Moving to the fat farm

chapter 43

"Is there any more?" Crystal asked as she gulped down the stick.

"You're just insatiable, aren't you? Such a greedy, greedy, piggy!" Lyndsey teased her.

"No, you ate it all baby." Donnie said.

"Two pounds of butter! That's all gonna go right to your hips!" Lyndsey said, playing with Crystal's belly.

"I know, but I can't help it! I'm so hungry..." Crystal replied. She loved being teased about her weight in the bedroom.

"Come to bed, Donnie..." Lyndsey said seductively.

Donnie grabbed the cupcakes and handed them to Crystal before turning her attention to Lyndsey. They started making out, with Donnie running his hands all over Lyndsey's soft figure, and Lyndsey grabbing and tugging at Donnie's rock hard cock. They started shifting around to get into position as Donnie put a condom on. Lyndsey assumed she'd be on the bottom. But Donnie had other plans.

"You, on top." Donnie said.

"Y-you sure?" Lyndsey replied.

Donnie nodded.

Lyndsey moaned as Donnie's cock slid into her tight, warm, wet, pussy, and she rode him, all 475 pounds of her jiggling heavily on top him. It didn't take long for her breathing to get heavy, which made Donnie even hotter, as sweat dripped down her face and onto Donnie's chest. Donnie reached over to Crystal and groped her blubber with his free hand, euphoria and electric sexual energy overwhelming him as one of his lifelong dreams played out in reality. Lyndsey was so heavy that his breaths were short and choppy, but that just made him more turned on.

"Oooooooh, Donnie! Donnie, Donnie, Donnie!" Lyndsey moaned.

"Ooooooooh fuck! Ughhh..." Donnie growled.

Donnie felt like his dick was gonna explode as he finally ramped up to hit orgasm. As he floated back down from ecstasy, he felt Lyndsey dismounting him.

"Lay on top of me." Donnie gasped.

"Excuse me?" Lyndsey replied.

"C'mon, just... Lay on top of me..." Donnie said, short of breath.


Lyndsey smothered Donnie with her belly and breasts, and he had to fight to pull his arms out from under all her blubber. He wrapped his arms around her, or tried to, and groped all her flab. They kissed, and Lyndsey scooched down a bit so she could rest her head on his chest.

"This was a good idea, baby." Donnie said to Crystal.

Crystal nodded, her lips coated with frosting as she ate a cupcake.

"I know I sound like a broken record here, but this TUMMY! THIS FUCKING TUMMY IS SO SEXY!!!!" Lyndsey gushed, getting off of Donnie and laying against Crystal's belly like she was a stuffed animal.

"Here Crystal, let me feed you..." Donnie said, taking the cupcakes from her.

"Jeez, I feel like a queen!" Crystal said.

"You're certainly queen sized..." Donnie said.

"That doesn't even make sense, but OK..."

"Hahahahaha, you guys are too cute!" Lyndsey asked, her head still resting on Crystal's belly.

"Yeah, she's a bit of a porker, but I love her anyway..." Donnie joked.

"Oh, please! If you had your way I'd weigh a thousand pounds..."

"Guilty as charged..."

Donnie and Crystal kissed.

"I'll go check on the baby." Donnie said, putting his boxers on.

"Oh, Jeez! It's almost 10 o'clock!" Lyndsey gasped.

"Time flies, huh?" Crystal said.

"Apparently! Well, Crystal, I had a lovely time with you guys tonight. We should do it again soon..."

"Yeah, that'd be fun."

Donnie came back into the bedroom, holding Christine.

"You wanna see Mama?" Donnie asked Christine, handing her to Crystal.

Crystal held her daughter, her blubbery body functioning as something of a mattress for the baby. Lyndsey slipped her clothes back on and oogled the baby with Crystal.

"Say 'Hi, Lyndsey!' Hi Lyndsey!" Crystal said.

"Hi, Christine! Oh, Crystal, she's beautiful!" Lyndsey said.

"She's my pretty girl, yes she is, yes she is!"

"Alright. I'm gonna hit the road. Thanks for having me over you guys, I had a lot of fun. I was telling Crystal we should definitely do this again sometime!" Lyndsey said.

"Absolutely." Donnie replied.

"Alright, bye guys!"

"Bye Lyndsey!"

By the end of Crystal's first week as the intake nurse she had fallen into a routine, and Lyndsey felt comfortable passing the baton to her officially. Crystal liked the new job, but found herself with more down time than she knew what to do with. There were several days where she only had one patient, some days she even had none. She supposed that at her size it was probably for the best that she didn't have to do much, but a part of her missed the constant stimulation and business of live-in care. All of these feelings made her eat, a LOT.

A body as big and fat as Crystal's required thousands of calories a day just to maintain, and even more to actually gain weight. Crystal had a bathroom right in her office, which Donnie wheeled her to every morning. The intake receptionist had gotten used to bringing her food to her. Crystal cooked sitting down, fed the baby sitting down, changed the baby sitting down, showered sitting down, and had Donnie to bring her snacks and get the door for the delivery guy. The only exercise she got was waddling to the bathroom, bedroom, and getting into the van every morning.

So she got bigger...


"Baby? Bring me more Oreos!" Crystal called out to Donnie.

"More milk, too?" Donnie replied.

"Yes, please!"

Donnie poured Crystal another tall glass of whole milk and took a pack of double stuff Oreos from the pantry. He had noticed her getting fatter over the previous months, and as of her last weigh in, was 782 pounds. Her breathing was heavier than ever, and walking might as well have been an Olympic event. She was heavily dependent on Donnie, who helped her, but would occasionally push back to make sure she maintained a slight degree of mobility.

"Will you make me some pastrami sandwiches?" She said, tossing the empty Oreos package on the table.

"When was the last time you got up?" Donnie asked.

"Baby, c'mon! I'm hungry!"

"I know! And I'm not saying you can't eat. I just think it'd be good for you if you got up and went to the kitchen yourself..."

"Fine... You have to help me up, though. I can't do it by myself."

"Of course, my love."

"One, two... THREE!" Donnie grinded his teeth and closed his eyes. Crystal's ass barely left the couch before it came crashing down again.

"Ugh!" Crystal grunted, frustrated.

"Relax. We'll try again. One, two... THREE!"

Crystal got to her feet, already sweating and out of breath. Donnie walked alongside her offering the illusion of support, since if she fell, there was no way Donnie would be able to hold her up. He pulled one of their custom dining room fat people chairs over to the front of the stove and had her sit down.

"Can you get the... Stuff... From the fridge?" Crystal panted, wiping sweat from her brow.

"Sure. How much pastrami do you want?" Donnie replied.

"All of it. American cheese, too."


Donnie gave Crystal a few deli bags full of pastrami and American cheese. Crystal grunted as she bent over and pulled a pot from the bottom cabinet by the stove.

"Fill this with water?" Crystal begged.

Donnie filled the pot with water and put it on the stove. Crystal boiled it and dumped all the pastrami inside it, Donnie estimated that there had to be a couple of pounds there as he handed Crystal a bag of bulky rolls.

Crystal spread the big pile of meat onto four huge sandwiches, each one with three slices of cheese on top. Donnie helped her to her feet and watched her struggle-waddle her way to the couch, where she rested the plate on her belly and tore into the first sandwich, taking nearly half of it down in one gluttonous chomp. Donnie could tell she was a bit annoyed with him forcing her to get up and get the food herself.

"You want me to get you some soda, baby?" He asked.

Crystal nodded.

"I'm sorry I made you get up. I just don't wanna see you lose your independence..."

"I know... I didn't mean to snap at you. I love you, Donnie. You're so good to me..."

"I love you too, baby."

"I know I've put on even more weight, but I'm always so hungry I can't help it..."

"Shhhhhhh... You're perfect. You hear me?"

The two kissed, and Crystal kept eating. A bag of chips and a gallon of ice cream later, and she seemed to finally get to something resembling being full. Donnie knew when she reached that point because her eyes would be half-mast, her belly packed and bloated, her breathing labored and heavy, desperate gasps punctuated with hiccups and burps.

It took Donnie four tries to get her on her feet, and she wheezed her way to the bedroom, collapsing on the bed and shaking the entire bedroom. Crystal laid down with her head facing the foot of the bed, the opposite way she'd usually lay down.

"Baby, are you OK?" Donnie asked.

"Help me roll over, I wanna suck your dick..." Crystal panted.

"Oh, baby, you don't have to strain yourself..."


Donnie grabbed Crystal's hands as she prepared to roll over onto her belly. Crystal almost rolled off the bed, but caught herself. Seeing her blubber splayed out like that showed Donnie just how enormous Crystal had gotten, and within seconds he had a hard on that could cut diamonds. He whipped it out and brought it to Crystal's lips. Though she was nearly immobile, Crystal could still suck a cock like nobody's business, her big brown eyes looking up at Donnie sexily as she slurped and slobbered all over his pulsating hard cock. She quite literally looked like a blob laying there like that, and Donnie had to close his eyes to keep from cumming too early. He thought back to the shy 350 pound girl he had met that night at the bar and couldn't believe the shapeless pile of blubber that he'd turned her into. Over 400 pounds of excess fat and calories piled onto her frame...
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Iafeeder 6 years
Another amazing chapter! It's great how Crystal continues to grow while away from Donnie to maximize the shock and awe of her gain! Please continue!
Fluffylove 6 years
Amazing Chapter,I wonder how fat Crystal can get next month?..and how big Collen And Shannon have gotten in the 2 months Crystal was gone for? Please keep this epic going
Bruinsean 6 years
This is in my all-time top 10 of stories on this site.
Iafeeder 6 years
This keeps getting even better! Absolutely amazing! Keep up the great work!
Emmaa 6 years
Love it. I love how you're building a whole world with lots of character offshoots. I'd have probably been a bit bored by now if it had just been the two super fat characters. Would love to hear more about dean and how he came to open the place.
WayTooThin 6 years
I love how this story is evolving
Taylormadexxl 6 years
...Couldn't come soon enough (Chapter 21). Character limit sucks.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
@WayTooThin Good catch, thanks for pointing that out.
WayTooThin 6 years
nice addition. I noticed one typo. A reference to Mark when that character doesnt exist in the story
Fluffylove 6 years
Really nice additions
Theswordsman 6 years
Something tells me crystal may become a resident at the fat farm and Donnie may be looking after her. I could be wrong
WayTooThin 6 years
You have created a nice well rounded story with many angles. Good job!
Fluffylove 6 years
The perspective from Crystal was really nice. Hopefully we hear more from her in the future.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
The character limit is killing me here. Especially since it says it's 10,000 but is more like 9,500. Thanks for reading guys.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
@FluffyLove thank you for the feedback, I will definitely do that moving forward.
Fluffylove 6 years
I really like where the story is going. could you be more graphic in describing their bodies/physical challenge of moving. Such as describing Colleen and Crystal's sexual experience. Having to move fat around,both getting sweaty and out of breath from sli
Juicy 6 years
I guess you’ll have to stop Colleen eventually, but maybe we could get attached to Crystal’s gaining slowly, over time, until the focus switches to her? Just please don’t stop. 😁
Juicy 6 years
I guess you’ll have to stop Colleen eventually, but maybe we could get attached to Crystal’s gaining slowly, over time, until the focus switches to her? Just please don’t stop. 😁
Juicy 6 years
This takes an old premise and does all kind of new and creative things with it. Both congratulations and thanks—and please don’t stop!
WayTooThin 6 years
This is a very well written story. I really enjoyed reading it. Please continue. I look forward to seeing what happens.
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