Moving to the fat farm

chapter 41

"Alright! So let's check our schedule here... And we don't have another appointment for... Two hours! Haha..." Lyndsey said.

"So what do we do in the meantime?" Crystal asked.

"Usually what I'll do is call urgent care and the ICU and see if they need an extra set of hands. 99% of the time they don't, though..."

"Hi, is this Maggie? Hi, Maggie, this is Lyndsey Maynard, from intake! Good thank you, how are you? That's great. Listen, I'm just calling because I don't have another appointment for a few hours and wanted to see if you guys needed an extra set of hands? I have a trainee with me too. No? OK, honey, no problem. You take care now."


Crystal put a hand over her belly as if to muffle its ravenous cry.

Lyndsey hung up the phone and turned to Crystal, a mischievous smile on her face.

"You hungry?" Lyndsey asked.

"Ha! Well, I could definitely eat..."

"I bet you could! Let's order some food..."

The girls ordered an obscene amount of Chinese food, knowing damn well they'd just be even hungrier again in a couple of hours. Crystal was, admittedly, starving. She had spent the last nine months eating whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, and rarely went more than an hour without food. The structure of having a job and not being able to stuff her face whenever she wanted to was going to be a big adjustment for her.

Crystal's office chair was comically large, and looked like a park bench seated atop a steel-reinforced shaft that stood on a set of wheels. Reclined, her big belly heaving up and down, she shoveled noodles down her throat, slurping and sucking the whole time. She was so immersed in her gorging that she didn't notice Lyndsey staring at her, or more specifically, her belly.


As Crystal slurped up her last noodle, she dropped her chopsticks in the empty container and immediately turned towards the examination table where the rest of the food sat. She grabbed a carton of egg rolls and immediately began chowing down, when she finally noticed Lyndsey staring at her.

"What?! Hahaha..." Crystal said, covering her full mouth.

"I'm sorry, Crystal, it's just... You're so fucking big now! I can't believe it!" Lyndsey said, giggling a bit.
"Can I ask you a question, Lyndsey?"


"I don't mean to be rude, but... Are you a lesbian?"

"Ha! Whatever gave you that idea?"

"You're just always so touchy feely with everyone..."

"I know, I know. I like to consider myself fatsexual. I love fat people. Men and women. Although, if I had to choose one, I'd say I'm more partial to women. I love big bellies."

"I remember I said to Jen one time, 'If anyone else touched my belly and jiggled my fat the way Lyndsey did I'd call the fucking cops. But for some reason it's not insulting or offensive when she does it.' Hahahahahaha!"

"Hahahahahaha! I can't help it! When I see a nice round tummy I just gotta... I don't know!"

"Do you wanna rub my belly, Lyndsey?"

Crystal smiled naughtily, and patted her belly, making Lyndsey very horny. Lyndsey wasn't sure if Crystal was being serious, especially considering the fact that Crystal had a man in her life.

"Um... Are you..." Lyndsey stammered.

"C'mon! It's really big and soft, and warm. I'd love a good belly rub right now, help all the food digest, make me bigger..."

"Crystal I don't know..."

"What's there to know?"

Lyndsey felt her glasses fog up. Her pussy throbbed and her willpower was almost gone. Her hand trembled as she scooted her chair close to Crystal's belly and reached out.

"Mmmm..." Crystal moaned, crunching into an egg roll.

Lyndsey's shyness quickly vanished when her primal instincts took over and she threw caution and morality to the curb. She started rubbing Crystal's belly, patting it, slapping it, groping it. As it escalated, she put her head on her belly and kissed it through Crystal's dress.

"It's nice and soft, isn't it?" Crystal said seductively.

"Yes... Yes it is..."


Lyndsey jerked her head up, the color draining from her face. She took her foggy glasses off and wiped them off on her shirt, trying in vain to appear like she just wasn't worshipping the belly of her new trainee.

"Yeah, Carol?" Lyndsey replied, annoyed.

Standing in the doorway, was Carol, the intake receptionist. She looked confused.

"Erica, the new girl? She's here."

"Alright. I'll go out and get her in a second."

Lyndsey sighed and put the trash in a bag in the corner of the office.

"I fucking tell her every time she comes in to fucking knock..." Lyndsey growled.

"I didn't mean to put you in a weird position, Lyndsey. If you want I can ask Donnie if he wants to let you get in some three way fatty fun..." Crystal said.


"Yeah! I'm sure he'd be fine with it. You're fat, you're sexy. I'm sure he'd love fooling around with you."

"I'd love that."

Crystal smiled.

"OK, so our next patient is Erica Miles. She's been hired as a nurse here, and we're gonna be doing her pre-employment health screening." Lyndsey said, reading her information off a clipboard.

Lyndsey went out into the waiting room, returning with Erica, a heavyset young brunette wearing a tight pink t-shirt and yoga pants.

"Erica, this is Crystal, she's my trainee for today." Lyndsey said.

"Hi, Crystal." Erica said. Crystal could feel her shock at her size, but just smiled.

"Hi, Erica, nice to meet you!"

"OK, first things first, we're gonna need a weight on you." Lyndsey said.

Erica got on the scale, and Lyndsey calibrated it.

"Four hundred... And eighty seven... Pounds! That's great." Lyndsey said.

"That's the first time I've heard that." Erica chuckled.

"We prefer to hire obese women whenever we can, just because of the prejudices we face every day in the medical field, as staff and as patients. So please, your belly is welcome here." Lyndsey said, giving Erica's belly a pat.

Lyndsey drew Erica's blood and had her give a urine sample for a drug test, instructing Crystal the whole way.

"Basically, everything you need to now is right here in the form. Just fill out the form, and you're golden. Pink ones are new hires, green ones are new admissions, and so on and so forth." Lyndsey explained.

Crystal nodded, jotting a few things down.

"Alright Erica! As soon as we get your blood and urine results from the lab we'll give you a call and you'll be ready to go! Welcome aboard!" Lyndsey said.

"Thanks guys!" Erica replied.

Crystal looked at the clock. It was 1 PM.

"So who's next?" Crystal asked.

"Nobody! We're done for the day!" Lyndsey said.

"Wait, really?"

"Yep! Told you this was the perfect job for you. No exercise, easy schedule. Plenty of down time to keep this belly full..."

"So what do we do now?"

"You're on salary, sweetheart. You can go home if you want, you'll still get paid just as much as you would if you stayed."

"I have to wait for Donnie, he's my ride home."
Lyndsey shrugged. "I can drive you home if you want!"

"I'm not sure if you can..." Crystal smiled, jiggling her belly.

"God I would love to try, though..." Lyndsey growled, pinching some of Crystal's fat.

"I can wait out in the waiting room or something..."

"Oh, no! I'll wait with you! Tell you what, we'll order some food..."

"Now you're talking..."

The girls had a few pizzas delivered and ate until Donnie showed up with a wheelchair at 3:30.

"Hey, baby! Lyndsey, how are you?" Donnie asked as he stepped into the office.

"Hey!" Crystal said.

"I'm good, Donnie, how are you?" Lyndsey replied.

"Good! How'd you do today, Crystal?"

"She did great! I think she's gonna be a great fit for this job!" Lyndsey said, rubbing Crystal's shoulders.

"That's awesome! You ready to go?"

Crystal nodded and held out her hands. Donnie took them, they counted to three, and he heaved her up to her feet. But just as Crystal got up, she came plopping back down again.

"OOOOOF!" Crystal moaned, rolling backwards in the chair.

"Second times the charm..." Donnie said, smiling.

Crystal caught her breath and they tried again, this time with Crystal getting up successfully. Lyndsey looked on the whole time, stroking her own belly as her pussy begged to be touched.

"There we are! Awww I'm so proud of you!" Donnie said, hugging Crystal and smacking her ass.

"Alright, easy! Lyndsey, I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for training me!"

"No problem, Crystal." Lyndsey replied.

Donnie wheeled Crystal out to the van and helped her inside. When they arrived home Kelly greeted them in the living room, holding Christine.

"I just changed her, and I fed her at noon. She's had her nap and everything." Kelly explained.

"Thank you, Kelly. I missed my little girl!" Crystal squealed as she took her baby and sat on the couch.

"See you guys tomorrow, then?" Kelly asked.

"Yes, same time. Thanks so much Kelly." Donnie replied.

"My pleasure, y'all!"

Crystal reclined on the couch, and let Christine lay on her belly. She giggled and smiled at her mother, and Crystal smiled back.

"You hungry, baby?" Donnie called from the kitchen.

"What do you think?" Crystal asked.

"Ha! Alright..."

Donnie squeezed in beside Crystal on the couch, handing her a glass of Coke and a family sized bag of Doritos. They kissed, and Crystal began shoveling chips into her mouth, zoning out as her baby rested on her stomach.

"How would you like to have a threesome with a sexy fat lady I work with?" Crystal said between bites.

"What now?" Donnie asked, his interest piqued.

"You know Lyndsey? That nurse that molests me every time I see her?"

"Yeah, the one that trained you today?"

"Yep, her. What do you think of her?"

"Is this a trap?"

"Hahahaha, no!"

"She... Is an attractive woman. Yeah."
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Tarquin 6 years
Incredibly, awesomely good and well-written! Many thanks, can't wait for the next chapter.
Syphon77 6 years
As someone who's 27 and over 550 lbs, this is a refreshingly accurate depiction of what life is like at that size. You do break stuff and it is embarrassing. Going out is hard and I hate the grocery store for all the walking.
Iafeeder 6 years
Please continue! This is a great setup to potentially huge growth! I cannot wait to see where this goes.
Bruinsean 6 years
Great story. But, it is hard to believe she does not have a boyfriend or woman in her life.
Theswordsman 6 years
This is gonna be big☺
QuebecFA 6 years
I really love the story so far! Please continue! :-)
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