Becky's research

chapter 6

"I'm sorry Becky but you can't stay in this position it's .... the trust...", "Could you not put me on the research?", Becky said quickly, interrupting Iain again. Becky was desperate to keep this job, and was clutching at straws. She hadn't thought directly about it before, but in that moment of desperation, she would be willing to do anything to stay employed. "Becky, even though we would like to offer that to you, we even discussed it as an option, but I'm afraid we have decided against it. I'm very sorry. We could do with the data too". Becky looked down crestfallen, she knew she was going to loose her job. "However. That doesn't mean to say you are going to get fired". Becky looked up at Iain as Tom glanced at Iain and nodded. Iain continued, "I would like to offer you something else".

Iain then went on to explain what new job he and Tom would like Becky to do. They had been up most of the night discussing how to proceed with Becky. She couldn't be fired in case she talked. She had seen too much of the data. But if they kept her close, they could watch her and keep an eye on her, and she could prove to be potentially very useful. So they decided that Becky would become a liaising officer of sorts. She would help look after the volunteers who were taking part in the programme and make sure all their concerns and needs were addressed. After a discussion earlier in the morning, Both Iain and Tom thought that Becky was a perfect candidate for this, as she no doubt already knew too much and they were actually desperately short. She was wasted sitting the premises, which themselves had turned out to be a liability. In a way, Becky had done them an inadvertent favour. "What do you think Becky?", Tom asked. Becky tried not to let slip her delight at the prospect. "Oh yes I will, I would love to, thank you so so much, thank you". She couldn't believe that she still had a job, let alone a better one, she thought she was gone for sure. "Becky, we do have some concerns though", Iain carried on, "Becky, we cannot stress enough that by interacting with the participants you must keep your relationships strictly professional. This is enormously important, and we will be paying close attention to this". Becky remained quiet. "Becky, I am concerned because problems with professionalism have occurred before and caused us massive issues. There was a junior researcher that we employed to help with the trials, and lets just say he had an interest in the research that was a little too ... invested. Needless to say, he caused us an ungodly amount of trouble and nearly buried the entire program". Iain looked at Becky with concern again, "Becky, you already abused our trust once, but we, I, decided to offer this because I think you can become a valuable member of the team. You will hopefully be able to make sure, far better than we, that the participants best interests are being respected". "Thank you Iain, this means so much to me, I am so sorry I abused your trust, it really won't happen again..... but I have a question if I may, what did this person that caused you so much trouble actually do?", "I don't think that needs to be discussed now Becky", Tom said quickly, "You don't really need to know, the details aren't important". "Okay", Becky said, "When do I start?". "Monday. The new group is starting and we want you there straight away. That's where me and Tom have been for the past five weeks". Iain was getting up, "Sound good to you?", "Yes of course", Becky replied. "Then start packing, we are shutting this place as an office anyway. But Becky, this really is important. If you are going to do this, to repeat myself, your relationship with the girls must be strictly professional. If we even get a hint that that is no longer the case, you are gone, understand?". Becky knew Iain was being deadly serious. "I understand, you have my word it will stay professional". Becky honestly didn't know if she was being truthful.
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !