Moving to the fat farm

chapter 37

...brushed against her hips ever so slightly. Slowly but surely, she was outgrowing her own bathroom.

"Here you are, girls..." Crystal huffed, putting two giant bowls of spaghetti and meatballs in front of Shannon and Colleen. Each girl also had a loaf of garlic bread and two liter of Coke to wash it all down.

"Thanks, Crystal!" Colleen said.

Crystal nodded and waddled hurriedly back to the kitchen where she grabbed a bag of Doritos and a bottle of Mountain Dew, then collapsed in the nearest chair. Jen had been on vacation for four days, and Crystal was exhausted. Guzzling soda, she took a moment to relax before she'd have to get up and get the immobile hog women in the next room more food.


"Oh c'mon..." Crystal moaned, wiping Dorito dust off on her pants as she got up to get the door.

"Hey there!" Lyndsey said, holding her medical bag.

"Oh, hey Lyndsey... What's up?"

"I wanted to come by and see if you needed a break. I know Jen's on vacation..."

"Yeah, I'm fucking exhausted..."

"Awww! Let me take over for a few hours. You order up some food, make up for some of those lost calories!" Lyndsey poked Crystal's belly like she was the Pillsbury dough girl, and she smiled.

"You're the best, Lyndsey. I seriously owe you one."

"Oh, stop. Just fill this tummy for me."

Crystal ordered three large meat lovers' pizzas, and two weight gain shakes. She had committed to downing two pitchers of the fattening mixture with each meal, and her body was slowly adjusting to the new standard. Every day it was a little easier to gulp down both shakes without feeling like she might explode.

"If you need anything I'll be in my bedroom, OK Lyndsey?" Crystal said.

"OK, honey." Lyndsey replied.

Crystal laid back against her pillows, her pizzas in arm's reach on her tray. Her shakes sat on the nightstand.

"Finally, some time to rest." Crystal thought to herself.

She folded slice after slice in half, gobbling each one in four or five bites as she channel surfed.


"Come in!" Crystal called.

"Hey, sorry to bother you, but did Colleen get her insulin today?" Lyndsey asked.

"Just her morning dose."

"OK. You want me to put one of those shakes in the fridge for you?"


"Atta girl, Crystal! I don't know how you do it."

Crystal smiled as she chewed, patting her big belly affectionately. Lyndsey left her to her gorging. After devouring her pizzas and somehow getting both shakes down, she napped for an hour, waking up refreshed and ready to get back to work.

"Thanks, Lyndsey, I'll take it from here." Crystal said.

"You sure? I can stay if you want..." Lyndsey replied.

"Yep, you're fine."

"Alrighty, if you need me again this week please don't hesitate to call me. I know how stressful this can be without an assistant!"

"I will."

Now well over 900 pounds, Colleen was stunningly large, a blob of flesh constantly immersed in a haze of pot smoke. Her life had become an endless cycle of eating, smoking, and napping, sometimes in varying order. The self-conscious and high strung young woman that had arrived at the Williams Center now paled in comparison to the enormous, carefree, confident, butter ball that she'd blossomed into.

Shannon was about 100 pounds behind her, but was still her usual bubbly self. While Colleen had given up on looking fashionable, Shannon insisted on having custom clothes made for her and having her hair and nails done regularly. Colleen's wardrobe had been reduced to a collection of tent-sized solid color housedresses. Shannon spent a small fortune getting her clothing made for her, but she was happy to splurge on whatever made her feel sexy.

Both women had become so fat that there was little they could do to show affection to one another. Shannon was definitely the more physically intimate of the two, and loved groping and playing with Colleen's fat. Every now and again she'd build up the momentum to lean in and give her lover a kiss, but they were both so big that doing so required a Herculean effort on her part. They were content with enjoying each other's company as they grew bigger and bigger.

Crystal noticed the girls had put in an even bigger order than usual as she unwrapped several triple cheeseburgers and hot dogs and arranged them on a tray. She didn't think much of it, as they were both constantly pushing their limits of consumption.

"Hey girls!" Crystal said cheerily as she took their trash and put their food down in front of them.

"You're still gaining, right Crystal?" Shannon asked.

"Yes, why?" Crystal replied, patting her belly.

"We were thinking it might be fun if you try and keep up with us. Whenever we eat, you eat, you know what I mean?" Shannon explained.

"Oh, I don't know..." Crystal began.

"C'mon! It'll be fun!" Colleen said.

"You wanna get nice and fat like us, right?" Shannon asked.

"Not quite... But alright, alright..." Crystal sighed.

"Yay!" Shannon squealed.

As Crystal had a seat, Colleen had already almost finished her first hot dog. Crystal was almost immediately left in the dust as Shannon and Colleen wolfed down their food. Colleen was always subdued and relaxed until she had food in front of her, at which point she turned into a ravenous hog, resting her plate on her gigantic belly that was oozing down her calves more and more each day.

Crystal picked up the pace, and started catching up with the two obese bed bound beauties.

"That's it, Crystal!" Shannon mumbled as she chewed.

The hot dogs at the Williams Center weren't your average supermarket weenies. They were big, thick, and filling. Crystal thought she ate a lot, but Colleen and Shannon put her to shame with their incessant gorging.

"C'mon Crystal!" Shannon cheered.

"Ugh... I don't know... I'm so fucking full..." Crystal moaned as she rubbed her aching belly.

"But you were doing so good! C'mon, one more!" Shannon pleaded.

"Alright, alright..."

The tight skin of the hot dog popped under Crystal's teeth, filling her mouth with grease and meat. Chewing each bite slowly to avoid throwing up, she choked down the hot dog and slumped back in her chair, moaning as she rubbed her belly.

"I'd hate to make you move right now, Crystal, but... I'm still hungry..." Colleen said timidly.

"Oh, that's alright, honey. Don't worry about it." Crystal replied.

Crystal waddled off to the bathroom and chugged down some more Pepto before getting back to the grind. She couldn't wait until Jen was back.

Eventually Jen did return, and Crystal's weight continued to climb. But that wasn't the only biological change Crystal had noticed. Her period was late. After waiting it out for a week, she finally decided to take a pregnancy test.

Crystal's hands shook as she held the test and the screen showed a positive sign. A second test gave the same results. She had no idea what to think, what to do. Sighing, she called Donnie.

"Baby?" She squeaked into the phone.

"What's up?" Donnie asked.

"I'm pregnant..."


"I don't know what to do... I-I-thought I was being careful, but I've also read that birth control sometimes doesn't work on women my size. I'm sorry, baby, I don't know what happened, I don't know what to do..."

"Relax, alright? Whatever you wanna do, I'm here for you. I'll move down there to be with you. I can find work. Whatever it takes to support you, I'm here."


"Of course. I love you, Crystal."

"Oh baby, I love you too! So... If I wanted to keep it..."

"Then we can keep it. Why not, right? I mean you make great money, I make good money..."

"Oh, Donnie! I'm so nervous, and excited... We're gonna be a family!"

"Don't be nervous, baby. We got this."

"I love you so much..."

"I love you too. Aye, remember..."


"You're eating for two now!"

"Hahahahahaha! OK, I'll text you later. Start looking for work, OK?"


Crystal arranged a meeting with Dean the next day. He brought a wheelchair and played chauffer, pushing her fat ass all the way to his office, fully erect the whole time. Crystal felt his eyes on her belly and breasts as she spoke to him, he was arrogantly pervy in his demeanor, but as long as he didn't touch Crystal, she was fine with it.

"So, I'll cut to the chase here Dean, I'm pregnant." Crystal said.

"Oh! Congrats, Crystal! That's awesome!" Dean replied.

"Thanks. I'm really excited. My boyfriend is gonna be moving down here as soon as he can find some work..."

"What does he do?"

"He's a plumber by trade, but he's great with his hands in general. Plumbing is like his expertise, but he's a good handyman with basic stuff."

"Well if he needs a gig I'd be happy to help. Dick, our old maintenance guy, is retiring at the end of the month. Pays great, I'd let him move in with you. But because of the nature of your position, I can't allow you to move off the property."

"Oh, wow! OK, Dean. Can you e-mail me the specifics about the position? I'll have him apply if he's interested..."

"Absolutely, Crystal. So, do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?"

"Oh, no. I literally just found out yesterday."

"Oh, ok. I would suggest you see a doctor here as opposed to outside the center. You're simply not gonna find a physician as fat friendly as the ones we have here. I don't wanna see you get improper care because of your weight."

"Right, I was planning on that."

"So are you gonna continue to gain?"

"I mean I'm eating for two now, right?"

"Haha! That's the spirit!"

Dean wheeled Crystal back to her room, where a tray of chocolate fudge brownies, ten big burritos, and two pitchers of weight gain shake awaited her. After checking in with Jen, she got into bed and began stuffing herself, rubbing her tummy as she e-mailed Donnie the information for the job.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Bruinsean 5 years
Great story. One of the best on the site
Theswordsman 5 years
This is a good ending i like how you also leave the possibility for future stories involving these characters
Taylormadexxl 5 years
Next chapter is the final one, the epilogue. I think I've done all there is to do with this story and it's been a lot of fun. I've already started my new one, called "Fat Kat" that you can find on my profile.
Fluffylove 5 years
Great chapters.I'd love to see a chapter where Crystal experiences hunger. Such as the house ran out of food at night Donnie has to go pick more up for his starving queen. Maybe his tire gets a flat or just terrible traffic. What will Crystal do for 2+ ho
Iafeeder 5 years
Here's to another 70,000! Keep up the great work!
Taylormadexxl 5 years
Almost 70,000 views, WOW! Thanks guys!
WayTooThin 5 years
The best story ever on this site. Keep it going please
Theswordsman 5 years
Most stories end after only a couple posts im glad this isnt the case with this story
Iafeeder 5 years
This just keeps getting better and better! Bring on the three way action! This ought to be great!
Fluffylove 5 years
Ohhh this 3 way action is gonna be soo sexy! Can't wait to read about all the sweaty jiggly action...Please have them chowing on fried was sooo Hot last time Crystal devoured a stick of butter.
Unknowingly 5 years
SOOOO GOOD! Need some more to keep my satisfied!
Feeder505 5 years
I hope Crystal is going to make Christine fat too!
Iafeeder 5 years
It's great to see how out of control Crystal is these days! I can only imagine how this will add to her form in the coming chapters! Keep up the great work!
Theswordsman 6 years
Either crystal is going to need to rent a private jet/helicopter or Donnie is going to have to move to Texas because i dont see her doing another plane trip like shes been doing
Iafeeder 6 years
Another great installment of a truly wonderful story! Absence makes the heart grow stronger and the waist grow larger in Crystal's case!
Krollmeister 6 years
really liking Crystal she's so nice and sweet I find myself wanting to stand up for her whenever I read a part where she gets mistreated. overall I like the day to day, slice of life format you have for this story you've managed to keep it interesting.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
Thank you all for the comments, criticisms, and encouragement. I've been having a lot of fun writing this and it's nice to know you guys have too.
Nept13 6 years
Best story on this website hands down! Look forward to reading more!
Fluffylove 6 years
You should make deep fried sticks of butter,covered in powdered sugar Crystal's new go to snack...Also I wonder how long some of your characters can go without food? Crystal can (mostly)make it through the night without needing to eat.But how about the ot
Iafeeder 6 years
I realize that I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but this is one of the best stories ever written! I cannot imagine how big Crystal is going to get but hopefully it's absolutely massive!
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