Becky's research

chapter 22

After a brief interlude Laura returned to Becky's room with a cardboard box. She had gone on a scavenge for some clothes she could beg borrow or steal off the other girls that might be suitable for Becky's new size. Luckily for Becky, most of the other girls couldn't fit in their old clothes now either so there was a little bit of a choice. Many things didn't fit or were inappropriate to go and see Tom in the office, but they found a pair of black jeans and a loose fitting grey woolly pullover that hopefully would suit Becky nicely. The pullover was fine, it fitted well enough to not look silly, but loosely enough to hide her newly protruding stomach. The tricky bit was going to be the jeans. Laura had doubts as to whether they would fit, but with a little effort, maybe. Becky sat on the bed and put both her legs in the jeans, she pulled them up as far as she could sitting down and then stood. Once again Becky hoicked them up to beneath her butt and then looked over to Laura with a smile. Laura took a moment to look at Becky's ample ass hanging out the back of the jeans, with her belly poking even further out the front, she then got behind Becky and admired the round cheeks below. Laura tugged and pulled almost lifting Becky off the ground but eventually heaved the jeans over Becky's fabulous posterior and they were nearly there. Becky was pulling and adjusting the waistband of the jeans to make sure they were seated properly. Even without the jeans zipped and buttoned she sported an award winning muffin top and her belly looked unbelievable next to the tightness of her legs and butt in the jeans. Becky wiggled her hips a little as a test and then took a few steps forward when suddenly, looking a little startled, she stopped. The sheer tightness of the jeans across her thighs and butt, and the way they were digging in between her legs were giving her issues, but not because she was uncomfortable. She ran her hands over the tightness of the jeans and unconsciously rubbed her thighs together. Becky's vacant face had gone a little flushed with pink. Laura couldn't help but notice, it was so obvious, Becky wasn't even hiding it, or perhaps maybe she just didn't even realise. "Becky.... Becky..... stay with me here darling", Laura was staring at Becky with her eyebrows raised. A little breathless, Becky then seemed to realise where she was and turned back to face Laura still with a surprised and lively look on her face. The jeans were now on but the fly was wide open. "That will do Becky, no one will notice if the fly is undone tomorrow with that pullover, and they certainly ain't falling down, it may actually help sweet". Laura was trying to negate the possibility that Becky would start getting hot and bothered again on the way to see Tom tomorrow, or worse when she was talking with him, which of course should ideally be avoided. Becky looked at Laura and her expression changed to one of hedonistic need. "I just need your help", Becky said with concentration, still breathless, and beaconed Laura over by tugging at the tabs. Laura hesitated for a moment and then her own desires got the better of her. She approached Becky and moved in close behind her. Becky was standing with her feet together and slightly kneading her thighs against themselves, expectantly holding her arms out of the way like she was mimicking a chicken and looking down her front at her abundant midriff. Laura slowly brought her arms up and gently held Becky's love handles in her hands. "Goodness this girl is getting thicc!", Laura thought, gently squeezing Becky's sides. She let her hands move across Becky's smooth skin down underneath the flesh of Becky's muffin top and then under her belly to the waist band of the jeans. She could feel Becky's belly resting on her forearms, and Becky's breath had now gone quick and shallow. Becky had that distant vacant look in her eyes again, like she wasn't really there. Laura found the two tabs of the fly and jerked them suddenly towards one another, Becky let out an short but audible gasp. Laura did it again, Becky stifled a louder breathless sound of pleasure. Laura heaved the two tabs together and with a final thud Becky let out another breathless whimper and the button was in place. Laura could tell Becky was going to climax soon, and the silly girl was only being crammed into a pair of jeans, but she would be lying if it wasn't a turn on. Laura then slowly clasped Becky's ample belly in her hands as it bulged over the waistband. She gently and slowly lifted it up to seat the jeans properly, and then dropped it suddenly. Becky whimpered louder and started to tense up, crossing her thighs further. Laura ran her hands purposefully to Becky's crotch and found the zipper. She could feel the heat of Becky's arousal emanating from within the opening of the fly. With a little effort, she slowly and calculatedly started to zip it closed, bit by bit. Becky's breathing further quickened and went yet more shallow, getting closer to the top Laura applied a bit more pressure and with a final heave it was closed. Becky let out a final loud high pitched whimper until she had no breath left and all expression left her face apart from intense orgasm. Her eyes and mouth half open, she swayed vacantly in silence for a moment, then her eyes rolled and she collapsed on the floor unconscious.

For a moment Laura just stood there with her hands on her hips looking at Becky slumped on the floor. She rolled her eyes again. "For fucks sake, what is this amateur hour?", Laura said out loud with benign frustration. She knelt down and started shaking Beck gently. "Becky... Becky, oh for fucs..... Becky!" Laura shook her a little harder and a gasp emanated from the slumped Becky. She was still for a moment, breathing heavily, a few intense moans emerging with the breaths. "I bet that was a good one", Laura thought to herself as she watched Becky come around. Raising her head, Becky looked around the room for a moment panting and then realised she was on the floor. She looked up at Laura in utter bewilderment. "Next time darling remember to breath", Laura said with gentle sarcasm as she helped Becky to her feet. As Becky was a little wobbly, Laura sat her down on the bed to make sure she wasn't going to fall again. After a moment Becky let out a contented sigh and let herself fall backwards onto the bed and flung her arms outstretched above her head. She rubbed her thighs together and sighed again, smiling broadly with a self-satisfied smile. Becky then started giggling to herself uncontrollably with gratification. Laura just looked at her with the same type of unimpressed expression a parent would have upon finding their drunk teenage child. Laura again found herself eyeing Becky's midsection, especially in those jeans, damn the girl had a fat belly, she could model for maternity wear. Laura was convince she had put more weight on, but in two days? It just doesn't work like that. Becky had calmed herself now and was just resting with her eyes closed, so Laura decided to satisfy her curiosity.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !