Becky's research

chapter 3

Tired, drunk and more than a little ashamed of herself, she managed to close all the files making sure she left the terminal as Tom had left it and carried herself off to bed, her head filled with a funk she could barely make sense of.

After a restless nights sleep Becky woke in the morning and stared at the ceiling. "What the hell was that last night", she began thinking, "What are Iain and Tom researching that would require girls to ... change like that... What about health... the ethics?" Becky felt a pang of slight excitement again within herself, "What was I thinking, why did I...", Becky slowly reached down between her legs as she thought about the blonde girl putting on 100 pounds before her very eyes. Becky thought about how many women she could look at, all gaining weight. So many pictures to look at. She had to forcefully stop herself from sliding her hand into her knickers as it was again getting a little too intense and confusing for her. "What the hell Becky?", she thought to herself feeling shame again. To say Becky felt uneasy about how she was feeling was an understatement. Then she suddenly remembered, Tom was coming today to keep her company, what if he found out she had been on the computer? Becky was sure he would check and find it still logged in. She began to panic a little. Would Tom even be able to tell? Becky felt anxiety wash through her with the realisation that Tom was almost certainly going to check the office, and worse, she may be found out. Pent up on adrenaline, Becky got up and showered and hastily began her daily duties trying to keep herself busy. She kept glancing at the hallway that led to the office, knowing what was there, what if Tom found out she had been on the terminal, could he tell?. Then the sound of the phone shattered her thoughts. She just stared at the phone across the room in a panic.

Hi Becky its Tom. Look, I know I said I would come over and keep you company for a while today but something has come up in the lab..... err, me and Iain are going to be busy for perhaps the next three weeks or so .... maybe a month. I know it's not the news you wanted to hear ... these things happen I'm afraid with our research, it all happens at once, or begins, anyway ... I am very sorry that you will be left to your own devices for such a long time.... err.... remember you can still go out if you want, you are not in prison, heh, just remember the alarms and internal locks to the office ... oh and if you go out don't forget to notify the security line and set the office alarms ... thinking about the office Beck, I may have left a computer logged in, but I am having a little trouble with the remote access.. damn glitchy systems, I am pretty sure I didn't but just check for me and log out if so ... we are .... anyway, I won't keep you, I have so much to do over the coming weeks, gotta start somewhere .... errr .... I will give you a call and keep you in the loop from time to time ... I would pop by but with the lab being so far out .... anyway .... take care, I will call when I am going to drop by, I just already said that didn't I ... ... ... bye Beck".

Becky slumped into the couch. "Shit", she whispered. She sat there for a moment letting the relief wash over her. She hadn't been caught on the terminal. However, she wasn't ready to log that terminal out just yet. Feeling relieved and slightly liberated by this news, Becky lay back in the couch, closed her eyes and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

It was later that day and Becky had kept herself busy for the most part with her duties. She had finished in the office and had made good progress with her weeks cleaning. The only things Becky had left to do for the day is order herself some groceries and then do the closedown duties for the night. After that she was free. Becky was more than a little curious to get back on the terminal but she decided to be sensible and wait until she had finished work. After all, she wasn't sure if they would try to access terminal 3 remotely during office hours as Tom had mentioned, and using that computer out of hours was risky enough. She couldn't chance getting caught. Becky set about ordering her normal grocery delivery from the account Iain had set up, it was due later that day so Becky told herself she would wait for that to arrive before she could lock the doors and do closedown, then she would be free to satisfy her curiosity and investigate the computer. She made herself some brunch in the kitchen and sat waiting for what seemed like eternity for the groceries to be delivered. A few hours later, they had arrived, Becky quickly got them inside, thanked the driver and then locked all the doors to the premises early for the evening. Hastily storing the groceries away and making sure to grab herself a bottle of wine from the rack, Becky finally, and perhaps a little reluctantly, made her way to the office. By 6 o'clock in the evening, all the doors were locked, the blinds were down and the lights were off. Becky sat down alone at terminal 3. She shook the mouse, the screen came on, she opened the folder, opened group 18, found the images and clicked on the second woman's folder.

The next lady Becky found herself looking at was an attractive black woman. Again she was around 150lbs, well 151 to be precise. Becky opened the wine, poured herself a glass and started to scroll. Again, the weight came on slowly to begin with, but with this lady it seemed to increase a little faster this time. Becky noticed that this woman appeared to almost have a slight smile in a lot of her pictures, which was different to the first woman, who for the most part remained expressionless. Becky got the impression that this second lady almost seemed to look like she was enjoying the experience. Becky was even more bewildered now than she was the previous evening, trying to imagine if this lady took pleasure in fattening herself up in front of the camera. It was all ass and belly with this new lady, her butt grew and grew, rising higher up her back and jutting out like a two big round orbs. As her weight increased, a large roll formed on her back and sides below her bra, and under it was her butt. By 200lbs, her butt was the most round posterior Becky had seen, her skin had no stretch marks or blemishes what so ever, just wonderful soft brown flesh. She kept scrolling and the final images said 298lbs. This lady was very large now, no mistaking, and Becky got the distinct impression she revelled in it. Becky finished her first glass of wine, and just looked at the woman on the screen for a while. From such a thin, toned, athletic woman, to have gained all that weight, how must she feel, what must it feel like? Becky sat for a moment pondering these questions. She shifted in the chair slightly and rubbed her thighs together as she felt the warmth swell between her legs, she let out a trembling breath, then poured another glass and opened another folder.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !