Becky's research

chapter 21

Two days later, Becky awoke slowly again in the afternoon. She was spending a good 14 hours asleep every day since she woke after the incident, and that was now a full week ago. Becky hadn't done anything in the last few days, mainly lounging in bed and enjoying the selection of tasty food Laura had left her from the canteen. Becky hadn't really been eating a great deal, as the overdose meant that most of the time she either forgot to eat or didn't think to, but when she did eat the effects of the formula and her lethargy meant that this was being stored as fat almost immediately. She hadn't even occupied herself with anything. She was just content to exist, and didn't given it another thought. Although Becky hadn't noticed, Laura had been strangely absent in the last few days. After the last night they spent together, Laura felt a bit dejected, as Becky had seemed to be more interested in herself than Laura. Laura had felt a bit like the spare wheel in a threesome, even though it was just the two of them. That's not to say that Becky wasn't right, Laura did find it incredibly arousing to watch Becky getting off, but after the incident it was different, before they were both involved together, with Laura enjoying a sense of superiority, whereas after it was like Laura was surplus to requirement. It was as if Becky, the Becky she knew, just wasn't there most of the time. Laura had decided to just give her some space for a few days, but in actuality Laura couldn't have made a worse decision. Becky was in desperate need of an anchor to the reality of what was before, and that had now all but slipped away from her in the last few days due to the ongoing effects of the overdose. This was only going to get worse, especially for the next 12-13 days, and Laura not being there meant that Becky was progressing ever further into the placid and absent-minded state than she already was. The situation was made even more desperate by the fact that unbeknown to Laura, Becky was in serious need of professional help, and the more time that elapsed without Becky receiving it, the less and less likely it was that Becky would ever recover. In fact, irreversible changes to Becky's personality had already occurred due to the overdose, and without help to stop their progression, these would only develop further. Whereas the intense lethargy Becky was feeling was already beginning to subside as the drugs slowly left her system, as well as the alterations to Becky's metabolism and energy absorption that were also gradually diminishing and would return to normal over the 20 days, the changes to Becky's personality, would not.

Laura got up from the canteen and placed her tray in the rack. "Right, it's been two days, I have to check on her". Laura headed towards Becky's room. She knocked on the door and waited. No response came and all was quiet inside. She knocked again louder this time and heard a stir. "Come in", came a tired but nevertheless cheery response from within. Laura opened the door. Becky was in the bed in the process of turning around to face the door, she was smiling warmly and looked a little sleepy, but she seemed fine. "Hello", she cooed quietly as she saw it was Laura. Laura came and sat on the edge of the bed next to Becky and ran a hand through her hair. "How are you feeling Becky?", Laura asked softly. Becky took a deep intake of breath and stretched with a contented smile, "I feel lovely, how are you?" Becky turned and lay on her back, raising herself up onto her elbows and looked kindly at Laura. "I'm ok sweet, a little worried about you though", "You don't need to worry about me", Becky tried to say through a stifled yawn, "I'm never better". Becky beamed and almost did a little wiggle in bed after her yawn. The way she delivered this with a strange mix of sincerity and innocence caught Laura by surprise. "Becky, sweet, have you thought about coming back to work? It's been like a week now since.... and I think Tom mentioned this has been your twelfth day off or something since you were originally 'ill'. They haven't heard from you in ages, everyone is worried, I think you at least need to call them". Becky went vacant and quietly muttered "Work". Laura watched as Becky just went blank. "Work", Becky repeated after a moment, "Yes work, of course, I will have to call..... Tom". Becky half heartedly pushed the covers off and slowly rolled out of bed, Laura did a double take as Becky stood up and stretched again with her arms held high above her head, her belly protruding out in front of her. Laura was again incredulous. Yet again Becky's stomach had migrated outwards. It had only been 2 days since the last time she saw her. Laura suddenly realised Becky was heading for the phone and knew she needed to quickly intervene. Laura wasn't sure Becky was ready for work again quite just yet, and looking at Becky now she was almost positive she didn't have a uniform left that would fit her, or any other clothes for that matter.

"Woah, Becky hold on, you don't need to call Tom now, call him in the morning sweet when he will be available properly to talk to you." Becky froze, she was stood looking at the phone with her arm outstretched in her just underwear with a baffled expression on her face. Laura actually smirked at the sight of her and had to stifle a snort of laughter. After another short pause, "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll call in the morning". Becky turned and smiled at Laura again. Laura decided to quickly turn attention to the problem of clothes. She swiftly eyed Becky's body again and goodness was that girl getting fat, but the belly, what was going on? It was fantastically rotund, it really did look pregnant, and so tantalisingly fat. She could just bite it. Laura shifted slightly, "Jesus, that girl", she thought in total admiration. Becky's strange behaviour was also starting to have an effect on Laura, it was like Becky had no care or clue about herself, and there was a genuine innocence to it that was strangely alluring. She shook it off. "Now Becky, we need to sort something, come with me. Becky gladly followed Laura to the wardrobe where Laura started rummaging through it. Laura suspected that Becky hadn't been clothed in at least a week, and she was right. She found the largest size uniform of Becky's she could, but she knew it was a lost cause. "Nah, that's not gonna fit", She was holding up the uniform in front of her eyeing it suspiciously, she then threw it to the side and continued looking. "Whaah, it will", Becky said in cheery surprise. "Becky, sweet, trust me, it won't". Laura was unsure how Becky would react if she couldn't even fit in her biggest uniform any more. But before she knew it, Becky had enthusiastically picked the uniform up. "You'll see, look", Becky said beaming, and unzipped the back of the garment. "No, Becky, seriously..." Laura began, but Becky had already rolled the uniform up slightly and stepped into it, she was hoicking it up her thighs when it got stuck at her butt. She looked around a little surprised to see it jammed under her fatter butt cheeks. "Could you just.... Help ....Pull it... over... my....butt...", Becky said shuffling and tugging at the fabric. Laura rolled her eyes but did her best to help. After a lot of effort, the pair of them successfully had the uniform over Becky's ass and wedged tightly under her belly. She was half in. "Right...", Becky looked down at her evidently too large belly in front of her. She tugged a little half-heartedly trying to get the rest of it over her new figure. She slowly looked up at Laura who was watching with an amused look on her face, Becky gave Laura the cutest most nonchalant 'well fuck it I'm fat' look and shrugged, almost as if she was proud. Laura's heart pounded and she cracked up laughing, Becky, not really understanding what was so funny but also finding humour in Laura's response started to giggle and both the girls burst into laughter. Needless to say, this was going to need a different approach, they could sort a new uniform out later.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !