Moving to the fat farm

chapter 5

"OK, Colleen... I guess the first thing we'll talk about is your allowance. Our introductory rate for new members is $300 a week. That is tax free, and of course we cover pretty much all your living expenses. Heat, air conditioning, electricity, food, drinks, pretty much everything but clothing and non-necessities are covered by us. Pay day is Friday, and it'll go directly into the account you gave us in your welcome packet." Dean began.

"Ok. That sounds reasonable."

"Now, you can earn more money if you decide to gain weight while you're here. Basically, every pound you gain is worth a dollar. For example, if you were to commit to a hundred pound gain, you'd make 400 dollars a week."

"I'd have to gain the weight first before I get the bonus, right?"

"Nope! If you commit, sign off on the contract, and demonstrate a sincere effort in achieving your goal, you will get the bonus instantly. So if you wanted to set a preliminary goal of 100 pounds today, your first check would be for 400 bucks."

"Could I set, like, a 50 pound goal?"

"Absolutely! Whatever you feel comfortable with. You could set a ten pound goal if you wanted to. It's also worth noting that when or if you become immobile, every pound you gain after that is worth ten bucks. We have patients here that clear six figures a year, believe it or not. If that's not what you want, that's cool, but I thought I'd mention it..."

"Let's do 50 for now. I think that, with the way my weight's been going, I'm gonna put on another 50 pounds whether I'm trying to or not, y'know?"

"Sure! So let me just kinda outline how this is gonna work. Tomorrow you'll see Lyndsey again, and she'll evaluate you, and set a deadline. It'll be reasonable, don't think you have to be stuffing yourself 24/7 or stress yourself out. You'll get the 50 dollar pay bump immediately, and you'll also get one of these..."

Dean pulled a handheld device from his desk drawer and held it up for Colleen to see. It looked like one of the handheld price scanners she'd seen at Wal Mart, only bigger. There was a digital screen on the non-scanning side.

"This right here is your calorie counter. When you go to the buffet downstairs, you'll notice there's a bar code on the front of every food and drink choice we offer here. That's so you can keep track of how many calories you consume in a day. It also has the apps for every fast food delivery place in the vicinity of the facility, so you can import calorie data from anywhere you might order from. Lyndsey will program your daily calorie goal tomorrow when she gives you your gaining deadline. When you meet or exceed your daily goal, you'll get a little congratulations message here. It's very important you log everything you eat through this. There's also options for when you can't finish a certain item, or didn't eat it at all. Now, we don't expect you to perfectly log every little thing you eat during your time here, but it's crucial you get in the habit of scanning what you eat. Once you get your daily goal, that is. I wouldn't worry about it tonight." Dean explained.

"Ok." Colleen replied.

"Did you download the Williams app on your phone?"

"Yes, I did."

"Ok, great! Did you have any questions about how to use it?"

"No, I think it's pretty intuitive."

"Alright. I'll just print up your 50 pound contract and we'll move on."

Dean punched a few keys on his keyboard and printed out Colleen's contract. He put it on a clipboard and gave it to Colleen, who reviewed it and signed it.

"Excellent! I wanna give Harry and the rest of the guys a little more time to get your things moved in to your room, and I'm sure you must be very hungry. It just so happens that you're not the only one we moved in today. You and her are the first newcomers to move in of the five we chose. Her name's Shannon. We've got quite the feast planned for you two, so I'll go ahead and bring you down to the dining hall..." Dean said.

Dean wheeled Colleen into the dining hall. It was a cafeteria, with three rows of long tables from the back to the front of the room. One row of tables had no seats, and were intended for women on mobility scooters. The other two rows had special, wider, reinforced, seats designed for super obese women. Three seats sat on each side of each table, allowing six to eat at each one. In the middle of the second row, Colleen saw a very fat (but very pretty) young woman snacking on mozzarella sticks.

"Ah, she's already here!" Dean said as they approached her.

"Hey, Dean!" Shannon said, her mouth full.

"This is Colleen, she's the other new girl. Colleen, this is Shannon!" Dean said.

"Oh, my God!!! Look at you!!!" Shannon squealed.
Colleen was so focused on hoisting herself out of the wheelchair that she didn't notice Shannon getting up and walking towards her.

"Oh, here honey, let me help you up..." Shannon said.

"Thanks..." Colleen gasped, a bit embarrassed.

"Oh my goodness would you just look at you!! You're so big!!!! Oh, gimme a hug!" Shannon beamed.

Colleen was almost knocked off balance by Shannon's surprise hug. It was suffocating in how tight it was, and felt just as violating as it felt... Well, good.

"Mmmmm..." Shannon moaned softly, but just loud enough for Colleen to hear.

Feeling Shannon's big belly and breasts pushing up against her own, and the lustful energy that radiated from her, had seemed to open up a part of her soul that she'd never known existed. In a mere 30 seconds, she had gone from feeling violated by Shannon's blatant disregard for her personal space/boundaries, to feeling like she'd opened a Pandora's box of feelings and desires she'd never known she had. She didn't realize how heavy her breathing had become, and how Shannon's hands were inching closer and closer to her giant ass. Just as they passed her hips and reached the top, she snapped out of her trance.

"MHHHMM!!" Colleen cleared her throat, and Shannon backed off.

Colleen felt Shannon release her grip and step back. It felt like she was watching it all in slow-motion, and she got to truly take Shannon in. She really was stunning. She had a tan complexion, with shoulder-length brown hair (with bangs), and beautiful brown eyes. Her smile and general aura gave Colleen the "fat girl who is always the life of the party" vibe. Much like Colleen, she had a slim face, and her fat was very evenly distributed over the rest of her body. She was a bit shorter than Colleen, but not by very much. She was wearing a royal blue sleeveless housedress that seemed about two sizes two small. It showed off her hypnotizing cleavage quite well, Colleen thought.

The two girls had a seat at the table and began perusing the menu, which had more choices and dishes than Colleen had ever seen.

"Girls, this is Lisa, she's gonna be your server for the evening. Usually we have food either delivered to your room, or have you go get it yourselves from the buffet, but this being your first night here, we wanted to give you two a chance to get to know each other." Dean explained.

"Hey girls, what can I get you?" Lisa asked, clicking a pen and readying a pad of paper.

"You wanna get some wine? I think I'm gonna have some wine..." Shannon said as she read the menu.

"Hmmm... Ok! Might as well celebrate our first night here, right?" Colleen replied.

"That's what I'm saying! Alright, we'll take one bottle of red wine to start off with. And I definitely want more mozzarella sticks, and potato skins." Shannon said.

"And I'll take the toasted raviolis, and the nachos to start off." Colleen said.

"Alright! Be right back with that wine!" Lisa said.

"So, Colleen, how much do you weigh?" Shannon asked. Colleen would've been very insulted at this point, but Shannon was clearly enamored with her already. She looked at Colleen like she was on a date with her, giggly while her eyes darted all over the place. The genuine affection and attraction she seemed to have toward Colleen made her aggressiveness seem more playful and direct than insensitive or mean.

"If I tell you mine, you have to tell me yours. Deal?" Colleen replied.

"Of course! I hope you don't think I'm being too forward. It's just that, it's the reason we're here anyway..."

"I know, I know. 638."

Colleen watched Shannon's eyes widen with surprise, but a good kind of surprise, like she was impressed and turned on by the staggering figure.

"Oh, my! You carry it all so well, honey! My ex was 620, and she could barely get out of bed. And here you are, still walking around and everything! Well, at least for now, right?" Shannon said.

"Haha, well, I've been big my whole life, so maybe that has something to do with it. I signed a 50 pound commitment today, so we'll see how I feel after that. Your turn!" Colleen replied.

"Here's your wine, girls. And your appetizers!" Lisa interjected. Colleen was so happy to finally have food again. Lisa poured both girls a big glass of wine, and they continued chatting.

"Well, I'm at 550. I wanna be immobile. It's like, my ultimate fantasy. To be so big I can't even walk anymore. I've gained 400 pounds in the last five years." Shannon confessed.

"Oh! Wow! And you're how old?"

"26. What about you?"


"Oh. Yeah, I've always fantasized about being fat. It's weird, I had a really normal upbringing and everything, like my Mom never fat shamed me or tried to control my diet in any way, really, but I was always scared to really embrace my feedee tendencies until I moved out of the house..."

"Your what, tendencies?"


"I'm sorry, I don't know what that means."

"Ha! Really?!"

"Yes, really!"

"Oh, sweetie! Haha... Well, before I open that one up, let's have a toast... To our... Mutual commitment to obesity. Hahahaha!"

The girls clinked their glasses, and took a few sips. Colleen knew it was the beginning of something s
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Iafeeder 6 years
Another amazing chapter! It's great how Crystal continues to grow while away from Donnie to maximize the shock and awe of her gain! Please continue!
Fluffylove 6 years
Amazing Chapter,I wonder how fat Crystal can get next month?..and how big Collen And Shannon have gotten in the 2 months Crystal was gone for? Please keep this epic going
Bruinsean 6 years
This is in my all-time top 10 of stories on this site.
Iafeeder 6 years
This keeps getting even better! Absolutely amazing! Keep up the great work!
Emmaa 6 years
Love it. I love how you're building a whole world with lots of character offshoots. I'd have probably been a bit bored by now if it had just been the two super fat characters. Would love to hear more about dean and how he came to open the place.
WayTooThin 6 years
I love how this story is evolving
Taylormadexxl 6 years
...Couldn't come soon enough (Chapter 21). Character limit sucks.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
@WayTooThin Good catch, thanks for pointing that out.
WayTooThin 6 years
nice addition. I noticed one typo. A reference to Mark when that character doesnt exist in the story
Fluffylove 6 years
Really nice additions
Theswordsman 6 years
Something tells me crystal may become a resident at the fat farm and Donnie may be looking after her. I could be wrong
WayTooThin 6 years
You have created a nice well rounded story with many angles. Good job!
Fluffylove 6 years
The perspective from Crystal was really nice. Hopefully we hear more from her in the future.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
The character limit is killing me here. Especially since it says it's 10,000 but is more like 9,500. Thanks for reading guys.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
@FluffyLove thank you for the feedback, I will definitely do that moving forward.
Fluffylove 6 years
I really like where the story is going. could you be more graphic in describing their bodies/physical challenge of moving. Such as describing Colleen and Crystal's sexual experience. Having to move fat around,both getting sweaty and out of breath from sli
Juicy 6 years
I guess you’ll have to stop Colleen eventually, but maybe we could get attached to Crystal’s gaining slowly, over time, until the focus switches to her? Just please don’t stop. 😁
Juicy 6 years
I guess you’ll have to stop Colleen eventually, but maybe we could get attached to Crystal’s gaining slowly, over time, until the focus switches to her? Just please don’t stop. 😁
Juicy 6 years
This takes an old premise and does all kind of new and creative things with it. Both congratulations and thanks—and please don’t stop!
WayTooThin 6 years
This is a very well written story. I really enjoyed reading it. Please continue. I look forward to seeing what happens.
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