Moving to the fat farm

chapter 12

"Ahhhh that felt so good... Thank you so much, baby..."

"I have an idea I wanna run by you..."


"What do you say, when I become immobile, we move in together?"

"Oh, yes, absolutely! I was actually gonna ask Dean about that..." Colleen said.

"Did you girls order food?" Crystal asked, wheeling in a huge cart of hot breakfast food.

"Yes, that was me! Thanks Crystal! Don't worry, honey, I got enough for you too..." Shannon replied.

Shannon pulled a large pitcher off the cart. It was filled to the brim with a thick, brown, goop that looked like melted chocolate ice cream, but thicker. She filled two tall glasses with it and handed one to Colleen.

"Here, drink this." Shannon said.

"What is it?" Colleen replied.

"It's a weight gain shake. 5,000 calories and 650 grams of fat per glass. It's very thick, but it tastes great."

Shannon wasn't kidding. The shake was incredibly thick, and slid down her throat slowly, but it tasted better than any milkshake she'd ever had. It sat in her stomach like a rock, but she immediately wanted more when she'd finished her glass.

"Oh my God... Is there any more?!? That was so yummy!" Colleen gushed.

"Haha, I knew you'd like it! Here, I'll pour you another glass..." Shannon replied.

Colleen chugged that glass down quicker than the first, and immediately regretted it. She felt like she'd filled her belly with concrete. Shannon instantly sensed how full she was and shook her head, smiling.

"My big piggy can't help herself! Can she?!" Shannon said, rubbing Colleen's belly, kneading the enormous pile of soft, warm, blubber tenderly, grabbing handfuls of flab and getting herself all worked up.

"Mmmmm... I guess I really can't!" Colleen replied, giggling.

"I tried touching myself the other night..." Shannon began, lowering her voice.

"How'd that go?" Colleen asked sarcastically.

"Hahahahahmmm... Well, my belly's so big... That no matter how hard I tried... I couldn't reach my pussy..."

"I don't know how you're just reaching this point now. I gave up on masturbating over 200 pounds ago."

"Well... Where there's a will, there's a way. Hahaha..."

"Still wanna be a big, fat, enormous, immobile, blob?"

"Oh, yes! Yes, yes, yes! Because the thing about it was... It turned me on even more. Rubbing my big, swollen, belly, jiggling it, feeling how fat I am now... It makes me so fucking horny."

"I wish I could do that. Just cum from being fat..."

"Oh, love, you'll get there eventually. You just gotta let go of all that bullshit in your head telling you that it's not OK to be big."

"I'm trying..."

"I know you are. It's a big adjustment to make. You've been told your whole life that you don't deserve love, that you're disgusting, that you're unhealthy. You're not gonna undo all that overnight. But I'll be here to help you. Every step of the way."

"I love you, Shannon."

"I love you too, baby."

The girls requested a meeting with Dean, and were granted their wish two days later. He hadn't seen either of them in quite a few pounds, and was very happy with how much they'd both plumped up. As he watched Shannon stagger to her feet, already out of breath before she was even standing up, his cock became rock hard. He struggled to control himself as she embraced him in a big, warm, soft, hug, and his dick dug into her big belly. She smiled coyly as they pulled away from one another.

"Looking good, girls!" Dean said before sitting down.

"Thanks, Dean!" They replied in unison.

"So, what can I do for you two big beautiful women?"

"Well, Dean, as you can see, I've gotten really fucking fat." Shannon began.

Dean nodded and smiled.

"And pretty soon I'm gonna be immobile, like Colleen. And I'm very, very, excited for that. But I couldn't bear the idea of not being able to see my baby anymore..."

"Can Shannon move in with me?" Colleen said, cutting to the chase.

"You guys are... Together, huh?" Dean asked.

"Yes." Shannon said, taking Colleen's hand and smiling at her.

"Ok. I don't see why not. Although, for obvious reasons, I'm gonna ask Shannon to move up here instead of vice versa..."

"Hahahaha, of course!" Colleen said.

"I'm happy for you two. This'll be good, you can encourage each other to eat more." Dean said, smiling as he mulled over the possibilities.

"Oh, yes. Speaking of which, we should place an order!" Shannon said, picking up her phone.

"Alright, I'll leave you girls to your work. Unless there's anything else I can do for you?" Dean asked.

"Thanks Dean! You're the best!" Colleen said.

"Your very welcome, Colleen." Dean said before leaving.

"Oooooooohhhh yes! I can't wait!" Shannon squealed, giving Colleen a kiss.

"What do you wanna do for food?" Colleen asked.

"Burgers? Hot dogs? French fries? Ribs?" Shannon replied.

"Yes, yes, yes, and yes!"

"Sounds good!"

Within an hour, a cart full of triple-decker bacon cheeseburgers, hot dogs, French fries, and racks of ribs was at Colleen's door. Globs of ketchup, mayo, and mustard mixed dripped from all sides of Colleen's burger, down onto her cleavage. When one fell on her previously immaculate white t-shirt, she frowned for a moment, then shrugged and kept eating.

"Hahahahaha, oh Colleen, you're such a messy piggy!!!!" Shannon laughed, jiggling and slapping Colleen's tummy.

"Fuck it, I can buy new clothes..." Colleen replied.

"Looks like you're gonna need some of those soon, my God! How'd you even get into these pants?!!"

"Ugh, undo the button for me..."

"Um, no! Absolutely not! You're gonna have to eat your way out of these pants..."

"Oh, come on Shannon! They're so tight!!!"

"Nope! C'mon, piggy! I know you can do it..."


Colleen attacked a rack of ribs, covering her face and fingers with barbecue sauce, trying to ignore her waistband as it dug into her big belly, struggling to hold in all her blubber. As she put away the last two ribs in the rack, she let out a frustrated grunt, and guzzled Mountain Dew straight from the two liter bottle.



The button on Colleen's pants popped, and went rocketing across the room. She let out a deep, satisfied, sigh as her belly spilled out halfway down her calves. Wiping her fingers off, she massaged her tummy, running her fingers over the red line the waistband had dug into it.

"Ooooohhhh my GOD, Colleen! Yes! Ugh!!! I wish I could reach my pussy, my GOD!!!" Shannon growled. She put her food aside for a moment and kissed Colleen, running her hands up and down her mountainous flesh, grabbing handfuls of flab.

"Mmmmm... Oooooh what are we gonna do with you!!? You've gotten so FAT! Mmmmm... Yes." Shannon moaned between each heavy breath. She rolled Colleen's shirt all the way up and kissed her belly, laid her head against it, worshipped it.

"How much do I weigh?" Colleen asked.

"Good question!"

Shannon grunted and heaved her way off the bed, panting all the way as she waddled down to the front, where a digital display proudly showed Colleen's current weight.

"768 pounds!!!"

"URRRRP! I can't believe it... I'm gonna be 800 pounds before I know it!"

"Then nine, then a thousand... Then eleven hundred..."

"Ha! I don't know about that..."

Shannon went all-out with her gaining for the next month and a half, drinking nothing but weight gain shakes on top of her usual stuffing, which caused her to pack on the pounds extremely quickly. Even Colleen was taken aback by her eating. She watched her trudge through her fifth plate of chicken wings, moaning between bites as her stuffed belly continued to stretch well beyond its means.

"Ugh I'm so full!!" Shannon moaned.

"You're gonna burst if you keep it up!" Colleen replied.

"I need to keep eating... Must get fatter..."

Colleen looked over at the pitcher of weight gain shake sitting on the food cart next to the bed.

"You gonna drink all that?" She asked Shannon.

"Mhmm... I have to!"

She gained 25 pounds in just six weeks, at which point she was borderline immobile. Once her nurse evaluated her, she was cleared to move to the immobility floor.

Moving Shannon to Colleen's room on the immobility floor would prove to be a challenge. Colleen had to be lifted and carefully placed in a super sturdy wheelchair, pushed by two nurses, and brought to a new temporary room while Shannon's bed was moved next to hers and all her clothes and possessions were moved into Colleen's room. The two bariatric beds took up a ton of space, but the bedroom was just big enough to accommodate both women. Crystal would be tasked with taking care of both women, but would have the option of bringing an assistant in if she felt overwhelmed. She'd be paid double what she already made taking care of Colleen, which made the whole situation a win-win for everyone.

"OK love, just sit tight, we're gonna do all the work, OK?" Lyndsey said as she prepped the hoyer lift.

"Alright..." Colleen replied nervously.

Colleen felt like a useless blob of blubber as the lift slowly picked her up like an overstuffed plush toy in an arcade claw machine. The lift groaned as it pulled Colleen up off her bed, and plopped her down into the wheelchair.

"You want something to eat on the ride?" Lyndsey offered.

"Yeah, sure, can you grab me the Doritos from the counter on the way out?" Colleen replied.

"Sure! Alright, let's go..."

Lyndsey and her plump young assistant Carla pushed the park-bench-sized wheelchair out of Colleen's bedroom and through the rest of her suite. Colleen drew stares and smiles as she was wheeled down the hallway into a vacant but immobile-accessible suite identical to her old one. Colleen was then lifted into a new but temporary bed where she could stuff herself and wait for the next phase of her journey to begin.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Iafeeder 6 years
Another amazing chapter! It's great how Crystal continues to grow while away from Donnie to maximize the shock and awe of her gain! Please continue!
Fluffylove 6 years
Amazing Chapter,I wonder how fat Crystal can get next month?..and how big Collen And Shannon have gotten in the 2 months Crystal was gone for? Please keep this epic going
Bruinsean 6 years
This is in my all-time top 10 of stories on this site.
Iafeeder 6 years
This keeps getting even better! Absolutely amazing! Keep up the great work!
Emmaa 6 years
Love it. I love how you're building a whole world with lots of character offshoots. I'd have probably been a bit bored by now if it had just been the two super fat characters. Would love to hear more about dean and how he came to open the place.
WayTooThin 6 years
I love how this story is evolving
Taylormadexxl 6 years
...Couldn't come soon enough (Chapter 21). Character limit sucks.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
@WayTooThin Good catch, thanks for pointing that out.
WayTooThin 6 years
nice addition. I noticed one typo. A reference to Mark when that character doesnt exist in the story
Fluffylove 6 years
Really nice additions
Theswordsman 6 years
Something tells me crystal may become a resident at the fat farm and Donnie may be looking after her. I could be wrong
WayTooThin 6 years
You have created a nice well rounded story with many angles. Good job!
Fluffylove 6 years
The perspective from Crystal was really nice. Hopefully we hear more from her in the future.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
The character limit is killing me here. Especially since it says it's 10,000 but is more like 9,500. Thanks for reading guys.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
@FluffyLove thank you for the feedback, I will definitely do that moving forward.
Fluffylove 6 years
I really like where the story is going. could you be more graphic in describing their bodies/physical challenge of moving. Such as describing Colleen and Crystal's sexual experience. Having to move fat around,both getting sweaty and out of breath from sli
Juicy 6 years
I guess you’ll have to stop Colleen eventually, but maybe we could get attached to Crystal’s gaining slowly, over time, until the focus switches to her? Just please don’t stop. 😁
Juicy 6 years
I guess you’ll have to stop Colleen eventually, but maybe we could get attached to Crystal’s gaining slowly, over time, until the focus switches to her? Just please don’t stop. 😁
Juicy 6 years
This takes an old premise and does all kind of new and creative things with it. Both congratulations and thanks—and please don’t stop!
WayTooThin 6 years
This is a very well written story. I really enjoyed reading it. Please continue. I look forward to seeing what happens.
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