Becky's research

chapter 18

"Becky, Becky, wake up for fucks sake, Becky, Becky, can you hear me, my god what did I do, Becky sweet please wake up". Laura had returned to Becky after her days participation on the trail excited to see if Becky had eaten the other cake mix for breakfast. What she found when she let herself back in the room was Becky flat on her back on the bed in her underwear with a tremendously stuffed abdomen protruding up in the air. Laura looked at it with delight, Becky had only gone and done it and the effects were incredible. She looked a good 6 or 7 months pregnant. She crept towards Becky thinking she was asleep and tried to stir her, no response. She tried shaking, nothing. Shouting and shaking, nothing. She slapped her gently on the face, no response. Slapped harder with shouting and shaking, same result. Laura continued to try and wake Becky until it dawned on her the Becky was simply not waking up. She was frantic with panic and guilt, what the hell had she done to Becky, Ian and Tom were right, what the hell was this stuff Becky had eaten. She checked Becky's pulse and airway, she was alive, thank god, but she could not be woken up. Laura, still panicking, decided she had to get Becky into a safer position. She had to work at heaving Becky into a position where she could get her under the covers in the bed and on her side in case she was sick, but this task was made difficult by Becky's weight and unresponsiveness. Getting Becky finally under the covers, Laura Noticed how Becky's underwear looked like they were painfully digging into her flesh, so she decided to pull them off so that Becky would be more comfortable and less constrained. Finally getting her in a safe position and with some decency reinstated, Laura sat in a silent panic. She couldn't tell anyone this had happened, it would basically end them both. Laura and Becky would be off the programme for sure. No, she had to get through this on her own. She stared at Becky in the bed, her face was serene, no looks of discomfort, no strained expression, just peacefulness. She checked her breathing and pulse again and it was fine. There were no obvious signs that Becky was in distress or unwell. She was just in a deep deep sleep. "I'm just going to have to be with her as much as I can till she wakes up, it's all I can do. Fuck, I should have never been so fucking stupid, what the fuck is wrong with me, oh Becky". Laura began to weep, she was racked with guilt and remorse for putting Becky in this mess. She stroked Becky's hair back out of her face. Becky's weight gain since her and Laura had first met had given her such a round and beautiful face, if there ever was a candidate for prettiest fat girl, Becky was it. She looked all the more beautiful as her face had filled out, it suited her, she was destined to be fat, Laura was sure. She sobbed again.

"Becky sweet, please wake up", Laura said quietly. "Hmmmmmm". Becky mumbled for the first time in days, still with closed eyes. "Becky, you're awake, oh thank fuck you are wake". After a good 15 minutes of total incoherence, Becky was conversing a little better having regained some semblance of consciousness. "How, how ... long ....have I been sleeping?" Becky mumbled as she tried gingerly to prop herself up a little on her side. She felt so disjointed and couldn't hold on to a thought. It was incredibly hard to focus on and comprehend what Laura was saying. "Becky, you have been asleep for three days, I tried everything to wake you, you were completely out of it, I was so scared". Becky felt how dry her mouth was and then realised she was actually desperately thirsty, why hadn't she noticed until then? "Could, could I ..... sum.. water", Becky mumbled quietly, still finding it extremely difficult understand anything. Laura could barely make out what Becky had said but she got the jist of it, "Yes of course, I'll get you some straight away. Laura quickly filled a nearby pitcher and grabbed a glass, filled it and passed it to Becky. Becky drank it all and then Laura refilled for a second, then a third, finally a fourth time. "Thirsty", Becky muttered and attempted a small smile. Laura smiled back at her. "I bet, you were out of it for days. I had to tell Tom you were feeling worse and you had asked me to stay with you, he came round yesterday you know to check everything was ok, he seemed a little anxious, I had tucked you all up so you looked fast asleep, I almost told him what had happened, I was so worried, but it would have been a disaster". As Laura was speaking, Becky wasn't even listening, but she suddenly realised she was completely naked. "I'm, I...naked", Becky trailed off and then slowly came back, "naked... where are my clothes, how did I get to bed?" Incredulous, Becky looked around the room at nothing in particular, trying to regain any level comprehension. "Becky, er, you were in a bit of a state when I found you, you were flat out on the bed in your undies, unconscious and stuffed to the brim with that cake mix, I couldn't leave you like that could I? I got you safely into bed and covered up, but your underwear was all so tight it looked painful and I was worried, so I took it off for you". Totally confused, Becky only comprehended Laura's last sentence. Becky blushed and suddenly went shy. Laura sensed this and hastily added, "Oh no, no, don't worry, I didn't have time to gawp, I was in a state of total panic. Becky managed a meek smile and looked away embarrassed. Laura sat and tried to talk for a while longer, but Becky was still mostly unresponsive and Laura could tell she was shaken still, so now that she was awake and ok, Laura took the opportunity to go let Tom know that Becky was feeling a little better, and of course Laura also needed some sleep herself. She had to be back on the programme again tomorrow. "Thank you", Becky said, withdrawn and quiet, and gave Laura another attempt at a smile. Laura could sense Becky was still distressed. She felt a rush of guilt again but didn't say anything. "Call me if you need anything OK?", Laura said with false sternness and a smile, she lent in gave Becky a kiss. "See you tomorrow sweet", she smiled at Becky again and left, locking the door behind her.

Becky sat in the bed for a moment. Still trying to make sense of anything she could, but it was useless. She hadn't let on to Laura, but she had trouble understanding who Laura was. Becky knew they were friends, but all these things she was saying made no sense. She didn't recollect anything of what Laura had said to her, No memories. Nothing. Becky would also never realise that she was still incredibly inebriated, she couldn't concentrate, had no energy, and felt like she was in a dream. She gingerly pulled the covers off and sat on the edge of the bed a little dizzy. Stumbling slightly as she got to her feet, she found a robe and slipped it on. She realised that she needed to use the toilet, oblivious to the mixture that would continue to be slowly processed inside of her, and decided to get cleaned up and take a shower. Still in a complete daze, Becky was oblivious to what she did in the bathroom. She used the toilet and then absent-mindedly showered, but all she really wanted to do was crawl back into bed. So that's what she did. After drying herself, she managed to find some clean underwear and slip them on, then clambered back into her cocoon of a bed. Becky was so disconnected, but would never even register it. Apart from the confusion, she actually felt very content and peaceful. In fact, she barely gave a thought to anything, and closing her eyes she fell asleep again almost instantly.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !