Becky's research

chapter 15

"Well, you wanted me to feed you, but damn you discovered the cake on your own, which was a little bit of a shame, but on the plus side, I know you don't know about this little treat, and I have a feeling this is going to be even better", Laura swung her abundant thigh over Becky, sitting down and straddling Becky's own thighs in the bed. Laura admired how Becky's chubby belly was accentuated by the tightness of her uniform and the lighting of the room, she really did have the beginnings of something truly special. Becky revelled in the weight of Laura on top of her. Becky tried to raise her hands up to Laura's large belly, but Laura slapped them away, tucking them under her soft heavy legs. "No, if you want this, you are going to have to earn it", Laura lifted her clothes out of the way exposing her huge midsection, Becky let out a reluctant gasp. Laura pulled out what looked like a generously sized cake decorating bag from her rucksack. It was filled with a light brown thick mixture which was around a half gallon in capacity. "This, you greedy girl...", saying this Laura gave Becky's belly a firm slap with her free hand, " some kind of weight gain cake mix. I actually don't know too much about it, I've never tried it, but I know that Tom and Ian were very adamant that this was apparently dangerous and some of it is still unaccounted for, it should've been handed in or disposed of if anyone on the programme came across it", Laura lifted the bag up and placed the nozzle in Becky's mouth, she lent in closer to Becky's face and said softly... "Word has it, it was used by someone once and made a girl extremely fat, like, seriously fucking fat, I found these when I snuck into the food store looking for treats, they were stashed in a gap behind the racking, Tom and Ian hadn't found them", Becky's pupils suddenly dilated, her breath left her chest, She knew what this was, it was Paul's drug laden weight gain formula, this wasn't cake mix. Becky tried to struggle but Laura was too heavy, she tried to speak but with the nozzle in her mouth it just appeared like she was desperate to start eating, she fearfully stared at Laura but it came across as frustration, she knew Laura didn't know, she could feeling the nozzle of the decorating bag poised filling her mouth. Laura lent in closer to Becky's anxious face and gently whispered, "I have two more bags of these in this rucksack", she began to squeeze the thick sweet liquid into Becky's mouth, Becky shook her head and tried not to swallow, she glared at Laura in the eyes but it was just no good.

Becky just couldn't help it, if she resisted she was going to choke. Laura was relentless. The heavy thick liquid came slowly but continuously. After about a minute of constant and forced guzzling, Becky felt a brief pang on fullness and discomfort in her stomach, but strangely it faded quickly, and she began to be overcome by an intense haze of confusion, relaxation and pleasure. She could feel the heaviness of the liquid filling her stomach, the warmth and weight of it expanding her abdomen out, not unlike her experimental enema, but much more intense and arousing. Becky then found herself willingly sucking on the nozzle like a teat, lying there in the bed, unable to move, just taking in this strange but enslaving liquid. "That's all of it, whatever it was, my god just look at that belly! What is this stuff?". Laura patted Becky's distended abdomen, Becky now being overcome by a confusing dreamlike daze looked down to see her belly looking painfully bloated and full, the like of which she had never seen, yet she felt no pain, only pleasure. Her belly was round and distended, straining her uniform to new extremes and should be feeling painfully uncomfortable. Becky had binged before, and knew the consequences, but now there was nothing, no discomfort, no pain. Instead, she felt like the weight of her packed belly was pressing directly on her clitoris, and the heavier it was, the more pleasure she felt. Through a breathless unfocussed stare Becky managed to whisper "Finish me" to a smirking Laura, who then proceeded to lay all her weight on Becky's distended abdomen. An ultra intense flash of pleasure pulsed through Becky and she cried out in ecstasy, then gradually blacked out.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !