Becky's research

chapter 11

After the debrief was eventually over, without thinking, Becky headed back to the cafeteria. She absent-mindedly picked up a gain lunch and once again sat down on her own in a secluded part of the canteen. She had only eaten breakfast around 3 hours ago but this simply didn't register. She felt deeply ashamed and troubled after what she had just been told. It was a huge amount of information to take in from Tom. Becky was a mess of confusion and feelings and tried her best to block what she had just been told out of her mind. She knew she liked the idea of Laura gaining more weight, when she really thought about it, she admitted to herself that she found the idea very sexual. But what Paul did to that poor girl. Becky found the idea of doing that to someone without their knowledge heartbreaking. What she and Laura had shared, that must be different. It was different. But Laura was also into feederism, was she like Paul? Becky couldn't remember her acting selfishly, the other night was consensual wasn't it? What was the harm in what they had done? But what about Becky's job? Becky suddenly thought about her situation. She realised she may not be strong enough to stop herself from getting deeper into this, but she knew she had to try. If Iain and Tom found out, she was gone for sure, and all their hard work could be over. No way would she ever be forgiven, not after Paul. Becky looked down at her food and suddenly realised that she had almost finished already. It dawned on her that this meal on top of her breakfast already put her at having consumed 4000 calories today. She started to get the feeling inside her. Becky now wondered about her own feelings on her increasing weight. She discretely placed a hand on her belly and felt how full it was under her dress as a result of her rapid succession of indulgence. She was getting more aroused, the feeling deep within her chest started to return. Having finished her food, her belly was quiet distended and bloated, it was aching slightly. Her new uniform was doing a good job in hiding it, but how long would that last? In the mix of emotions Becky realised she wanted something more. She knew she needed to sort herself out, work was going to have to wait, she needed some time to come to terms with all this. In her aroused state she had had a diabolical idea. "I couldn't, could I?", Becky thought. She got up and hurriedly headed off up the corridor in the direction of the store rooms. Little did she know, she was being watched.

Becky had found what she was looking for and simply had to get back to her room as fast as she could. She came back out of one of the store rooms, box under arm, and turned in the direction of her room. Upon arrival, Becky hastily entered and closed the door behind her. Silence. She could hear her heart pounding in her chest. She called Tom. "Hi Tom, erm, Tom I'm so sorry, but I'm feeling a little under the weather, I've had to come back to my room for a while, .... Yeah, I've felt ill for the last few days, I'm not sure what it is .... yeah .... um .... yes I was feeling bad this morning in the debrief, I've been so tired .... a few weeks? Tom, I can't take that much time.... but still it's... oh Tom, I really appreciate it, thank you.". Becky couldn't believe he had given her time off until she felt well again. Becky had never been off sick before, so Tom was very understanding and said that they wouldn't miss her too much for a few weeks if need be as everything seemed to be going so well. Convenient? No, this was meant to be.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !