Moving to the fat farm

chapter 38

"Alright Crystal, I'm gonna rub some gel on your belly. It might be a little cold at first, but you'll get used to it, alright?" Dr. Wickland said.

"OK." Crystal replied, gripping Donnie's hand tightly.

Dr. Wickland was an attractive young blonde who was obese herself. Donnie estimated she probably weighed around 300 pounds. Donnie helped Crystal take her dress off, and felt like he was carrying a tent as he tried to fold it up for her. Dr. Wickland then took a large tube of clear jelly and squeezed out a big handful of it, rubbing it all over Crystal's big belly. Donnie couldn't help but stiffen up at the sight of the cute young lady rubbing her enormous lover's gigantic stomach. It took the doctor nearly an entire tube of jelly to adequately cover Crystal's belly, but when she finished, she took out a wand and turned on the ultrasound machine.

"The little guy or girl should be around here somewhere..." Dr. Wickland chuckled.

"They have a lot of space to hide..." Crystal joked, looking at Donnie and smiling.

"There we are! And it looks like.... It's a girl!" Dr. Wickland proclaimed.

"Ooooooooh, baby!" Crystal squealed.

"Congrats you two! I'll get the pictures printed up."

Dr. Wickland helped Crystal clean her belly up and get changed.

"Crystal, if I could just get a fresh weight on you before you go..." Dr. Wickland asked.

"Sure!" Crystal replied.

Donnie helped Crystal to her feet. She was five months pregnant and had gained a TON of weight, even in the three weeks since her last checkup. Crystal stepped up onto the industrial sized scale as the doctor watched the digital display go up, and up, and up.

"Alright, Crystal... Last time you were 625... This week you are 634... I'll see you in four weeks for your annual follow up." Dr. Wickland said, making no comments about Crystal's rapid weight gain.

"Thank you, Doctor." Crystal said.

Donnie walked alongside Crystal as she putted around in a mobility scooter, a bag of potato chips sitting in the basket in front of her. Pregnancy had made the hefty young woman even more ravenously hungry, constantly craving the greasiest and most unhealthy meals she could think of. Donnie had been living with her and working at the Williams Center for four months, and seemed dead set on spoiling the mother of his child rotten. If Donnie was home, Crystal was in bed, eating. Crystal was slowly starting to understand how women like Shannon and Colleen were able to become immobile so willingly. As far as 600+ pound women were concerned, Crystal's mobility was far beyond average, but that didn't mean that even basic tasks like bathing (even with a shower seat) were starting to become more difficult.

Thankfully, she had Donnie, who went out of his way to make sure she was always comfy and calm. He'd massage her feet, bring her food, rub her belly, and bring her more food. The couple had bought a new bed, a custom, steel reinforced one the size of one and a half king sized mattresses. Crystal had taken to sleeping in a semi-sitting position, as laying on her back made it difficult to breathe. Her side of the bed was covered in pillows she would prop herself up against, and eat off a plate resting on her belly.

Donnie worked from 7 AM to 3 PM, cleaning, doing landscape work, anything that needed doing at the Center. Occasionally Dean would call him to fix the plumbing or something else that required urgent attention, but he was compensated very well and enjoyed his job. He felt like he was living the dream, coming home every day to his morbidly obese, pregnant, girlfriend stuffing her face and looking more and more beautiful by the day. Some days it didn't feel real. Crystal was almost twice the size she was when she and Donnie had met, and had changed from a shy, heavyset girl to a gargantuan, glowing, blob of a woman. He loved the way she had embraced her new lifestyle, and her newfound sense of self-acceptance. Crystal was the complete antithesis of the Hellish existences portrayed on shows like "My 600 Pound Life." She was always upbeat, happy, and hungry.

"So? What's her name gonna be?" Donnie asked as they boarded the elevator.

"I like Christine." Crystal replied.

"Yeah. I do too."

Donnie could see Crystal ordering food on the Williams app as she drove her scooter back to their suite. It had been just over 45 minutes since her last gorging session, and she was already ordering a few steak and cheese subs along with a couple of buckets of seasoned curly fries. It was her pregnancy meal of choice, and she ate it every day, often multiple times a day.

"Uh-oh! Somebody's hungry!" Donnie teased her.

"Don't blame me, it's our daughter's fault..." Crystal joked back.

"Yeah, she's a hungry girl. Just like her mama!"

Donnie and Crystal only had to work half-days whenever Crystal had a pregnancy-related checkup or procedure done, so they returned to their suite with the rest of the day off. Lyndsey would take over Crystal's duties for the day. Crystal braced herself to be fondled and teased for her bigger belly as Donnie opened the door.

"Hey, guys! Oh my God... Crystal!!!" Lyndsey squealed, putting her hands against her cheeks.

"Hi, Lyndsey." Crystal said, giggling a bit as Donnie helped her to her feet.

"Get over here! Oh my God, look at you! You're glowing! And showing..." Lyndsey gushed.

"Pretty sure I'm just really, really, really, really, fucking fat. But thank you!" Crystal laughed.

"I can't get over how big you're getting! You're a good feeder, Donnie! Look at this tummy!"
Crystal squeezed Donnie's hand and shot him a
"Here we go..." sarcastic look as Lyndsey rubbed Crystal's big belly.

"Did you guys have the ultrasound yet?!" Lyndsey asked.

"Mhm! It's a girl!" Crystal said happily.

"Oooooooh that's so cute! Oh my God I'm so happy for you guys! Bet it took 'em a minute to find her under all this..."

"Haha, well, she's got plenty of room to grow. That's how we see it." Crystal said.

"Oh, definitely! Pack on as much weight as possible, she needs her nutrients." Lyndsey said.


"Speaking of which..." Donnie said.

Crystal turned to get the door, but Donnie immediately grabbed her by the plump shoulder.

"Ah, ah, ah. In bed, you. I'll bring you the food."

"You guys are too cute together..." Lyndsey said as she prepared Colleen's insulin.

"Alright, don't keep me waiting though. I'm hungry." Crystal said.

"I'll be right behind you."

Crystal waddled into the bedroom and plopped her fat ass down, kicking her shoes off and grunting as she swung her fat legs over the bed and rested her back against the mountain of pillows. Her belly gurgled loudly as the smell of steak, cheese, and French fries began wafting into the room. Donnie wheeled a cart into the bedroom and put a sub onto a plate along with a pile of fries and a small puddle of ketchup. He had bought Crystal a cup holder attachment for her nightstand that cooled whatever glass rested inside it. Pouring a tall glass of Mountain Dew, he put it in the cup holder and placed the plate on top of Crystal's big belly delicately.

"Thanks, baby. You're so good to me." Crystal said.

"Don't mention it, my love." Donnie replied.

They kissed, and Donnie hand fed Crystal a few subs and French fries.

"Oh! I think I feel her kicking!" Donnie exclaimed.


"Oh, nevermind..." Donnie said.


The two exploded with laughter, kissing and cuddling as they laid in bed and Crystal polished off the last of her French fries.




"Rub my belly..."

"How about some ice cream?" Donnie asked.

"OK." Crystal shrugged.

"That's my girl!"

"Microwave it first, so I can drink it. I wanna be extra fat."

"Your wish is my command."

Donnie walked carefully back to bed as the gallon of chocolate brownie ice cream sloshed around in its container. Crystal smiled as Donnie handed off the container gingerly, ensuring it wouldn't spill. After he got into bed with her, she slowly brought it to her lips and began gulping it down.



MmmmUL P...

"That's it, baby... Keep eating... I'm so proud of you..."




"Rub my belly... Oh my God..."

Donnie took the empty gallon of ice cream from Crystal and kissed her on the cheek, running his hands all over her engorged belly.

"You should see my fucking Facebook messages ever since we posted that picture..." Crystal said, shaking her head as she looked at her phone.

"Why? Are you being fat shamed, babe? Tell me who said what..." Donnie said, half teasingly.

"Well I haven't posted any pictures of me beneath my tits in like, years. So when I posted that one of you kissing my belly people were like 'um, what the fuck?'"

"Haven't they ever heard of baby weight? Jeez..."



Donnie picked his head up from Crystal's growling belly and smiled at her.

"What can I get you?" He asked.

Crystal sighed. "Twinkies? I have the worst craving..."

"Sure thing."

"Jeez, Christine, I love food too, but c'mon!" Crystal said to her belly, patting it.

Donnie opened the cabinets and pulled out all five boxes of Twinkies Crystal had tucked away. He pulled a big platter plate out of another cabinet and unwrapped all 50 yellow sponge cakes, just so his baby wouldn't have to bother with opening them up herself. Memories of his days waiting tables back in high school came flooding back to him as he delicately balanced the platter with one hand and carried a gallon of chocolate whole milk with the other.

"Oh, babe, I don't know if I can eat all those..." Crystal began.

"I won't take no for an answer." Donnie said, bringing the first Twinkie to her lips.

"OK. But only because I love you."
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Bruinsean 5 years
Great story. One of the best on the site
Theswordsman 5 years
This is a good ending i like how you also leave the possibility for future stories involving these characters
Taylormadexxl 5 years
Next chapter is the final one, the epilogue. I think I've done all there is to do with this story and it's been a lot of fun. I've already started my new one, called "Fat Kat" that you can find on my profile.
Fluffylove 5 years
Great chapters.I'd love to see a chapter where Crystal experiences hunger. Such as the house ran out of food at night Donnie has to go pick more up for his starving queen. Maybe his tire gets a flat or just terrible traffic. What will Crystal do for 2+ ho
Iafeeder 5 years
Here's to another 70,000! Keep up the great work!
Taylormadexxl 5 years
Almost 70,000 views, WOW! Thanks guys!
WayTooThin 5 years
The best story ever on this site. Keep it going please
Theswordsman 5 years
Most stories end after only a couple posts im glad this isnt the case with this story
Iafeeder 5 years
This just keeps getting better and better! Bring on the three way action! This ought to be great!
Fluffylove 5 years
Ohhh this 3 way action is gonna be soo sexy! Can't wait to read about all the sweaty jiggly action...Please have them chowing on fried was sooo Hot last time Crystal devoured a stick of butter.
Unknowingly 5 years
SOOOO GOOD! Need some more to keep my satisfied!
Feeder505 5 years
I hope Crystal is going to make Christine fat too!
Iafeeder 5 years
It's great to see how out of control Crystal is these days! I can only imagine how this will add to her form in the coming chapters! Keep up the great work!
Theswordsman 6 years
Either crystal is going to need to rent a private jet/helicopter or Donnie is going to have to move to Texas because i dont see her doing another plane trip like shes been doing
Iafeeder 6 years
Another great installment of a truly wonderful story! Absence makes the heart grow stronger and the waist grow larger in Crystal's case!
Krollmeister 6 years
really liking Crystal she's so nice and sweet I find myself wanting to stand up for her whenever I read a part where she gets mistreated. overall I like the day to day, slice of life format you have for this story you've managed to keep it interesting.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
Thank you all for the comments, criticisms, and encouragement. I've been having a lot of fun writing this and it's nice to know you guys have too.
Nept13 6 years
Best story on this website hands down! Look forward to reading more!
Fluffylove 6 years
You should make deep fried sticks of butter,covered in powdered sugar Crystal's new go to snack...Also I wonder how long some of your characters can go without food? Crystal can (mostly)make it through the night without needing to eat.But how about the ot
Iafeeder 6 years
I realize that I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but this is one of the best stories ever written! I cannot imagine how big Crystal is going to get but hopefully it's absolutely massive!
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