Becky's research

chapter 12

Becky just stood for a moment in excitement. She place the box on the bed and immediately got undressed, even taking off her favoured grey underwear. Extremely aroused by her devious behaviour, she rummaged around in her underwear draw and found her pink Mini Knickers and matching bra, probably a good bit too small for her now. With effort, Becky got them on. She hadn't worn these for a long long time, as she had favoured adopted the underwear the girls on the trials were given, but she knew she had to see herself in these now. The mini knickers were tiny on her, probably by two sizes. They barely covered her vagina and her butt now enveloped them, and it was the same story with the bra, her breasts were bulging out barely contained. Becky looked in the mirror and could scarcely believe her eyes. All the food she had eaten today had left her belly large, round and bloated. The knickers were tiny and strained against Becky's bigger body, and she was spilling out of the bra slightly and it dug deep into her sides. This only extenuated her fat belly more and Becky was now fully aroused, she was totally getting off to her own fatter body, even more so than this morning. Becky grasped at her belly with one hand and gave it a shake, she watched it wobble like a beer belly, "God I really am getting fat", Becky said out loud, taking great pleasure in hearing herself admit to it. She headed over to the box and opened it. Inside was a small chocolate cake. She stuck her hand in and scooped out a handful of the rich goodness. Becky had stolen a gain cake from the stores. The cake contained about a thousand calories a slice, perhaps 5,000 calories in total, and was not often used as part of the active gaining program due to its unnecessary richness. Becky looked at the cake and felt herself massaging between her legs with her free hand. She let out a moan of pleasure, not even trying to hide it she vigorously forced the rich cake in her mouth, smearing some on her face in the process. She turned to face the mirror and looked at the helpless fat girl stuffing her face and rubbing between her legs looking back at her. She adored how her belly was protruding forward, it was round and tight. That moment, Becky heard the door slowly open... she hadn't locked it. Totally defenceless, she froze, cake in her mouth in one hand and her crotch in her other. She slowly looked over towards the door .... There was Laura. Laura very briefly viewed the scene before her. Where on earth had Becky been hiding that underwear, it was tiny! Laura let a slight smirk creep across her face, entered the room and closed the door behind her. She gently turned the lock. Becky remained motionless, then slowly began chewing the cake again, and started massaging her vagina through her her tiny knickers eyeing Laura passionately. Laura walked over to Becky without a sound, Becky let out a moan through a mouthful of cake as she approached, the feeling between her legs was raging. "Eat", Laura said sternly and pushed the cake filled hand closer to Becky's mouth. Becky nodded and squeezed her belly letting out another moan and closing her eyes. "You are going to eat all this cake, every last bit. You want to be fat?". Laura grabbed Becky's tight belly and squeezed it hard, almost too hard for Becky, but not quite. Becky let out a louder moan then whispered with intense pleasure through a mouth full of food, "I wanna get fat ....". Becky tailed off and took a mouthful again, completely lost in pleasure. Laura gently led Becky backwards to the bed and laid her down on her back with Becky's feet still grounded on the floor. As Becky was finishing off the handful of cake, Laura massaged her belly. It was so tight and round, still so firm, but there was a lot of it, it was packed with all the food she had consumed that morning. "You aren't a trim girl any more my dear, you're fat already, but there is always room for improvement", Laura said deviously, and she grabbed Becky's belly in both hands. Laura was revelling in the fact that Becky was intentionally putting herself in this state and it was such a turn on, Becky wasn't even on the trial, what on earth was she doing to herself? Needless to say, Laura would oblige her and take great pleasure in doing so, seeing Becky secretly getting fatter and being so obviously lost in it was intensely arousing. "More", Becky moaned back and rubbed her legs together to try and appease her aching crotch. Laura grabbed another handful of cake a thrust it towards Becky's face. "Eat", she said said coldly. Becky was starting to get very full now but she simply had to continue, she felt so humiliated by Laura, so submissive, she was compelled to obey her. As Becky continued to eat the cake out of Laura's had, Laura lay beside Becky and with her free hand started to gently massage Becky's crotch. Between mouthfuls of cake Becky let out intense moans of pleasure and writhed of the bed, her belly juddered with her convulsions of pleasure. Laura herself now was totally aroused, she couldn't believe what was in front of her. She could tell that Becky was fully into this and would probably end up bigger than she was, especially if Laura had anything to do with it. She lent in close to Becky's ear, "Finish this cake now Becky, urgh look at the size of your belly, you're getting enormous". Becky could only let out a moan that sounded vaguely like "ah huh" in obedience and forced down the rest of the cake that was on Laura's hand. "Now another handful". Laura said commandingly. Becky was stuffed to the point it was beginning to get very uncomfortable, but somehow this made her even more aroused. Her belly was sticking up into the air a good way further that the rest of her and she looked like she had been pumped up with air. She grabbed another handful leaving one left and slowly began to take little bites. "That's it, urgh, you just can't help yourself can you, you're pathetic". Laura got over Becky and knelt down on the floor between her legs. Becky's crotch was facing Laura and she could see it was completely soaked. Laura slowly pulled off Becky's tiny knickers, which took a little persuasion to come out from under Becky's now larger ass cheeks and thighs. Finally they were off and Laura could see Becky's smooth vagina, she lent close and blew ever so gently. Becky quivered and stuffed the handful of cake in and around her mouth. "Finish the rest and I will reward you", Laura said sternly. Becky grasped the last handful of cake and looked at it determinedly and then took a little bite. Laura saw this and then went down on Becky, to a barrage of intense moaning as Becky came continuously. Becky's hands shot down and clutched her engorged belly, smearing cake all over her tight skin. Tears of passion rolled down Becky's face as she climaxed again and again in intense pleasure and pain of her distended stomach, as she did so thoughts of her bursting out her work uniform filled her head.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !