Becky's research

chapter 13

A few days had passed since Laura had found Becky with the cake and Becky had been enjoying her first few official days off as 'ill'. She had mainly been lounging around in this time enjoying the rest but she was now beginning to feel a little bored and somewhat restless. Becky found herself in her bathroom on the scales for the first time in a while. She glanced at where the needle quivered, she was already completely absorbed in the excitement, and then shock. She was 190 pounds, and it was now, in the immediate reality of the situation, glaringly apparent. "God I'm really getting big". Becky was a little incredulous, in the four months or so since first taking a job with Ian and Tom Becky had now gained 35 pounds, with ease. She stared in mild disbelief at herself in the mirror, her reflection triggering a rush of arousal. Her belly was round and full, skin soft to the pinch, but firm, tight and smooth to the touch. Becky stole herself away from looking at her reflection and decided to have a shower to cool herself off. Whilst she was massaging the body wash over her slippery smooth skin, Becky continued to fantasize about what it would be like to gain more weight. She pushed her belly out as far as she could and rubbed her hands over it, feeling how round and firm it was. She looked down at her hands running across her distended stomach and could feel marvelled at how natural it felt, like it was meant to be. Rubbing her thighs together, Becky arched her neck and head back and let out a quiet sigh of pleasure. She stared at the water running out out the shower head coming down towards her face. From nowhere, a thought which was very much unlike Becky popped into her head, initially she shook it off but she knew she wanted to do it. She shut the water off and reached for the shower head pulling it out of the holder, then unscrewed the head off exposing the end of the hose. She looked at it for a moment and a hint of a guilty smile crept across her face. Becky was now extremely aroused with this lewd idea running through her mind. Adjusting her stance slightly, she gently and carefully inserted the shower hose in-between her round butt cheeks and stood for a moment in anticipation. She slowly turned the water back on. It was a strange sensation at first, and Becky was a little unsure if she liked it. A warm feeling built inside her, feeling very odd indeed. But then she noticed it. A slow swelling of her abdomen, pressure beginning to build. She looked down at her belly, and sure enough it was swelling up, pushing out in front of her. Becky watched it grow, mouth open with pleasure, as the more her belly swelled, the more turned on she got. She started masturbating and felt herself get more and more full from the water, tighter and tighter her belly became. "Oh god" Becky thought, "Oh god this is so fucking hot, I want to be this big all the time." Becky climaxed hard right at the point the enema became too much and she shut the water off. Her climax seemed to last for eternity, it was definitely the best she had ever experienced. All she could do was stand there, knees weak and bent slightly, one hand on her crotch, one on her thigh to steady her, mouth open, intense pleasure over her face, motionless, barely breathing. As the climax eventually began to subside, Becky looked down at her distended abdomen, mouth still open and stared at her distended midsection. It was so full, the largest she had ever been, her belly now protruding out not only in front of her, but outwards slightly at her sides. Becky rubbed both hands around her globose stomach and squeezed her chubby flesh, sloshing her belly, heart palpitating and every breath tingling. Unbeknownst to her, this was her point of no return, Becky was going to get much bigger, but it wasn't going to be Becky's own actions that would make that happen.

Now drained of water, Becky had finally finished her lengthy and adventurous shower and wrapped herself in a towel. She remembered that Tom had given her time off until she felt better, which was great, but this did present her with a dilemma. All Becky wanted to do was stuff herself with food and be lazy, but she was supposed to be ill, and it was becoming extremely difficult to consume the amount of food she wanted and not raise suspicion about her not actually being ill, not forgetting the problem of her expanding figure. Becky let out a sigh, she realised that she was probably going to have to rethink the rather troublesome situation she was in. This wasn't going to be as easy as strolling in to the canteen and eating 2000 calorie meals at every sitting. There then came a quiet knock at the door. Thinking this was probably going to be Tom checking up on her, Becky put on a more modest dressing gown, which helped hide her now broadening body, and went to answer the door. Opening it, she found it was Laura. "Laura...", Becky exclaimed in surprise, "... Hi!". Becky smiled nervously, she hadn't seen her since she had been humiliated with the cake, but she was happy to see her, if not a little embarrassed. "Hello you", Laura said with an inviting grin, "We were all wondering where you had got to but Tom told us this morning you were taking some time off because you were, uh um, ill". Laura raised a suspicious eyebrow. "Come in", Becky said, looking around and grabbing Laura's hand pulling her quickly inside. As Becky shut the door, Laura began to say something but Becky wasn't listening, compulsively she went straight to Laura placing a hand on her neck and face and kissed her passionately. When the kiss was over Becky pulled away and closed her eyes, this was all still so new to her. "Hello again to you too". Laura was slightly taken aback, but felt the same strong sense of belonging Becky was feeling. "So I guess this is actually a thing then isn't it? It's hard to work you out, I wasn't sure what to expect coming to see you, we haven't seen each other since .... the cake", Laura paused. Becky looked at her a little sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I, I really am, I haven't been avoiding... you see, the thing is, last time we, I couldn't help it last time we, you..., you are... I am pleased to see you Laura." Becky looked away a little self-conscious. "Beck, I'm glad to see you are, in fact, not 'ill'. What are you doing off work?". Becky took a deep breath and tried her best to explain the situation and her own feelings, trying desperately to make herself sound less hopelessly tragic. She explained about how she had discovered the research program, how she had come to terms with herself and her feelings in the last few weeks with Laura, how this was all so new to her and really she'd had very few intimate experiences, everything. Becky hadn't planned on coming clean with Laura about it all, but she just had to explain it all to someone, she had been exposed to so much over such a short period, with enormous emotional and sexual revelations, it felt right it was Laura. "And, the other night, what we did, I just...." Becky sighed, and just came out with it, "Laura you were right. What you did, what you said, I ... you were right". Laura took a moment to process all that she had heard, it was a shock to have had Becky open up this candidly, but she couldn't help but feel, more than a little selfishly, excited by the revelation. Laura stood there for a minute facing Becky, both hands holding Becky's in front of her. "Thank you for saying all this to me Becky, it really means a lot, and explains a lot too. The past few weeks have been driving me crazy, you are all I have thought about. Seeing you everyday in you uniform, unsure if it is actually getting tighter of not, or if I am imagining it... my god Becky have you any idea how hot that is, how hot it is to see you filling that thing out. I haven't masturbated this much since I was a teenager", Becky blushed, but loved what she was hearing, "You came into the canteen a while ago now and I actually thought I was going mad, you went and ate that damn gain breakfast and then the gain meal all on your own, I saw you. I couldn't believe it, I could barely hold it together, but I couldn't work you out. Did you pick them up by mistake? I kept asking myself why? I must be imagining it all..." Hearing this Becky blushed more and looked down toward herself, slowly opening her dressing gown and letting it slide to the floor. She stood there, totally naked, letting her stomach properly relax out for possibly the first time in her life in front of another person, "Tell me what you see", Becky said and looked Laura in the eyes. Laura noted how big Becky looked, she really was getting fat. Laura, with a mixture of excitement and shock, viewed what was in front of her and said, "I see... a hungry girl. When was the last time you ate? It must have been days, you look famished". Laura let a wry smile appear across her face. "I'm so hungry Laura, will you.... Will you feed me?". Becky placed her hands on her belly and gave it a squeeze. Laura could see the firm doughy rolls form around her fingers as she did this. Laura wasn't sure if Becky knew just how quickly she was putting on weight, but regardless, she was going to oblige her, and yet unknown to Becky, indulge her own surreptitious desires. Laura got close to Becky and embraced her, kissing her intensely. "Wait for me here Beck, I'll go get you something special to eat". Becky walked Laura to the door and then closed it behind her as she left. She rested her head on the closed door and smiled. She was filled with so many feelings, but she longed to be filled with food now too.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !