Becky's research

chapter 5

Becky was on the couch when Iain and Tom arrived. She had thrown on a t-shirt and jeans as she was now finished with cleaning and was expecting company, however these were now beginning to get a little snug across the middle. Although totally in denial, Becky had started to rather enjoy the feeling of squeezing herself into clothes that were perhaps now a bit tight, especially her jeans. It was so odd, but also strangely exhilarating. But now was not the time for such self indulgence and she shook these thoughts clear. Tom was the first to enter, followed by Iain. Both were looking fairy dishevelled and tired. Becky jumped up with a smile, "Hello, how are you? Long time! Can I make you two a drink?". Both Iain and Tom looked at Becky for a moment, "Yes please Becky", Tom said, "Two strong coffees". When the drinks were made they went and sat down at the table. "So Becky, how has it been here. How have you been?". The two men were fixed on Becky and she felt a little unnerved. "Err, yeah it's been fine", Becky said cautiously, "Not much to tell really, I haven't really left the house at all. It's been quiet, but nice". Becky smiled at the two opposite her. "Becky...," Tom began, "... Look Becky, I'm going to get straight to the point", Becky's smile faded and she looked at them both. "Becky, I came over last night when you were asleep and ... well when I called and you didn't answer I walked to the bedroom to see if you may have been still awake reading", Becky suddenly felt a little tense, " Shit, was I covered? was I even wearing underwear?". "Well you were asleep which I wasn't too surprised at being late and all, so I left and went to the office .." , "Oh god they know, they know they know they know". Becky's thoughts screamed through her head. Iain had been silent until this point but he now had to say something. "Becky, have you had access to the computers in the office?", Iain said bluntly. Becky didn't say anything and just looked at them both like a rabbit caught in the headlights. "I ...", Becky tried, "Becky, we need to know, this is extremely serious", Iain continued. "Yes", Becky murmured and lowered her head. "Becky, the one thing that we ask, no, told you, was not to go on those terminals and you did. You have completely ruined the trust we placed in you and have an awful lot of explaining to do now so I suggest you start. Why and how did you get on the computers?", Iain barked. "I, I saw an email weeks and weeks ago from Tom to you, this is going to sound so pathetic now, but I thought you were sending each other ... rude pictures", Becky was sobbing slightly now, she knew the game was up, there wasn't much point trying to deny it now, her reaction had already given it away. "Continue", Iain said sharply. "Well, I wanted to look at what it might be, I was just, inquisitive. Then Tom came over, and after he left I went to the office to start cleaning and close, and I noticed, one of the computers was still on...", "Becky, I left you a message telling you to log out that terminal, why didn't you? That is completely undermining our trust". Even Tom was a bit frustrated now, as it was him that had really caused this and he had tried to rectify it but Becky had disobeyed him. "I know, I'm sorry Tom, I was just, I don't know why I did", Becky was finding a little hard to explain herself. "Take your time Becky, we need honest answers", Iain said more softly this time. "Well, I looked through the files and didn't know what it all meant, it was all numbers, but, but then I saw this one file and I noticed it said images, I, I clicked on it and, and I found all these pictures of women". Iain and Tom looked at each other with concerned expressions. "Yes, I found the pictures of all these women. I was shocked and confused but for some reason I keep looking. I felt wrong looking at them all, I didn't know what it was for ... but .... I, but I still don't know about the girls ... what's it all for? Why are these girls getting like this? What kind of research is this? ... I have to know, I've been honest with you..", "Okay, Becky calm down. I suppose we have to explain ourselves in light of this. You have already seen too much. Becky, the one thing we asked was for you to not go on the compu...", "I don't think that matters now Iain, the cat is out the bag, we are going to have to explain things to her otherwise this could get way out of hand, she does need an explanation...". Tom looked at Iain. "Okay, I suppose you are right".

"Becky, Tom and I are in involved in some independent research that has just received a considerable amount of funding. We are pioneering a brand new type of drug that we have been developing for the last 10 years. This drug will revolutionise the medical industry and is mainly designed to induce speedy weigh loss, but has other benefits including reducing cholesterol. I personally have an huge amount of faith in this drug and its potential. Tom and I have invested everything we have into this research to make sure this drug gets to the market. It's that good. Early tests have shown that in most cases our drug works 90% of the time. Taking it produces weight loss with little to no extra physical activity being required. The benefits this has, I can't begin to tell you. All the people with heart conditions, diabetes, people with disabilities and patients waiting for operations, it's ... the potential is huge". Iain looked at Becky passionately, proud of what he was saying. "I understand, that sounds fascinating it really does, but I am a little confused. You said weight loss drug? Why are all these women you have pictures of gaining so much weight?". Becky looked at them puzzled. "Well Becky, those women you have been looking at are all volunteers for part of our clinical trials. You realise that 90% isn't good enough. But I can't stress enough that they are all there voluntarily and can leave at any time", Iain began but Becky butted in, "But the weight gain, is the drug not working?", She asked with a concerned tone. "No, the drug is working fine, better than fine. The women that you have been looking at haven't been administered it yet. You see, to get the data we need to run the latest round of tests on our drug, we need to accurately and intensively investigate weight gain under scientific conditions on numerous different people before the drug can be administered. This gives us the data we need to perfect the drugs full weight loss characteristics. It is then administered to the women involved in the trials and extensively monitored. The women on our research trials have been selected specifically to study weight gain and then weight loss and how this effects their bodies, as everyone's physiology is slightly different. Before these women even begin these trials, we take a lot of time and care liaising with them about how much they are comfortable gaining and all the care they will receive whilst taking part in the research. All we ask is that they would be willing to take part in an active gain of anything from 25 pounds, but the exact figure is completely up to them. They are carefully watched and studied and their health is our utmost priority. They remain free to halt the research any time and begin the weight-loss portion of the study". "But how do you get them on the research in the first place? It's not like just anyone would be willing to gain 100 pounds like some of the women I saw", Becky asked in mild astonishment. "The volunteers are given a .... financial contribution for their taking part in the research. Being at the lab, all their expenses are paid for. Whilst on the research they will never want for anything. They are also promised that in taking part in the research they will receive all types of health care cover during and after the weight gain, even if they have left the trial early. They are offered personal trainers and dietitians should they require it, but as of yet none have". Iain smiled, "our drug is very, very good. They all receive a course of the drug after they have completed the weight gain part of the research and remain on it until they reach their desired weight again. This is the most important part of the research. Most of the participants have left the research in better health than before they started, due to the other positive health effects of the drug". "So, these women are not coerced in anyway and take part willingly?", Becky asked. "Of course, happy, willing and consenting participants are key to obtaining the most valuable data. We have found that the participants who aren't fully engaged with the research yield the least useful results. It really is in our interest to keep all the participants happy and healthy". "But why are they all so young? And why are they all women?", "Good questions. They are all between the ages of 21 to 29 as this is the time in a persons life when they are at their optimum health and fitness with regard to changes in weight. Any older and the bodies ability to adapt and process substantial weight gain and loss naturally declines as age increases. Younger bodies can deal with the effects of weight gain and subsequent loss with relative ease to that of older people. Oh, and the reason they are all women? Because this is the female testing trials. There is another study underway which is exclusively concerned with men. Both men and women process weigh gain and loss slightly differently you see, again different physiology". Becky looked at both the men in front of her. The room went silent for a moment. "What happens now?", Becky asked worriedly. "Well Becky, it's clear you can't stay in your current position after what has happened. You know too much now and have abused our trust, this is a real concern. We need to rethink ...", Becky quickly cut Iain off, "Please please don't fire me. This job is everything. Please!", she pleaded desperately.
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !