Becky's research

chapter 8

Becky yawned. It was late and she had been sitting mindlessly eating and chatting with Laura in the canteen since her official duties had ended and they were the last ones still there. She hadn't even changed out of her uniform. Laura looked at her and smiled. "You're tired", Laura said, gazing at Becky. "I am, its been a long day, but it's been lovely talking". Becky had felt herself growing more attracted to Laura as the weeks went on and liked spending time with her, and it was only recently she had discovered why. Laura reminded her of the first girl she had seen in the images all that time ago, the blonde girl she was so taken with, and the girl that started this whole experience. She knew nothing could happen between herself and Laura, and was very inexperienced when it came to dealing with intimacy with others, but she couldn't deny her strong feelings. "Come on, it's time we should get to our beds, you have work tomorrow". Laura got up and gestured that Becky do the same. "Yeah you're right, time for bed". Becky got to her feet and stretched raising her hands over her head. Her belly pushed out against her tight dress and Laura eyed it with pleasure. Laura had been watching with delight as Becky had been gaining a little weight, and selfishly and deviously, she had been encouraging this by giving Becky gain meals whenever she could. It was almost as if Becky was oblivious to the fact that she was putting on weight and her clothes were now getting noticeably tight. Both of these equally excited Laura. Laura had been through a period of self discovery in the initial stages of the trial, having discovered she had this sexual fetish. She was secretly getting an enormous amount of sexual pleasure from herself and the other girls on the trial gaining weight, and because of Becky's position outside of the active gain program, Becky putting on weight was all the more appealing, especially with her own sly manipulation. Laura desperately liked Becky and her weight gain just made the attraction stronger. Deep down, they both were aware of the mutual attraction, and the chemistry between them was thick, even some of the other girls had started to notice, but Becky being sheltered and reserved seemed oblivious to Laura's subtle suggestions and advances. Laura however, was now becoming increasingly forward with her advances, as frustration was starting to build. "Before you go to bed Beck, could you help me with some of the skin cream before bed?". This wasn't an unusual request for Becky, all be it rather later than usual, as she was asked by many of the girls to help them apply skin cream to help with attributed effects of weight gain. "Of course", Becky smiled, and she followed Laura back to her room.

The two girls arrived at Laura's room, entered, and Laura closed the door behind them. "Which one would you like?", Becky asked as she approached the sideboard where the creams stood. "The Cocoa Butter please", Laura replied. As Becky picked up the cream, Laura stood behind her at the door and gently turned the lock. Hearing this, Becky turned around and looked at Laura. Laura looked at Becky and slowly started to remove her clothes. Becky's heart started to beat hard and she felt herself starting to blush. Laura slowly stripped down to just her grey underwear and faced Becky. Becky just stared at Laura for a moment. The resemblance to the blonde girls was remarkable. Laura was at 223 pounds, Becky knew her stats, and she looked amazing for it. She had a big round belly that had started to drop down and cover her crotch. Her breasts were much larger than Becky's and they had migrated out and round just like the blonde girls in the first images Becky had seen. Embarrassed, Becky swallowed dryly, not knowing where to look. "Well..?", Laura smiled and nodded at the cream, knowing exactly what she was doing. Becky tried to compose herself and silently walked over and stood in front of Laura. "Could you do my Belly first?", Laura asked softly. Becky nodded and knelt down in front of Laura. Her heart was pounding now and she tried with all her might to keep her hands from shaking. She had never massaged cream into Laura's belly before, as Laura could reach herself, but she wasn't going to refuse. She squeezed some cream into her hands and ever so gently placed them flat against Laura's belly. Becky could feel warm damp starting to form between her legs as she rubbed the cream over Laura's soft fat. Her hands were trembling, never in her life had she been so aroused and embarrassed. Becky was already close to loosing it, she was honestly worried that she might there and then, and that made it worse. Laura could sense Becky's state of arousal, but she still couldn't completely work Becky out. Was she just a virgin? Inexperienced? She supposed it made sense. Laura decided to take a chance. "You like this don't you?", Laura said softly and looked down at Becky over her belly. Becky looked up at Laura's face, her big stomach slightly obscuring her view. Laura had a slight devious grin. Becky tried to answer with a 'what' but it came out as a breathless whisper "wha". Laura's grin broadened. "You like seeing me get fat don't you. You like it when I eat and I get bigger and fatter by the day. You like watching me sit and gorge myself and when I sit back my belly is in my lap, straining at my clothes". Becky let out a tiny but audible breathless sigh, she couldn't take it, she was going to climax and she had barely touched Laura. "I'm not going to stop you know, after the trial is over I'm only going to get fatter". Laura teased Becky, she could see that Becky was literally going to come at any moment if she continued. Becky had to do something, she was so embarrassed to be in this state, she couldn't carry on otherwise she really was going to loose control of herself and climax in front of Laura when she had hardly done or said anything. She quickly stood up and turned round, she couldn't help but let out a stifled squeak as she did so. As she turned and scurried away a few steps from Laura, she placed her hands over her mouth to try to stifle a few whimpers and held her thighs tight together. Laura slowly crept up behind Becky and gently kissed her neck. Becky froze. Very slowly and softly, Laura took off Becky's cardigan and let it slide to the floor. Becky remained compliant and let it happen, holding her breath and transfixed only on desperately trying to prevent herself from reaching climax. Laura carefully slipped Becky's uniform off, revealing her body, clad only in the same grey underwear that Laura and the rest of the girls had been given. Laura gazed at Becky's body, which looked for all the world like she had been stuffed by a sausage machine. She couldn't get over Becky's firm skin and her round, and for want of a better word, bloated body. She was a perfect tight curvy girl, right on the limit of being chubby. Laura looked at Becky's round firm ass, it was sticking out and was barely contained in the grey French knickers. "My, my, my. That underwear is familiar, do you want to be on the trial? You are getting fat enough for it aren't you?". Becky let out a stifled short moan of intense pleasure and placed a hand between her legs as if to try and hold it back for as long as possible, she couldn't help it, the humiliation and embarrassment of hearing Laura call her fat had pushed her to the very brink of climax, one more thing like that and she could no longer hold on. Laura sensed this and silently got right up behind Becky, gently drawing her hands up and slowly clasping Becky's round and tight pot belly. It was so perfectly firm in Laura's hands. Her fingers closed underneath the paunch of Becky's firm belly, and she could just about feel the still flat area below that was covered by her damp knickers. "You are getting chubby aren't you, and you fucking love it", In saying this Laura gave Becky's belly a firm squeeze and that was it. Becky grabbed between her legs with the other hand and came hard, shaking as she climaxed, she could feel Laura's hands massaging her belly as she came. "Oh my ... oh ... oh my godddd". Becky moaned breathlessly, as she did, Laura placed a hand over Becky's and applied pressure. Becky started to slump to the floor, in the throws of an intense orgasm and Laura just let her drop to her knees below her, a devious grin on her face.
27 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Nok 6 years
gave a like on page 2. 25 to go lol XD
Taffy Davies 6 years
I do have an Idea about where to take the story further. However it may take some time. This part took around 2 years to write on and off. I will have a think about Part Two. Watch this space.
Champ 6 years
Excellent story! Please continue!
Silentgrizzly 6 years
please continue.
Taffy Davies 6 years
My apologies for some of the chapter editing, and if there are any mistakes.

Hope you enjoy !