Becky's research

chapter 19

Becky stirred around 4pm the next day, another 15 hours of sleep. Coming too, she lay serenely in the bed with no thoughts in particular crossing her mind feeling total contentment. Unbeknown to Becky, she had no memories of what had happened over the last 5 days. The effects of the massive amounts of drugs in Becky's system meant that she hadn't retained any memories of what had happened, and due to the extremely prolonged effects Becky would continue to experience, it was going to be difficult to even recall and retain memories in the aftermath. Instead, Becky was left in an absent-minded state. She revelled in just lying in the bed, feeling tranquil, content, and lazy. Becky dwelled on that for a moment, then realised she liked the thought of that. Lazy. She had distant memories of lazy. For the first time in days she finally stretched properly and her hands found her belly. She rested them there for a while, feeling it rise and fall as she breathed. She gave it a gentle squeeze with both hands. It was so round and delightful. She ran her hands down across her firm skin towards her waste where her belly smoothly integrated with her plump crotch, then she ran her hands up again back over the rising mound of fat which was her belly, she thought for a brief moment that her belly seemed bigger, but she didn't care. It was round, she liked that. She liked how it felt. Fat. Full. Round. Becky liked her fat. "Yeah", Becky thought in sheer contentment, "Fat and lazy". She slapped the side of her belly gently and, lifting her thighs up and bringing her feet up to beneath her buttocks, she compressed her belly a little more, squeezed the fat together between both her hands, she massaged it gently between her fingers and hands. She noticed again the abundance of ways she could grasp it, she really could get good handfuls now and really grab and squeeze. "mmmph", Becky let out a nasal sigh and a wry smile. That felt good. She then had a hazy memory of Laura, was she coming over today? She couldn't remember. She mulled over the idea of getting cleaned and dressed, but it seemed like so much effort. After an hour of procrastination, she finally heaved herself out of bed.

Becky had taken a lengthy shower and was in the bathroom dressed in some underwear and the loose fitting red transparent robe again when Laura arrived. She liked the softness on her skin, and catching glimpses of herself in the mirror as she walked by. "Hey sweet, how are you feeling?", Laura called as she came in and locked the door. There was a slightly longer pause than usual and the she heard Becky call from the bathroom. "Hey .....", a longer pause, "...Yeah feeling much better", came a rather flat and empty response. Laura noticed that Becky had responded rather slowly and sounded a little absent. Becky came out of the bathroom and turned towards Laura smiling at her warmly. Laura was a little taken a back when she saw Becky, she had that ridiculous robe on again and it was open at the front, Laura now got a full view of Becky for the first time since she found her on the bed days ago. "Becky, wow err, you're still so... big!". Laura was a little incredulous as to how Becky still looked so noticeably large. It had been almost 5 days since the cake mix stuffing, the effects of the stuffing should have dissipated by now, however she actually seemed a little bigger now than she had been before the incident took place, just not in a completely stuffed way any more. Her belly wasn't sagging or drooping, there was just, more of it. Becky was simply fatter. Becky halted and absently looked down at her belly pushing out through the robe. After a moment, with her attention now focussed on it, she noted it was certainly protruding delightfully, but what was the problem? Becky gently held it in both hands and felt it. She could feel pleasingly firm rolls and creases form between her fingers as she probed her flesh. She looked at Laura with a mildly confused yet relaxed look, Becky didn't actually care, in fact she liked it, so why did Laura looked so shocked? A fragmented memory came to Becky that Laura liked it too. After the brief hesitation, Becky meandered up to Laura and then pressed herself against her, bringing her head towards Laura's ear and whispered in a soft and low sensual voice, "I love this body", Becky took one of Laura's hands and placed it on her stomach, Laura could feel the extra padding Becky now had, it was still wondrously firm but she could feel there was definitely an abundance of it now. Laura actually blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed by Becky's forthcoming yet strangely detached demeanour. "I'm fat and lazy". Becky whispered again slowly and sensually, pulling away and looking at Laura with a teasing yet somehow still distant half smile like she wasn't quite all there. She slowly sauntered back into the bathroom. Laura felt a bit flushed, but something wasn't right. Becky was acting strangely and Laura was beginning to feel a little concerned. She followed Becky into the bathroom. "Becky, how much do you weigh now?". Laura asked with a mixture of genuinely curiosity and concern, Becky seemed to have filled out a lot in just the last week alone, and after the events of the past 5 days Laura was more than a little anxious about Becky, especially as she was acting so out of character since she had woken up. "Lets see shall we", Becky said completely nonchalantly. She reached for the scales and stepped on.

The scale stopped at 205. "Huh." Unfazed, Becky shrugged at Laura and smiled, conveying a look of complete carefree self-satisfaction. Looking at Laura sensually, Becky slowly sauntered off the scales without uttering another sound. Laura could have been forgiven for thinking that Becky seemed to be completely untroubled with what had just took place. Not happy, not concerned, not aroused, just placid. Laura stood there for a moment a little perplexed and then followed Becky back out into the bedroom. "Becky, you must have put on 50 pounds in what, 4 months?", Laura exclaimed with mild frustration. Needless to say, she wasn't frustrated at Becky's weight, but it was because Becky now just seemed so nonchalant about it, no excitement, no real emotion about anything that had happened in the last week. What on earth was going on with her?
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !