back and forth at the women in the different folders, some of them she thought were quite attractive, but not all, so this was probably more to do with medical research. She then noticed that each folder contained hundreds of images of the same women, with one woman for each separate folder. She began scrolling quickly down through the images of one random folder but nothing seemed untoward. As she continued however, she noticed something peculiar. The change was barely noticeable at first, but continuing to scroll through the pictures of this particular woman striking the same 10 poses she noticed it. Was, was she getting bigger? Confused, Becky scrolled back up to the top of one of the folders and looked more closely. At the bottom of all the images there were tiny groups of letters and numbers visible in the bottom right hand corner. These always started with what she presumed was the date, three letters, then always the number 1-10, which she supposed related to the ten different poses the women were striking, then three further numbers. As she scrolled down, after every repeat of the numbers 1-10, the next set of numbers would increase slightly. Then it dawned on her, it must be their weight. Each time the ten poses repeated, the women appeared to be getting ever so slightly heavier, and this corresponded with the slight increase in these numbers. Becky sat back from the screen and stared at it in confusion. She looked at the the first woman on the screen and the numbers in the bottom corner read 161. She didn't know what to think. What research were Iain and Tom actually involved in? Perhaps it was for the pharmaceutical industry, it would explain the security. She sat there for a moment and then thought it best to close all the folders and leave the terminal on desktop as she found it. She went into the kitchen.

After another glass of wine Becky's mind began to mull over what she had seen. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of pictures of these women, as there were multiple folders and multiple groups. Just how many women were on there? Becky felt a little uneasy with so many questions buzzing in her mind. What research was this? What could it be for? How heavy did these women get? Becky thought quickly to all the other data she had been witness to, all the references to it in emails she had forwarded. No, it had to be real. This must be some kind of phama research she had inadvertently stumbled upon. No wonder Iain and Tom are so secretive she thought. She knew Iain was supposedly a well respected scientist, so it had to be legitimate. Still a little flustered, Becky poured a fresh glass of wine and took a swig, pausing for a moment to gather her thoughts. She then went and dead locked the doors for the night and headed off for a shower in the living room to relax a little. Later in the evening, and with the half bottle of wine empty, Becky was mindlessly staring at the television on the wall in front of her, but she wasn't watching it. Aided by the alcohol, her mind was awash with questions about the few images she had seen earlier. She got up and headed into the kitchen for a new bottle of wine. Taking one from the rack she stood and looked at the hallway to the office. She hung her head in defeat. It was no good, she had to go and look and satisfy her insatiable curiosity. "I bet it will have logged itself off anyway", she muttered as she got into the office.

Becky sat down at terminal 3. The screen was off and the office was almost pitch black. She shook the mouse ... nothing. Suddenly the screen burst into light and made Becky squint. She poured herself a glass of wine and opened the folder. Going back to group 18, she found the image files and paused for a moment. Was she sure she wanted to do this? The computers were meant to be strictly off limits to her and this could land her in serious trouble. Ignoring her reservations, she cautiously clicked on the the first woman's folder. The lady that appeared in front of her on the screen was attractive and blonde, probably 25, and Becky could see from the corner of the image that her weight was 155lbs, just like Becky herself. It was difficult to guess her height as she was photographed against a pure white backdrop but judging by her figure and going by the numbers in the corner of the image Becky figured she wasn't overly tall. Becky assumed her height and other statistics was probably buried in the data somewhere but she wasn't that interested to look. She started scrolling. The ten poses showcased all the different aspects of this girl at all different angles in great detail. She had smooth, unblemished skin, a toned body, quite athletic looking Becky thought, and a great ass in those French knickers. Becky's gaze lingered on this ladies excellent posterior and she raised an eyebrow. She continued. The weight came on very slowly, but she was definitely getting bigger. The woman's toned body started to soften, her breasts were filling out, as were her thighs and her shapely behind, but she seemed to be carrying most of the weight gain in her midriff. As her weight crept up, small love handles started forming on her sides, and her belly edged out over the top of her knickers. Becky though she actually looked good with this extra weight, she was definitely not fat, but was starting to get a little curvy. The weight kept increasing and Becky was barely a quarter of the way through the images. The blonde girl was now at 170lbs and sported noticeable love handles, a round butt, and a little chubby belly. Becky found herself wondering how much more weight would this girl gain. More intrigued than anything at this point, she continued. At 180lbs the girl was borderline fat. Her love handles had grown a little more, there were now creases forming on her sides and a small soft roll of fat was starting to appear where her ribcage used to meet her waist. Her belly now stuck out a good 3 maybe 4 inches over her slightly too small knickers. Becky paused, she was starting to feel a little flushed, but she put it down to the wine and the risky circumstances she was in. After all, if she was caught looking at this she would loose this job. She looked at the picture of the girl again but then felt it for certain, a hint of arousal. Becky was starting to get flustered. It dawned on Becky that there must be thousands of photographs of different women in these folders all showing the same thing. There was a pang of feeling between Becky's legs and suddenly she noticed her heat beating, she shifted slightly in the chair. Why was she getting aroused? Becky felt very confused and a little anxious, and was now reluctant to continue scrolling through the images. After a pause, she picked up her glass of wine and finished it in a few gulps. She stared at the screen again. Tentatively, she continued.

Lightly drunk now, Becky looked meticulously at the blonde girl. 183lbs. The way this girls belly was now pushing out over her knickers, the way her knickers dug into her sides sending slight love handles spilling over the top, the way her ass was protruding out under the fabric of her knickers... Her breasts were now a little too big for her bra and spilled slightly out. Becky's heart began to beat harder and she could feel a familiar warmth begin to rise from between her legs, she came to the absurd realisation that this was actually beginning to turn her on, but she couldn't understand why. Nothing even close to this had ever prompted such a reaction from her before. Was it just the excitement of being caught? The weirdness of the situation? The alcohol? The thought of her having access to thousands of pictures of women gaining weight? That last thought was becoming really arousing. Lubricated with alcohol and with all these thoughts filling her head, the pictures of the blonde girl pushed her over the edge, she could no longer control herself. She lifted herself up off the seat slightly and gently pulled down her jeans and underwear and sat back down, one hand on the mouse and the other on her crotch. She continued to scroll through the pictures and began to rub between her legs, getting more and more worked up. The blonde girl on the screen kept growing, and Becky had to stop scrolling for a moment when the weight reached 230lbs. The blonde girl looked twice the size as she did in the start. Her belly was so big and round with a deep belly button and a faint pattern of stretch marks covered its surface. She had obviously had to change to bigger size of underwear now as the others were just too small. Her breast had grown, migrating round and out at her sides and slightly under her arms and rested on the top of her large belly. Her face was fuller, fatter and she now had a double chin. Her collarbones had completely disappeared under a layer of fat, and that's what she was now. A fat girl. Becky couldn't take her eyes off the screen and was close to orgasm, she shakily scrolled to the next picture and finally she came, shuddering and slumping forward in the seat. Becky sat hunched over in the chair with her eyes closed as the orgasm slowly subsided, she spent a moment catching her breath and then out of pure impassioned curiosity finished scrolling to the end of the folder.
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !