Moving to the fat farm

chapter 44

...her belly an insatiable black hole constantly demanding more and more food...

"Ahhhhh, fuck! Oh my God, oh my God, oh my Guh-huh-huh-huh-GOD!" Donnie moaned.

Crystal smiled as she wiped cum from her chin. Donnie helped her switch back around to her usual position, sitting up against a pile of pillows.

"How was it, baby?" Crystal asked.

"You've still got it, I'll put it that way." Donnie replied.

"Can you get me some ice cream?"


Crystal's weight continued to climb, slowly, but steadily. Donnie felt himself get pushed off the living room couch by her expanding figure little by little each day, until she had turned the big love seat into what was essentially an arm chair for the gigantic woman. He had started sitting next to her in a chair next to the couch, never making any comments about her size. Every day after work she'd plant her fat ass on the couch and recline, each one of her tree-trunk legs taking up an entire leg rest. Donnie hated watching her struggle and brought her whatever she asked for.

"I just ordered, HICCUP! Pizza... Can you get the door..."




The entire room shook, and Donnie heard Christine crying in the bedroom. The couch had given out under Crystal's weight, and Donnie rushed to her aid.

"Here, Crystal, oh my God... Are you alright?" Donnie asked.

"I think so... Oh, Donnie, I'm so sorry..." Crystal said, tearing up.

"Shhhh... It's OK! Here, let's get you into this chair, alright?



"Fuck! Donnie!" Crystal cried.

"It's OK, baby, relax. Just relax. We'll try again."


Crystal, red faced and dripping with sweat, staggered over to the chair, where she collapsed, sending yet another minor earthquake rumbling through the house. Even the chair, which had been designed for super obese people, was eclipsed by Crystal's fat, which called its structural integrity into question. Donnie investigated the couch, finding it to be beyond repair, and brought a chair out from the kitchen, sitting next to his girlfriend and rubbing her shoulder.

"Shhhhh... It's OK! It's OK! We can get a new couch! Oh, baby I hate seeing you cry like this..." Donnie said, hugging Crystal.

"Go check on the baby..." Crystal said, wiping her eyes.

"Shhhhhhhh... It's OK! Mama's OK! Mama's OK!" Donnie said to Christine as he held her, walking out to Crystal.

"Let me hold her... Shhhhh... It's OK, baby, Mama's OK..."

"You wanna lie down in bed, baby? It'd probably be more comfortable than the chair..."

"Yeah... That's a good idea..."

Crystal handed Christine to Donnie and heaved herself to her feet on her own, which while very difficult, wasn't impossible. She winced as she thrusted her fat leg forward, waddling slowly to the bedroom while Donnie followed her. After going to the bathroom, she collapsed into bed, and Donnie brought her the four large pizzas, mozzarella sticks, chicken wings, and French fries she'd ordered.

"Thank you, baby..." Crystal said. She gave Donnie a kiss and started eating.

"Please don't feel bad about the couch, alright? That kinda stuff happens when you're a feedee, it's nothing to be ashamed of." Donnie said.

"Ugh, I know, I just... I mean, look at me, Donnie!"

"Baby, please. I don't know where these feelings are coming from, but I wish you would realize I think you're beautiful. Gorgeous, perfect. I don't mind helping you with whatever you need, you're my feedee, and I love you. It's what I signed up for."

"I love you so much..."

"C'mon, open up..."

Crystal smiled and opened her mouth, letting Donnie feed her a slice of pizza.

"That's my girl. You worry too much about your weight."

"But baby I'm fucking enormous!"

"And you should be proud of that! You've worked hard to get this body! This belly..."

"You really think I'm still sexy?"

"Baby, c'mon! What do I have to do to prove to you I think you're fucking beautiful?!!? Eat... There we go..."

"Let me pay for the new couch, at least..."

"Absolutely not! That's not your job, you're the feedee, your job is to get fat and break furniture. My job is to buy new furniture for you to break."

"Oh, c'mon... ULP!"

Donnie shoved a slice of pizza into Crystal's mouth, and she giggled as she chewed it up and swallowed it. She started to cheer up the more she ate. Donnie fed Christine and changed her while she relaxed and stuffed herself. When she was done she was on the border line of a food coma, nodding off as she watched TV. Donnie smiled as he walked back into the bedroom, and started picking all her trash up off her bed.

"Oh, baby, let me get all that..." Crystal said, rubbing her eyes.

"Shhhh... You just relax, I'll get it." Donnie replied, kissing her.

Donnie knew that at her size, Crystal was rarely ever truly "full", and if she was, it was a very fleeting feeling. After throwing all the garbage out, he took a container of ice cream from the fridge, and a spoon from the drawer.

"Here you are..." Donnie said, presenting her with the ice cream.

"You're the best..." Crystal replied, smiling and giving Donnie a kiss.

Donnie got into bed with Crystal and rubbed her big belly, completely enraptured as he watched her huge bingo wings curl and roll up each time she lifted a heaping helping of ice cream up to her mouth. Since Donnie saw her every day, he wouldn't notice her weight gain as much as others, and would have little "epiphany" moments where it would dawn on him just how fucking fat his girlfriend had grown. This was one of them.

"I wonder how much your boobs weigh..." He said.

"You're a fuckin' weirdo, hahahaha..." She replied.

"I'm serious! I bet they're probably a hundred pounds apiece..."

"Maybe more since I'm lactating."

"What do you think of this couch? It's got a limit of one and a half tons. It's wider than a love seat, too... Cup holders.... I think this is the one, baby!"

"Mmmm... Do they have it in black?"

"Yes, they do."

"Sounds good to me!"

"Excellent. Your new throne is en route, my queen." Donnie said, kissing Crystal and slapping her belly.

"I bet my fat ass still finds a way to break it."

"That'd be sexy..."

"Ugh, I want more food..."

"What do you want? I'll get it for you."

"No, baby, stop. This is getting ridiculous! I can get it myself..."

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure! You're too good to me..."

Crystal sighed and took a deep breath. Standing up in general was very strenuous from the massive beauty, but getting up out of bed was especially difficult. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed, one at a time, out of breath as she leaned back, belly bulging out, her arms trembling behind her as she struggled to support herself. Donnie watched nervously as she rocked back and forth, jiggling wildly, and shockingly pulled herself up to her feet in one mighty thrust.

"Baby... I'm fine! You can go back to bed..." She gasped.

Donnie reluctantly went back to bed, waiting anxiously to hear a BOOM! Followed by a seismic shockwave from Crystal falling down. But it never came. She returned to the room, arms full of cookies, chips, and candy. Plopping down on the bed, she put her haul of goodies on her nightstand and opened up the chips before she had even swung her legs back up on the bed, gobbling them down as she struggled to catch her breath.

"You need help with your legs, baby?" Donnie asked.

Crystal sighed. "Yeah..."

Donnie helped lift Crystal's heavy legs up onto the bed.

"You don't have to feel bad about asking for help, baby, that's what I'm here for. You're almost 800 pounds, I don't expect you to be able to do everything easily!"

"I know... I just... I feel bad... Making you do all this stuff for me..."

"Well, if you want to, and this is COMPLETELY up to you... I could help you do some very simple, low-impact exercises. NOT TO LOSE WEIGHT!!! I don't want you losing a pound!! But what they would do is help you get around a little easier. It might be a little challenging at first, but we'll take it nice and slow, go at your pace. But if you don't wanna do that, that's perfectly fine. Either way, I'll support you 110%."

"What kinda stuff would I be doing?"

"We could walk around the living room, have you sit up and sit down, I'll go online and find some more. But that's only if you want to, I don't wanna force you or pressure you..."

"No, no, I wanna do it. I'm getting so big, Donnie, and I don't wanna have to quit my job..."

"Ok! If you want we can start tomorrow."

"I love you so much... You really are the best man I could've ever asked for."

"I love you too, baby! That's what I'm here for..."
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Tarquin 6 years
Incredibly, awesomely good and well-written! Many thanks, can't wait for the next chapter.
Syphon77 6 years
As someone who's 27 and over 550 lbs, this is a refreshingly accurate depiction of what life is like at that size. You do break stuff and it is embarrassing. Going out is hard and I hate the grocery store for all the walking.
Iafeeder 6 years
Please continue! This is a great setup to potentially huge growth! I cannot wait to see where this goes.
Bruinsean 6 years
Great story. But, it is hard to believe she does not have a boyfriend or woman in her life.
Theswordsman 6 years
This is gonna be big☺
QuebecFA 6 years
I really love the story so far! Please continue! :-)
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