Moving to the fat farm

chapter 36

Donnie stuffed Crystal with food and dick for the whole weekend, making her a solid three pounds heavier by the time she was set to return to the Fat Farm.

"Five hundred and sixty six pounds. That's my girl! Mmmmm!" Donnie moaned, grabbing Crystal and hugging her tightly.

"When I come back I'll be even bigger..." Crystal said seductively.

"I'm gonna hold you to that!"

Donnie drove Crystal to the airport and got a wheelchair for her, then pushed her all the way up to the security line.

"One, two, THREE!" Donnie said, helping Crystal up out of the chair.

"I love you. Call me when you land, OK?" Donnie asked.

"I will. Love you!" Crystal replied.

Donnie and Crystal hugged and kissed before Crystal waddled through security, almost getting stuck as she passed through the x-ray gateway. Luckily, she had packed light for the short trip, and didn't have to carry much luggage. She always showed up early for her flights, as she wasn't a fast walker and wanted time to get plenty of food.

"Can I get a whole milk chocolate latte with three espresso shots and extra cream and sugar?"
Crystal ordered shamelessly at Starbucks.

Crystal's belly button looked like it was playing peek a boo as it peeked out from under her tight pink t-shirt. She drew rude, lingering, stares from people walking by, but it never got to her. As she neared the golden arches she guzzled the rest of her latte and tossed it in a garbage can. Her pace sped up a bit as she waddled over to the counter to place her order.

"I want a chocolate milkshake, a vanilla milkshake, ten McDoubles, five large fries, and a 20 piece McNugget." Crystal said to the bewildered teenager working the register.

"Damn that's a big bitch!" A man said as Crystal waddled by her fellow passengers. She smiled as she slurped her milkshake and followed a stewardess onto the plane. This time her seats were in the front row, which much to her delight, meant she didn't have to risk getting her fat ass stuck in the aisle.

"Excuse me, could I please get a seatbelt extender?" Crystal asked the flight attendant.

"Sure, honey!" The flight attendant replied.

Even with the seatbelt extender, Crystal had to suck it in to get her seatbelt to buckle. It dug unflatteringly into her belly and made her look that much fatter. Her belly and boobs were so big that they eclipsed the window next to her. She smiled and took a selfie, one hand on her tummy like a pregnant mother to be, sending it to Donnie.
Crystal put her seat back and started chowing down, not giving one iota of a fuck as her fellow passengers shot her disgusted, disapproving glances.

"At least she bought two seats..." She heard a woman mumble.

It didn't take long for the seatbelt to start making Crystal uncomfortable. She tried her best to ignore it, but as she ate more and more, it only got worse. As she balled up the wrapper on her sixth McDouble, she sighed and unclasped her buckle. She went unnoticed for a few minutes, but eventually, a flight attendant realized what she'd done.

"I need you to fasten your safety belt, ma'am." The stewardess said.

"I can't, I'm too fat." Crystal replied nonchalantly.

"We'll get you an extender."

"I already got one."

"Then we'll get you another one..."

The passengers in Crystal's immediate vicinity were taken aback by her cavalier attitude towards her obesity and blatant gorging. The stewardess returned to her with her second extender, which allowed Crystal to be buckled in comfortably. Undeterred, she continued stuffing herself until all the food was gone and she got that bizarre sensation of pain and pleasure. Though her belly ached, she was very turned on, and her brain flooded with dopamine from the satisfaction of consuming yet another absurd amount of food.

"Ma'am? Ma'am, wake up. We've landed." The flight attendant said, poking Crystal until she stirred.

Crystal grunted and rubbed her eyes. The plane was more than half empty. Sighing, she gathered up her things and tried to stand up, failing the first time, her entire blubbery body jiggling as she fell back in her seats.

"I'm getting too fucking fat for this shit..." She mumbled.

The second time was the charm, and she slowly waddled her way off the plane and through the airport. This was her least favorite part. Walking from her gate to the exit got harder and harder every time she came back to Texas. Her thighs rubbed together with each step, and within minutes, she was sweating. Initially, her plan was to beeline it to the nearest exit and get into a cab. But as she reached the halfway point, she was completely out of breath. Her heart raced around in her chest, her calves were on fire, and her feet ached.

She needed to sit down.

"Could I get three... Cinnamon rolls... Extra icing... And a large Coke?" Crystal gasped.

Crystal wiped sweat from her brow and huffed her way to the nearest food court table, collapsing into one of the chairs before tearing into one of her cinnamon rolls from Cinnabon. She didn't care if it might not support her, she was exhausted, and very hungry. Loading up on sugar and carbs seemed like a great way to take care of both of those things, and she used the brief sugar rush to power through the last portion of the walk.

"Did you order food?" Jen asked Crystal as she walked through the door.

"Yes, is it here?" Crystal replied eagerly.

"Yeah I left it on the counter."

"Thanks, Jen."

Crystal dropped her luggage on her bedroom floor and immediately started eating her two pastrami and cheese and two chicken parm subs. Naturally, they were served alongside two full pitchers of weight gain shake.

"Two shakes this time, huh?" Jen asked.

"Mhmm... Gotta push my limits, y'know?" Crystal replied.

Jen just nodded.

"Hey, Crystal!" Lyndsey said as she entered the kitchen.

"Hi, Lyndsey!" Crystal said through a mouth full of pastrami.

"Jeez, someone's got a devoted feeder, huh? Look at you!" Lyndsey gushed. Invasive as usual, Lyndsey patted Crystal's belly and rubbed it playfully.

"Haha, I know. Gotta get big and fat for my man!"

"Apparently! God every time I see you it's like you're a hundred pounds heavier!"

"How're my girls?"

"They're fine, nothing out of the ordinary. Jen and I changed them and bathed them, you'll be fine for the night."

"Great. You're the best, Lyndsey."

"Not a problem, sweetie. How was the service?"

"I guess it was as good as it could've been, y'know?"

"Yeah. How's your boyfriend doing?"

"He's taking it well. I mean, as well as he can. I just felt so bad having to leave him again..."

"Oh, I bet. Well, I better get on my way. Pack on those pounds, alright?"

Lyndsey molested Crystal one last time, giving her tummy a few hard slaps before making her way out of the suite.

"She's so touchy feely..." Jen muttered.

"Yeah, it's weird, if anyone else just slapped my belly and played with my fat like that I'd be offended. But it's like, it's Lyndsey, that's just kinda what she does." Crystal replied.

After choking down the last of her subs, all that remained was one pitcher of weight gain shake. Crystal was out of breath and sweating just from eating, and the pitcher stared her down as she struggled to control her breathing. Desperate to make more room, she rolled her shirt up and rolled down the waistline of her yoga pants.


Sighing, she picked up the pitcher and started chugging. Halfway through she nearly vomited, gasping for breath and whimpering as belly threatened to explode.

"You alright, Crystal?" Jen asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, Jen, I'm fine... Just... Super, super, super, full..." Crystal gasped.

Jen looked concerned, but went about her business preparing Shannon and Colleen's food. Crystal took a deep breath and started chugging again.



"Ugh... Oh my God..." Crystal moaned. She had about a quarter of the shake left.


"Ooop..." Crystal felt vomit pool up in the back of her throat, but swallowed it. Covering her mouth she just sat there, wide eyed and in pain, struggling to keep it all down.

"You sure you're alright? You want me to get you some Pepto or Rollaids or something?" Jen offered.

"Yes, please, thanks Jen." Crystal gasped.

Crystal took a few swigs of Pepto Bismol and waited a few minutes for the pink mixture to coat her aching belly. As her nausea began to subside, she guzzled the last few sips of her shake, immobile and ready to burst as she slammed the pitcher down on the table.

"Ugh, fuck! Whoooo... Whoooo... God I'm getting so fucking fat..." Crystal mumbled, moaning in pain and pleasure.

It then occurred to Crystal that she really had to go to the bathroom, but she was so full she legitimately couldn't move.

"Jen?" She called out.

"Yep, what's up?" Jen asked, poking her head into the kitchen.

"This is gonna sound crazy, but... Can you help me up?"

"Like... Off the chair?"

"Hahaha... Yeah..."


"On three... One, two, THREE!"

"Ugh... Oh my God... Thank you so much, Jen."

"No problem."

Crystal waddled into her bedroom and plopped her fat ass down onto her custom toilet seat. It had been reinforced and widened to support her enormous ass. When she was finished, she braced herself before trying to stand back up. All she had for support was a towel rack to her right, and so she grabbed it and tried to pull herself to her feet.



Crystal sent tremors rumbling through the entire bathroom as her ass came crashing back down to the toilet seat. A can of shaving cream tipped over and rolled across the bathroom, landing at her feet. Chuckling as she shook her head, she successfully hauled her fat ass off the toilet and waddled back to her bedroom. As she walked through the threshold, she noticed the sides of the doorway both br
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Bruinsean 5 years
Great story. One of the best on the site
Theswordsman 5 years
This is a good ending i like how you also leave the possibility for future stories involving these characters
Taylormadexxl 5 years
Next chapter is the final one, the epilogue. I think I've done all there is to do with this story and it's been a lot of fun. I've already started my new one, called "Fat Kat" that you can find on my profile.
Fluffylove 5 years
Great chapters.I'd love to see a chapter where Crystal experiences hunger. Such as the house ran out of food at night Donnie has to go pick more up for his starving queen. Maybe his tire gets a flat or just terrible traffic. What will Crystal do for 2+ ho
Iafeeder 5 years
Here's to another 70,000! Keep up the great work!
Taylormadexxl 5 years
Almost 70,000 views, WOW! Thanks guys!
WayTooThin 5 years
The best story ever on this site. Keep it going please
Theswordsman 5 years
Most stories end after only a couple posts im glad this isnt the case with this story
Iafeeder 5 years
This just keeps getting better and better! Bring on the three way action! This ought to be great!
Fluffylove 5 years
Ohhh this 3 way action is gonna be soo sexy! Can't wait to read about all the sweaty jiggly action...Please have them chowing on fried was sooo Hot last time Crystal devoured a stick of butter.
Unknowingly 6 years
SOOOO GOOD! Need some more to keep my satisfied!
Feeder505 6 years
I hope Crystal is going to make Christine fat too!
Iafeeder 6 years
It's great to see how out of control Crystal is these days! I can only imagine how this will add to her form in the coming chapters! Keep up the great work!
Theswordsman 6 years
Either crystal is going to need to rent a private jet/helicopter or Donnie is going to have to move to Texas because i dont see her doing another plane trip like shes been doing
Iafeeder 6 years
Another great installment of a truly wonderful story! Absence makes the heart grow stronger and the waist grow larger in Crystal's case!
Krollmeister 6 years
really liking Crystal she's so nice and sweet I find myself wanting to stand up for her whenever I read a part where she gets mistreated. overall I like the day to day, slice of life format you have for this story you've managed to keep it interesting.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
Thank you all for the comments, criticisms, and encouragement. I've been having a lot of fun writing this and it's nice to know you guys have too.
Nept13 6 years
Best story on this website hands down! Look forward to reading more!
Fluffylove 6 years
You should make deep fried sticks of butter,covered in powdered sugar Crystal's new go to snack...Also I wonder how long some of your characters can go without food? Crystal can (mostly)make it through the night without needing to eat.But how about the ot
Iafeeder 6 years
I realize that I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but this is one of the best stories ever written! I cannot imagine how big Crystal is going to get but hopefully it's absolutely massive!
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