Moving to the fat farm

chapter 4

Within two weeks, Colleen was ready to move in to the Williams center. She'd gotten all of her affairs in order, taken a leave of absence from her job, and broke the news to her best friend Deb, who was concerned but supportive nonetheless. She hired a few college students off Craigslist to move all her things to her SUV, as she was much too fat and out of shape to run back and forth with so many boxes. Before she knew it, she was ready to move.

The Williams center was a two hour drive from Colleen's house, in a rural area she'd never been to before. She stopped three times for food over those two hours, her anxiety at an all-time high as she got closer to the facility. A pile of Burger King, McDonald's, and Dunkin' Donuts boxes and wrappers sat on her passenger seat by the time she arrived at the front gate. A hefty young lady sat inside a booth, warm and welcoming as Colleen rolled down her window.

"Hi, there! Welcome to the Williams Center! May I see your ID, please?" The woman asked Colleen.

"Sure..." Colleen said, a bit embarrassed by the clutter of gluttony in her passenger seat.

"Colleen... Fischer... There you are! Drive on up, just follow the signs 'till you get to the parking lot."

"Thank you!"

Colleen drove five minutes down the road until she hit a sign reading "PARKING LOT/MAIN CAMPUS, NEXT RIGHT." She took the turn, and found herself pulling in to a large parking lot. Another sign read: "RESIDENT DROP OFF/PARKING, STAY RIGHT", and so she stayed right. The building was much larger and more impressive than she'd anticipated, it looked a bit bigger than her old high school. Colleen noticed another fat woman sitting on a bench, holding a sign. Upon closer inspection, Colleen realized it was her name written on the sign. She pulled up to the front of the building and rolled her window down, calling out to the woman.

"Are you waiting for me?" Colleen asked.

"Are you Colleen Fischer?!" The woman replied.

"Yep, that's me!"

The woman squealed with joy, and heaved herself to her feet. She was a brunette, and appeared to be around 400 pounds, and in her mid to late 20's. She was dressed in blue scrubs, and stood just a few inches shorter than Colleen, with her brown hair tied back in a ponytail. Like Colleen, she had a very slim and cute face, with a tiny brown mole on her right cheek. She wore glasses with rectangular frames, that gave her a clinical but still very sexy look.

Three men came out of the front door of the center, one pushing a double-wide wheelchair the size of a park bench. The woman with the glasses spoke to the men, pointed at Colleen's car, and took the wheelchair, bringing it over to Colleen's driver's side door.

"Hi, Colleen! My name is Lyndsey, and I'm gonna be your nurse!" The woman explained.

"Nice to meet you, Lyndsey..." Colleen replied.

"Likewise, Colleen! Welcome to the Williams center! First thing we're gonna do is get you into this wheelchair, then I'm gonna have my friend Harry here move all your luggage into your room, and park your car. Don't worry, he's very careful."

"OK! Um, I can walk, though..."

"Oh I'm sure you can! But, it's just one of the rules we have here. Wouldn't want you burning off any precious calories now, would we?" Lyndsey said smugly.

Lyndsey reached over and gave Colleen's belly a playful jiggle as she finished her sentence, which caught Colleen off guard. After a few seconds of awkward silence, she decided to laugh it off and move forward.

"Haha! OK! Should I leave my keys in the ignition, or...?"

"Yes, that'll be just fine. You need help getting out of the car?"

"Yeah, I could use a hand..."

"Of course, sweetie! Take my hands. One, two, and... THREE!"

Colleen popped out of the front seat of her SUV, her weight giving her significant forward momentum that Lyndsey had seemed to anticipate. She helped Colleen stabilize, and raised the armrest on the wheelchair, helping her enter it sideways before lowering it back down.

"Alright, and we're off!" Lyndsey said, grunting as she pushed Colleen.

Colleen quickly noticed a pattern with the women that worked at the Williams Center: they were all either overweight or obese, usually the latter. Lyndsey pushed Colleen through the lobby and brought her up to the third floor.

"This floor is the medical floor. If you're ever not feeling well, and you're still able to get around, you can come here and we'll take care of you." Lyndsey explained, pushing Colleen through a waiting room and through a set of double doors. Colleen noticed all the doorways were super wide to accommodate the enormous women that lived there. Lyndsey brought Colleen to a doctor's office, where she picked a clipboard up from the counter and began filling out a form.

"OK, sweetie, first thing we're gonna do is see how much you weigh! You think you can get up for me?" Lyndsey asked.

"Oh, um, sure!" Colleen said nervously.

"Here, let me help. One... Two... THREE! That's a girl! Step right up!"

Colleen waddled over to the scale and stepped up onto the weighing platform. She watched pensively as Lyndsey calibrated it, feeling none too pleased with herself as Lyndsey's eyebrows shot up and shock consumed her face.

"OK, Colleen... You weigh... Six hundred... And Thirty eight pounds! And you still walk!? Good for you! You can go ahead and have a seat in the chair again. I'm gonna go ahead and draw your blood, get your blood sugar, take your blood pressure, and then I'll take you to meet Dean! I'm sure you're starving, so I'll go as quick as I can, OK?"

Colleen just nodded, feeling a bit patronized by Lyndsey's comments. She wasn't sure what to make of her, but decided to not be so cynical and just go with the flow. Lyndsey took her blood sugar by pricking her finger, and seemed surprised (in a good way) by the result.

"Your sugar is... Just a hair above normal! So that's good!"

"Whooo! I've always been... Scared to see how high it was..." Colleen smiled and laughed nervously.

"Yeah? Well, diabetes isn't quite as common in obese patients as society would have you believe. A lot of fat people get along just fine without getting it. It's still something we should watch, but I'm not putting you in for any insulin or medications. OK, next, we'll draw your blood. I'm gonna tie this around your arm. Make a fist for me, honey."

"OK. I'll let you know in advance, my veins can be pretty hard to find."

"Oh, please, sweetie. I've hit women much heavier than you before."

"Haha! No way..."

"I'm serious! I've had a few thousand pounders as patients before..."

"What!? Do they live here?!"

"I cannot confirm nor deny, that's a violation of patient privacy. But you'll find out soon enough."


"Sorry, honey, just stay still. There we go..."

"I've never had someone hit me first try before."

"Well, you've never had a fat friendly nurse before!"

Lyndsey drew a few vials of Colleen's blood and covered the injection site with a band aid.

"I'll send these off to the lab once we're all set. Now I'm gonna put this around your arm..."

Lyndsey took an extended blood pressure cuff from off the wall and wrapped it around Colleen's flab-covered bicep. She squeezed the pump rapidly until it constricted tightly around Colleen's bicep.

"Hmmm... A little high, but not the worst I've seen. I'll have the doctor prescribe you some medication for that when I talk to her. OK! You ready to meet Dean?"

"Who's Dean?"

"Dean Williams! The owner!"

"Oh! Haha. Um, sure! Is he the guy from the commercial?"

"He sure is!"

Lyndsey brought Colleen back to the elevator, and they went up to the top floor. A big set of wooden double doors led them down a long hallway that was much quieter than the rest of the building.

Pictures of Dean posing with patients and members of the staff lined the walls. Colleen couldn't believe the size of some of the women in the photographs. Some looked so big and fat that they couldn't even walk, and yet there they were, smiling without a care in the world.

"Here we are!" Lyndsey said. She stopped pushing Colleen and knocked on another set of wooden double doors. A plaque over the doors read. "DEAN WILLIAMS - OWNER." Lyndsey knocked on the doors.

"Yes, come in!" Dean yelled.

Lyndsey opened the doors and wheeled Colleen into Dean's office. He sat at a large wooden desk, with a laptop computer sitting on top of it. To the right was a fireplace and mini-bar, and to the left was a leather couch. Behind the desk were three floor to ceiling windows that gave a beautiful view of the woods surrounding the facility. As Colleen approached his desk, he stood up to greet her.

"Colleen, right?" He asked.

"Yes, that's me!" Colleen replied.

"Oh it's so nice to finally meet you!"

Dean bent over and gave Colleen an unexpected hug. His cock became rock hard as his body squeezed Colleen's enormously soft and warm body.

"Oh! Haha... Nice to meet you too, Dean!" Colleen giggled.

Had Colleen not been so oddly attracted to Dean, she might've been creeped out, but she found him even sexier in person. Maybe it was his obvious wealth and influence, maybe it was the gleam in his eye, or that successful but sort of sleazy style of his that enticed her so much. Whatever it was, it was strange. Men like Dean were far from Colleen's usual "type", but she was very much into him.

"I'll take over from here, Lyndsey, thank you." Dean said.

"No problem! I'll see you around, Colleen." Lyndsey said.

"Bye Lyndsey, thank you!" Colleen replied.

"Now, let's get down to business..." Dean began.
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Bruinsean 5 years
Great story. One of the best on the site
Theswordsman 5 years
This is a good ending i like how you also leave the possibility for future stories involving these characters
Taylormadexxl 5 years
Next chapter is the final one, the epilogue. I think I've done all there is to do with this story and it's been a lot of fun. I've already started my new one, called "Fat Kat" that you can find on my profile.
Fluffylove 5 years
Great chapters.I'd love to see a chapter where Crystal experiences hunger. Such as the house ran out of food at night Donnie has to go pick more up for his starving queen. Maybe his tire gets a flat or just terrible traffic. What will Crystal do for 2+ ho
Iafeeder 5 years
Here's to another 70,000! Keep up the great work!
Taylormadexxl 5 years
Almost 70,000 views, WOW! Thanks guys!
WayTooThin 5 years
The best story ever on this site. Keep it going please
Theswordsman 5 years
Most stories end after only a couple posts im glad this isnt the case with this story
Iafeeder 5 years
This just keeps getting better and better! Bring on the three way action! This ought to be great!
Fluffylove 5 years
Ohhh this 3 way action is gonna be soo sexy! Can't wait to read about all the sweaty jiggly action...Please have them chowing on fried was sooo Hot last time Crystal devoured a stick of butter.
Unknowingly 5 years
SOOOO GOOD! Need some more to keep my satisfied!
Feeder505 5 years
I hope Crystal is going to make Christine fat too!
Iafeeder 5 years
It's great to see how out of control Crystal is these days! I can only imagine how this will add to her form in the coming chapters! Keep up the great work!
Theswordsman 6 years
Either crystal is going to need to rent a private jet/helicopter or Donnie is going to have to move to Texas because i dont see her doing another plane trip like shes been doing
Iafeeder 6 years
Another great installment of a truly wonderful story! Absence makes the heart grow stronger and the waist grow larger in Crystal's case!
Krollmeister 6 years
really liking Crystal she's so nice and sweet I find myself wanting to stand up for her whenever I read a part where she gets mistreated. overall I like the day to day, slice of life format you have for this story you've managed to keep it interesting.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
Thank you all for the comments, criticisms, and encouragement. I've been having a lot of fun writing this and it's nice to know you guys have too.
Nept13 6 years
Best story on this website hands down! Look forward to reading more!
Fluffylove 6 years
You should make deep fried sticks of butter,covered in powdered sugar Crystal's new go to snack...Also I wonder how long some of your characters can go without food? Crystal can (mostly)make it through the night without needing to eat.But how about the ot
Iafeeder 6 years
I realize that I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but this is one of the best stories ever written! I cannot imagine how big Crystal is going to get but hopefully it's absolutely massive!
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