Becky's research

chapter 16

Becky partially came around into a state of total confusion. She was still lying on her back in the bed, her body felt heavy and an intense rushing pulsed through her. She didn't understand where she was and what was going on. She slowly lifting her heavy arms up and placed her hands on her odd feeling stomach. Her midsection was still distended and straining at her uniform, Becky felt how big she was and was totally confused, oblivious to the fact she was packed full of a half gallon of an unlicensed weight gain formula. Not fully conscious, she tried to shift herself to sit up but found it an effort to move. Everything was completely incoherent and she was bewildered. Pleasure suddenly washed through her as she felt the weight and size of her belly strain against her ultra tight uniform as she moved. The rushing increased abruptly as the feeling of fullness and erotic satisfaction suddenly made Becky extremely aroused, without thinking she reached down and pulled at her uniform until she could reach at her pudgy crotch and feel it beneath her fingers. After an indeterminate period of disoriented masturbation she again tried to sit up, this time a little more successfully, but as she propped herself a little further, the added size and fullness of her packed belly pushing outward was just too much for her uniform to take, a sudden rip at the side of Becky's uniform sent her belly jolting out forward that little bit more, the relief of pressure made Becky moan out loud and she collapsed back into the bed. Becky was completely breathless and in a dreamlike state consumed by the intense rush. After a lot of effort, she struggled free of her torn uniform, inexplicably exhausted, languishing on her back clad only in her underwear. She blacked out.

Becky half woke again many hours later, still in a state of utter confusion. She looked around for someone but there was no one to be seen. She realised she was in her underwear and lying on top of her bed cold, but strangely she didn't really care about that. She tried to get up but still felt very heavy, full, and drained of energy. She rolled over and saw a folded note on the bedside table and a full cake decorating bag next to it. She was very confused, unsteadily Becky propped herself up a little, "Is this real?", The question whispered and echoed through Becky's mind and made her feel dizzy. She noticed the heaviness of her stomach and looked down at her bloated body. Her belly was still large and swollen, chubby creases of fat now appeared as she lay propped up and twisted in bed. With effort, she slowly got to her knees and swayed as she clasped her engorged belly, it was firm like a jelly between her fingers, and felt enormous. Becky got to her feet and staggered about still feeling like she was floating, she stumbled to the bathroom and stood swaying not knowing why she even went in there in the first place. She blacked out for a moment, then looked bewildered again at her huge belly and held it, the current size of it was beginning to arouse her, with this came an intense rushing that flowed through her body like nothing she had ever felt, Becky almost fell down. She tried to focus again, Becky's head was still swimming and she was oblivious to just how inebriated she actually was, her thought processes were confusing and fragmented, and she was totally engulfed by the effects of the sheer amount of drugs that were permeating the entirety of her body. Not knowing how inebriated she was, Becky never even registered her current predicament. Nevertheless, she left the bathroom and lurched back to the table next to the bed. She opened the note, barely being able to make it out, "Breakfast Xxx". What did that mean? Becky carefully sat on the edge of the bed trying to steady herself, she eyed the cake bag swaying slightly. "Breakfast" hissed and reverberated around inside her head again. She tried to focus on the cake bag but was preoccupied with the feeling currently raging inside her, the intensity, the pleasure, the arousal, the weight. Becky could feel herself rushing like she had never experienced. Becky's eyes were rolling as she tried to look at the cake bag as once again "Breakfast" suggestively buzzed and vibrated in her head again. Becky's thoughts tailed off and she lurched for the bag and thrust the nozzle in her mouth. She clumsily grabbed and squeezed at the bag, forcing and sucking the sweet mixture into her mouth, the sweetness hit her instantly, the arousal was instant, she was in a constant state of climax as she forced the thick mixture into herself, the feeling of weight returned to her, this time even greater, and she moaned and shook as she continued to climax. Her belly was slowly swelling outwards further as it was once again filled with another half gallon of the rich mixture, this on top of the previous indulgence. As Becky continued to fill herself with the thick heavy mix, more of the sedatives began to start taking effect and she was lost into a complete and utter state debauchery. Under the influence of enormous amounts of sedatives and other drugs, Becky gave no care as to what, and more importantly, what quantity of what she might actually be ingesting, she just continued until the bag was empty and once again blacked out.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !