The formula

Chapter 4 - trapped

Harry could not believe what he had just witnessed. There on the stage was the stud from the reception desk, passed out on a chair that was straining under his weight. Only a couple of minutes ago he had been the best example of male athleticism and now he looked like he would struggle to get out of that chair once he woke up. The fat bulged in great rolls around his waist and he still had the damp sweatiness from the effects of the formula. Harry could even smell it from where he sat hidden.

The woman raised her hand for silence once again and the elated crowd became silent and sat down. 'Each of you will use thousands of doses of this formula on these pathetic boys before we next meet. Do I make myself clear?'

'Yes, yes, certainly!' cheered the crowd. Harry could tell that each one of them couldn't wait to get started. Their eyes were still wild from the buzz of watching the formula in action.

'Good. The meeting is over,' the lady announced grandly to yet another applause from the women below. Then she began to walk down the stage with all eyes in the room following her and getting up themselves to ask questions as she made her way out of the room.

'What would happen if one of the items we laced with the formula was eaten by someone else, by accident?' asked one woman, looking concerned.

The lady smiled and laughed cruelly. 'Then that's too bad for them!' she cackled, amused by the idea.

'How many men have you used this on already?' asked another.

She grinned deviously at the question, but did not answer. Harry could only imagine how many poor guys had succumbed to her formula.

The woman with the door key moved to the front with the correct key outstretched. Harry couldn't wait to see the door opened again, but how could he ever go back to the real world after seeing this? His whole perspective on life had just been changed forever. He leaned out just a fraction more, desperate to see if the women were making their way out, when the woman with the door key suddenly locked eyes with Harry.

Harry stopped dead and then darted back behind the screen, his heart beating furiously. Maybe she hadn't seen him? Nevertheless, he was breathing in huge pants and almost shaking. He felt butterflies rage in his stomach as if he were excited rather than scared to death.

'MADAM! MADAM!' he heard the woman shouting urgently, until the room became deathly silent. The pause seemed to last a lifetime. Harry closed his eyes and felt a bead of sweat roll off his forehead.

When she finally spoke again, it was in a confused but noticeably excited voice. 'There's a horrid, skinny little man, who's been hiding behind that screen over there...'

The women gasped aloud and Harry felt the eyes of every single one of them gazing at the screen he was now hiding behind. Another second later and he could sense them all advancing. He could stay here and let them find him, or he could run. He inhaled deeply and then stood up, throwing the screen at the women closest to him in an attempt to aid his escape. Many squealed at the sight of him, as if they hadn't really believed he had been there at all.

Harry looked and saw the lady who had been on stage, now glaring at him, suddenly very angry. 'Bring him to me!' she shouted, setting the women on him like a pack of dogs.

Harry didn't wait around and flew up on to the stage, skirting the edge of the room to try to avoid them all. They panicked and dashed around trying to corner him. He had his eye on the door and made a run for it, flying under a woman who was advancing towards him and knocking her off her feet. With unbelievable speed he had made it to the door as they all came running at him. He turned the knob, then yanked the door as hard as he could. It was still locked, and now he really was surrounded.

He pinned himself up against the door, unsure what to do. The whole room of women had him now. There was no escape. The lady who had been on stage suddenly appeared at the front, staring straight at Harry. She looked stern but had a wry smile on her face as she looked at him, now accepting how helpless he was.

'Please,' Harry began, bolding walking towards her. 'I didn't mean to...'

'Now!' ordered the lady, as Harry felt a collection of women grabbing each of his limbs and then lift his light body up into the air.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Giantjay 6 years
While I am not usually into magic stories, this one is grounded so well that I am totally entranced! I hope you continue and we get to see what happens to this fellow, and the effect on his life!
Feeder862 6 years
Yeah, it's a re-imagining of that scenario.
Theswordsman 6 years
You got this idea from Roald Dahl's the witches didnt you.