Becky's research

chapter 14

It was like slipping on an extra skin it was so tight. After the struggle she looked at herself in the mirror. Her original uniform from when she had first started her position now exhibited the same characteristics of a sausage casing, and perhaps more to the point its tensile strength. Becky's body now filled out the fabric in every possible orientation, and this was the first time Becky acknowledged herself as fat. In this uniform, looking at herself in the mirror, nobody would deny it. She looked fat. Her belly, like a beer belly, gave her an obvious paunch, casting a clear shadow over her crotch. She now sported a decent set of love handles, with rolls forming where her tiny, tiny knickers dug into her softening flesh. She felt herself rush at what she saw, "Where is Laura? She's been ages". Becky was getting a little frustrated with anticipation. Moments later a knock came at the door. "Who is it?", Becky asked in her most casual voice, "It's Tom Becky, come to check up on you, are you ok?". Frantic, Becky was shocked back into reality and was caught way off guard, "You going to let me in then?", Tom asked in a friendly manner. "Errr, ye, yes, hang on one moment Tom...", Becky scrabbled to find something to cover herself with, she couldn't let Tom see her like this. Shaken and not thinking clearly, she grabbed at the first gown that she could find, not realising the modest gown she had just been wearing was currently crumpled on the floor behind her. The gown she had thrown around herself did little to hide the fact that she was in her work uniform, and that it was tight. Oblivious to this, she put on a feigned tired demeanour and opened the door, "Hello Tom", she said groggily. Tom was a little surprised to notice that Becky had her uniform on under a red semitransparent robe, and was a little taken a back, "Er, hello Becky, I hope you are ok... why have you got your uniform on, are you coming back to work so soon?". Becky glanced down in horror to see that the see-through gown she had thrown on did little, if anything, to cover the fact that her chubby body was so obviously crammed into her old work uniform, leaving little to the imagination. "Oh, err..", Becky paused, desperately grasping for a plausible explanation, "I got dressed this morning thinking I may be able to work, I didn't want to let everyone down, but I just don't feel well enough. I was about to go back to bed". As Becky was talking, Tom was eyeing her figure in her uniform, Becky looked like she had put on at least 30 pounds since the last time Tom had got a good look at her, and that wasn't so long ago. Noticing that Tom was eyeing her through the robe, Becky quickly blurted, "I guess I must have picked up one of my old uniforms by mistake, I though it was a bit tight, I'm really not feeling myself at the moment... and...", Becky said much more quietly and with obvious embarrassment, "...and I may have gained a bit of weight recently". Becky looked down at the floor crestfallen, she really wasn't feeling herself but it wasn't because she was ill, it was because something within her had been awoken, and it wasn't going to be put back into the bottle. Becky was silent looking at the floor, Tom continued to eye her curiously but more as a concerned friend than a concern colleague. This was the first time that Tom had seen that Becky had actually put on a noticeable amount of weight and that Becky herself had acknowledged it but, perhaps a little naively, didn't think too much into it. She had been working relentlessly and intimately with the girls on the trial and maybe a little bit of of imprinting really had affected her without her knowledge. She was, after all, very engaged with the participants and didn't had a particularly physically active job. Tom readily accepted Becky's confession that she wasn't feeling herself, Tom suspected that it was because she was getting a little uncomfortable with how she looked, when in reality, it was the complete opposite, but Tom had caught her completely off guard. "It's ok Beck, I can see you are out of sorts. Get some rest and check in when you feel better. You know where I am, anything you need just give me a call, take the time you need, everything is going so smoothly at the moment". Tom smiled at Becky sincerely. Becky felt his sincerity and raised her head with an embarrassed appreciative look, her cheeks flushed. "Thank you Tom, I appreciate all you do for me, and all your kindness, I think a bit of time off will do me the world of good". "No worries Beck, feel better soon!". Tom smiled and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Becky slumped to the floor placing her face in her hands and started to cry. What the hell was she doing? She knew Tom had noticed, she knew her excuses where thin, unlike herself now. Before this job had started she had been so trim, and in no time at all she had put weight on so rapidly, and so easily. And how was this going to end? Was she just going to carry on getting bigger? She couldn't just pass this off as 'just' putting on a little weight, it was all far too convenient and suspicious, especially with her recognised friendship with Laura. She sobbed quietly for a time when the door clicked and eked open. Becky looked up to see Laura sneaking in with a rucksack. "What on earth happened?", Laura exclaimed, seeing Becky slumped on the floor looking up at her with a teary face. Becky slowly recounted what had just happened through partial sobs, as Laura closed and locked the door to the room, double checking the lock. Laura came and crouched down in front of Becky, holding her hands and looking straight into her eyes. After Becky had finished her melancholy account she asked, "You said he noticed your uniform, why?", Laura inquired deviously with feigned concern, "Because, because I look ridiculous, it's so small now, I only put it on for you, and Tom came round and saw me, I'm, I'm, I look so fat and he knew". Becky looked up at Laura with a furrowed brow and a wet face, "Yes Becky, you do look fat... But not fat enough", Laura said with a sternly, "Stand up and take that ridiculous robe off, let me see how fat you really are". Becky was a little startled, and actually much more humiliated and hurt than she let on, but she was compelled to obey, and the compulsion was real, driven by the deviant nature of being humiliated whilst sharing something so intimate and upsetting. With a sob, Becky stood up slowly in front of Laura and unrobbed herself, revealing her stuffed uniform clad body. "Hmm", Laura approvingly smirked, slowly standing and looking up at Becky's dangerously swollen uniform, she ran her hands up Becky's legs and thighs, feeling the tightness of her hips and love handles which formed around her underwear, one hand swung through and brushed up between her legs, lightly fingering her plump crotch an subsequent chubby belly that jutted out like a firm bag of dough over an invisible belt, whilst the other felt the under-crease and then fullness of one of Becky's now ample buttocks, both hands then closed back together over Becky's tight chubby breasts that strained against her bra and uniform .... Becky had taken in a long breath as Laura ran her hands up Becky's body until she had no more breath to take in, feeling Laura's hands run up her tightly confined body just waiting for the next command ... "Get in the bed", Laura demanded, Becky went to take her uncomfortably tight uniform off and Laura quickly added, "No, keep that on". Becky submissively looked at Laura and laid down on the bed, propping herself up slightly with a pillow so she could see the silhouette of Laura's ample frame highlighted by the light.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !