Moving to the fat farm

chapter 13

Shannon and Colleen enabled one another's overeating habits very well. Now that they were with each other 24/7, they were constantly tempting one another while pushing their stomachs' capacities to their absolute limits.

"What do you say, babe, more pizza?"

"Oh, I suppose I could eat one more..."

"What are doing for dessert?"

"You mean second dessert?"


"Bet you I can eat more than you!"

"Is that a challenge?"

Colleen had made great strides in accepting herself and her new lifestyle. Shannon's constant affection and encouragement, along with her presence in general, were finally beginning to reverse decades of societal indoctrination within her. Colleen had never felt this way about another woman before, let alone another fat woman. It dawned on her that so much of what made Shannon so sexy to her was her confidence and self-assuredness. The way her fat seemed to distribute itself naturally to all the right places on her body certainly didn't hurt, but it was her aura and general vibe that drew her to her in the first place.

Being sexually attracted to another obese woman was the key to changing Colleen's own attitude about her obesity. She'd associated fat with ugliness and rejection her entire life, but Shannon was gorgeous to her, and she was gorgeous to Shannon. Slowly but surely, Colleen started feeling sexy. She began adopting Shannon's carefree attitude, and began joking about her weight and her gluttonous ways. Every day she found it less and less of a big deal that she was super obese, bedbound, and only getting bigger.

"Oh my God! Congratulations, Colleen! You're 803 pounds!!!" Crystal said excitedly.

"Oh my God! I'm so proud of you!!!" Shannon squealed, grunting as she leaned into Colleen and gave her a kiss.

"Thanks, girls." Colleen said, more preoccupied with the plate of bacon in front of her than her latest milestone.

Colleen seemed to have reached 800 pounds quicker and more effortlessly than any of her previous milestones. It seemed as if every hour on the dot there would be a knock at the door of their suite, with a plump young lady and a cart full of food on the other side of it. Crystal was constantly bringing the two ravenous women food, and cleaning up all their trash and dirty dishes. Each night she would bathe the two of them with a sponge and lather their skin with different types of lotion that kept the elasticity of their skin healthy and minimized stretch marks. It was a very time consuming and tedious process to get into every fold, roll, and crevice, but Crystal was always sure never to cut corners or half-ass her job.

Colleen noticed a lot of changes in her body with her new weight. After being evaluated by Lyndsey, she was now type two diabetic, and required insulin shots and medications to keep her blood sugar in check. She couldn't breathe unless she was sitting almost straight up, and even then her breathing was heavy and labored. The slightest inkling of physical activity would leave her gasping for breath and exhausted, whether that was reaching for the remote, lifting her arms up to get dressed, or having to reach for her next meal. Her speech was slower, as if just talking required a concerted effort, much like she had seen with Lauren. She felt like a queen, being fed and pampered day and night, and making tons of money to sit on her fat ass and get fatter.


Colleen' s belly grumbling woke her up suddenly. She blinked herself fully awake, realizing it was dark, and could hear Shannon snoring loudly next to her. Picking her phone up off her big belly (which was attached to a necklace, not unlike a Life Alert), she squinted at the blinding white light. 4:42 AM, the screen read. She sighed as she cocked her head back and stared up at the ceiling, knowing full well she wasn't going back to sleep on an empty stomach.

"Hey, Crystal?" Colleen said into the phone.

"What can I do for ya, Colleen?" Crystal replied sleepily.

"I hate to be a pain, but I can't sleep, and I'm hungry, can you get my order when it comes?"

"Sure, honey..."

Crystal sighed and grunted, heaving herself to a sitting position in her bed. She rubbed her eyes and turned on her bedside lamp. Though she was making double her previous (and already very generous) salary, the extra work was beginning to wear on her. There just weren't enough hours in the day to take care of Shannon and Colleen, all while keeping them fed and happy. The stress had caused Crystal to put on some weight herself, 45 pounds to be exact. Every time she'd wake up to get an order for either girl, she'd eat to keep herself up and engaged while she waited. Being a big girl, she obviously loved her food, and Shannon and Colleen didn't set the greatest of examples when it came to showing restraint and self-discipline.

Crystal ate Doritos and watched TV absentmindedly as she waited for the suite bell to ring. Every time she'd feel herself nodding off, she'd shovel more chips into her mouth. She managed to polish off an entire family sized bag in the time it took for Colleen's food order to arrive.

Hot dogs, French fries, a pound cake, chicken fingers, it was an eclectic mix of food, but Crystal had learned to never be surprised by how much Colleen could put away. She wheeled the cart into Colleen's room and hurriedly arranged it all to be within Colleen's reach, along with three two liter bottles of soda.

"You all set, honey?" Crystal asked.

"Yes, Crystal, thank you so much. I'm so sorry to wake you up." Colleen replied.

"No trouble at all, give me a call if you need anything else."

The bedroom light was now on, and Colleen was now stuffing herself, which woke Shannon from her deep slumber. She moaned and shifted in bed, shielding her eyes from the light with her hands. Colleen grabbed her bedroom remote and turned the light off and her "eating lamp" on, which allowed her to eat in bed without disturbing Shannon. But it was too late. Shannon was already awake.

"Ugh... Fuck... You hungry, baby?" Shannon croaked, her voice raspy from sleeping. She slumped herself against Colleen, nuzzling up against her shoulder, pushing her blubber into Colleen's.

"Mhmm... I couldn't sleep without eating..." Colleen said, her mouth full.

"Ugh... I'm hungry too... God I'm getting so fucking fat..." Shannon grumbled, opening the Williams app on her phone to place an order.

"Are you placing an order?!?"

"Yes! Is that OK with you??!?!"

"Oh, Shannon! I just woke Crystal up to come bring me food, she's probably back in bed already..."

"Baby, it's her job! They pay her damn good money to take care of us! Jesus Christ, she's not fucking Mother Theresa!"

"I know, I know... I just... You've seen how much weight she's put on since she started taking care of us, right?!? She's obviously stressed out..."

"Oh, please, you don't know if that's why she's gotten heavier! Her weight is her business. And if it's really taking that big a toll on her, she can take the pay cut and they can hire someone else! So, unless you wanna share some of that food..."
Colleen rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, that's what I thought..."

Shannon placed her order and called up Crystal, who had mastered the art of hiding her annoyance. She brought Shannon a massive breakfast spread: a loaf of toasted bread and butter, a pound of bacon, a dozen sausages, a dozen donuts, a dozen scrambled eggs, and a stack of pancakes covered in butter and syrup.

"Jesus, Shannon! That's fat even for you!" Colleen said at the sight of the spread.

"I gotta keep pushing myself, otherwise I won't keep getting bigger." Shannon replied.

Shannon dumped eggs and bacon between slices of toast, making her own sandwiches, which she devoured ravenously. Minutes into the feast she was already covered in crumbs, her fingers and cheeks coated with shiny grease. She struggled to maintain her breathing as she crammed food into her mouth, washing it all down with chocolate whole milk. In just minutes, half the loaf of toast and the entire dozen eggs was in her belly. 30 minutes in and the bacon was gone. She began powering through the remainder of the toast, lathering each slice with even more butter than was already on them.





Shannon ate like she was trying to beat a personal record, with stunning efficiency. She'd fold each slice of toast in half and stuff it all into her mouth, sucking air through flared nostrils as she struggled to chew it all up as quickly as humanly possible. Colleen watched wide-eyed at the shocking display of extreme gluttony playing out before her.

"Wow! Atta girl Shannon!" Colleen marveled at her lover.

Shannon flashed her a quick smile as she killed off the toast. Next up were the sausages, which she would shove width-wise into her maw and chew up like an eating machine. The tight skin of the sausages popped between her teeth, filling her mouth with hot juices and grease, some of which dribbled down her chins. As she neared the halfway point, her belly finally began to feel somewhat full. Like a yellow light to an aggressive driver, it only told Shannon to speed up.

Syrup dribbled down Shannon's chins and down into her cleavage as she tore into the stack of flapjacks. The sheer volume of food going into her enormous gullet was beginning to finally slow her down, but she was determined to power through her body's natural instincts.

"Ugh! I'm so full..." Shannon grunted.

"So stop eating!" Colleen replied.

"Fuck that!"

Shannon moaned as her distended, bloated, belly bulged out well past her knees. Her belly button dug into the button fly of her comically large pants, and peeked out between her waist and under her dark blue tank top. She reclined in bed and whimpered to herself as she took the dozen donuts and propped them up on her belly...
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Iafeeder 6 years
Another amazing chapter! It's great how Crystal continues to grow while away from Donnie to maximize the shock and awe of her gain! Please continue!
Fluffylove 6 years
Amazing Chapter,I wonder how fat Crystal can get next month?..and how big Collen And Shannon have gotten in the 2 months Crystal was gone for? Please keep this epic going
Bruinsean 6 years
This is in my all-time top 10 of stories on this site.
Iafeeder 6 years
This keeps getting even better! Absolutely amazing! Keep up the great work!
Emmaa 6 years
Love it. I love how you're building a whole world with lots of character offshoots. I'd have probably been a bit bored by now if it had just been the two super fat characters. Would love to hear more about dean and how he came to open the place.
WayTooThin 6 years
I love how this story is evolving
Taylormadexxl 6 years
...Couldn't come soon enough (Chapter 21). Character limit sucks.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
@WayTooThin Good catch, thanks for pointing that out.
WayTooThin 6 years
nice addition. I noticed one typo. A reference to Mark when that character doesnt exist in the story
Fluffylove 6 years
Really nice additions
Theswordsman 6 years
Something tells me crystal may become a resident at the fat farm and Donnie may be looking after her. I could be wrong
WayTooThin 6 years
You have created a nice well rounded story with many angles. Good job!
Fluffylove 6 years
The perspective from Crystal was really nice. Hopefully we hear more from her in the future.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
The character limit is killing me here. Especially since it says it's 10,000 but is more like 9,500. Thanks for reading guys.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
@FluffyLove thank you for the feedback, I will definitely do that moving forward.
Fluffylove 6 years
I really like where the story is going. could you be more graphic in describing their bodies/physical challenge of moving. Such as describing Colleen and Crystal's sexual experience. Having to move fat around,both getting sweaty and out of breath from sli
Juicy 6 years
I guess you’ll have to stop Colleen eventually, but maybe we could get attached to Crystal’s gaining slowly, over time, until the focus switches to her? Just please don’t stop. 😁
Juicy 6 years
I guess you’ll have to stop Colleen eventually, but maybe we could get attached to Crystal’s gaining slowly, over time, until the focus switches to her? Just please don’t stop. 😁
Juicy 6 years
This takes an old premise and does all kind of new and creative things with it. Both congratulations and thanks—and please don’t stop!
WayTooThin 6 years
This is a very well written story. I really enjoyed reading it. Please continue. I look forward to seeing what happens.
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