Moving to the fat farm

chapter 46

"Absolutely! What do you wanna eat while I go get that?"

"Doritos. And cookies..."

"Sure thing, baby."

Donnie got Crystal a giant bag of Doritos and family sized tub of chocolate chunk cookies. He gave her a kiss and a pat on the belly and went out to get her more food. He was so proud of Crystal for completing her exercises and being such a trooper with her weight gain that he wanted to spoil her, and bought her four buckets of chicken, potato wedges, biscuits, mashed potatoes, mac n' cheese, and a few double down sandwiches. It was more than even Crystal could put away in one sitting, but he was excited to see how much she could eat.

The exercise had left Crystal even more ravenous than usual, and she tore into her first chicken breast like it was the first thing she'd eaten in days. Donnie frantically set up her TV tray at the side of the couch and got her a fresh bottle of Coke. He then sat down beside her and enjoyed the show.

"Gotta make up for all those calories you burned, right baby?" Donnie asked.

"Mhmmmm..." Crystal replied.

Donnie grabbed a paper towel and masturbated while Crystal stuffed herself. Crystal played to his fetish, exaggerating her chewing and lip smacking and gulping noises as she ate. She chugged Coke right out of the bottle, capping it back up before gluttonously grabbing a fresh thigh to strip of its meat. Her lips and cheeks were coated with shiny grease as she stuffed thousands of calories and hundreds of grams of pure, unadulterated, fat into her greedy mouth.

"That's my girl... That's my girl! My big, fat, hungry, girl..." Donnie growled, using his free hand to rub Crystal's belly.

"Oh, Donnie, I'm just so fucking HUNGRY!!!"

Crystal frantically dunked four potato wedges into a gratuitous glob of ketchup and stuffed them into her mouth, her eyes rolling over in her head in ecstasy as she chewed and swallowed. She knew her man well, and knew just what to do to drain every last drop of cum out of his balls. She tossed the empty box of wedges down onto the floor lazily, and tried leaning forward to reach another box on the coffee table, her belly proving to be an insurmountable obstacle for achieving that goal.

"HHHHMMMPPPHHH! UGH..." She grunted, frustrated.

"Here baby..." Donnie said, giving her a fresh box with his free hand.

"Thanks, baby..."


Donnie cranked his hog to its natural crescendo, leaving a Rorschach test pattern of jizz all over the paper towel. Pleasure and endorphins overwhelmed him as he came, and Crystal smiled, trying not to laugh at the retarded faces he was making.


< br>"That's what I like to hear!!"

Crystal sat back, bucket of chicken tucked under her flabby arm, munching a drumstick with the other. Her belly bulged forward, pinning her to the leather sofa, straining her entire body with its immense bulk.

"We're weighing you after this..." Donnie said.

"Ok..." Crystal said, smiling.

Donnie doused the mashed potatoes in gravy and spoon fed them to Crystal, who was slowly beginning to get full. Her gasping between bites was becoming more and more intense as her hungry pace slowed.

"Oooooh, baby... My belly... It's getting so full!" Crystal moaned.

"C'mon, just a few more bites. I know you've got room in here!" Donnie replied.




"C'mon, one more big bite!"

Crystal stared the spoonful of mashed potatoes down for a few seconds before opening her mouth and gulping it down.


"Oooooh, baby... Rub my belly..."

"Such a fat girl... My big fat piggy loves her food..."


"Let me feed you one of the double downs."

"Alright, alright..."

The double down was a sandwich that used two chicken breasts as the "buns", with bacon and cheese in between. It was the pinnacle of American fast food gluttony, an abomination of fat and grease, a parody of the disgusting trash big-bellied Americans ate after pulling their oxygen cannulas out of their fat noses. Donnie had been dying to feed Crystal some of them.

"They're smaller than they look on the commercial..." Crystal said as Donnie brought the sandwich to her lips.

"Isn't that always the case?" Donnie replied.


"It's good, isn't it?"

Crystal nodded.

"You want another one?"

Crystal nodded eagerly.

"I thought so..."

Four sandwiches later, Crystal was panting, her belly sour from being so overstuffed.

"Oh, Crystal, Crystal, Crystal... What are we gonna do with you, huh? You're getting so fucking FAT!" Donnie said, slapping her belly.


"Easy, Donnie! I'm so full..."

"Sorry, baby..."

"Eight hundred and... Four... Pounds." The electronic scale said.

Donnie was ecstatic. Crystal's gaining had surpassed his wildest dreams. He'd helped her pack on almost 500 pounds since the day they reconnected. Seeing her standing there, huffing and puffing, back arching outward from her extreme gluttony, filled him with pride and stimulated him sexually. Her enormous belly hung down to her knees, and rendered her too wide for most doorways. Her thighs were so big and fat that it was nothing short of a miracle she was able to shift one over the other and still walk, or waddle. Flab covered her arms, jiggling all over the place as she brushed her hair out of her pretty face. Two huge boobs overflowed the cups they sagged into, threatening to snap their straps at any moment.

"Congratulations, baby!" Donnie said as he hugged his enormous girlfriend.

"I need to sit down..." Crystal gasped.

Donnie helped her waddle back to bed, where a bottle of soda and a tub of cookies were waiting to comfort her. Donnie rubbed and patted her belly, worshipping it as she ate, his cock rock hard as it rubbed against her thigh.

"I think this calls for a celebration." Donnie said.

"Haha, oh yeah?" Crystal replied.

"How about we both bang in tomorrow. I wanna spoil you for the day. You won't have to leave this bed. I'll take care of everything, including the baby. I'll bring you all the food you want."

"Hmmm... I was thinking about calling in anyway. My knees are already super sore from all the walking."

"You deserve a day off, my love. Carrying all this sexiness around must get exhausting, huh? Huh?" Donnie laughed, jiggling Crystal's belly.

"OK, OK! Call Kelly and tell her we're all set for tomorrow."

Crystal's entire body ached as she woke up the next day. Her calf muscles were tight and stiff, and her back was sore. She moaned and tried to go back to sleep to no avail, the smell of bacon and eggs and her empty belly demanding her undivided attention.

"How's my big piggy this morning?" Donnie asked.

"I'm so fucking sore..." Crystal moaned.

"Well you don't have to worry about anything today, aside from keeping this belly full. The baby's been fed and changed. Here's your bacon and eggs..."

Crystal kissed Donnie and smiled before turning her attention to her food and digging in hungrily. For the next hour, Donnie was in and out of the bedroom, bringing Crystal pancakes, toast, sausage, muffins, and bagels.

"Baby, I said I was full..." Crystal gasped, belly distended and stuffed.

"Oh, c'mon! You can eat more, I know you can... C'mon, just a couple of bagels, open up..." Donnie insisted.

Crystal sighed and opened her mouth. Donnie hand fed her a bagel covered in butter.

"That's my girl. You gotta clean your plate, baby! There's starving kids in Africa!"

Crystal giggled. "You're such an asshole..."

Donnie stuffed Crystal with food until she was moaning in pain and pleasure for the whole day. As soon as he heard her burp or fart or audibly free up some room in her cavernous belly, he was there to fill it right back up again. They ended the day with a triple chocolate cheesecake with "800" in numeric candles. Donnie got Crystal a few bottles of her favorite wine and got himself some of his favorite whiskey, and they relaxed together in bed, Donnie feeding Crystal her cake until the whole thing was gone.

"Do you remember when we met?" Donnie asked her, slurring a bit.

"You mean like... In high school?" Crystal replied.

"No, no. Like at the bar that night."

"How could I forget?"

"You know you've put on almost 500 pounds since then, right?"

"Mhm... All for you, baby."

"And I couldn't be more proud of you. I mean that."

"I love you, Donnie."

"I love you too, baby."

"You know what I could really go for right now?"


"Ice cream."

"Say no more."

Donnie marched off to the kitchen to get his lover some ice cream, and Crystal sat in bed, rubbing her gigantic belly proudly as she reflected on her wonderful boyfriend and the life they'd built together. In such a short frame of time she'd gone from hating herself and thinking she'd never find love to accepting and embracing herself and finding the man of her dreams. A man who accepted her for who she was, and taught herself to do the same.

"Here's to 500 more, huh?" Donnie joked as he got back into bed.

"Haha, feed me..." Crystal replied.

"As you wish..."

Donnie hand fed Crystal the entire gallon of ice cream while he rubbed her belly until she nodded off. He put the empty container down on the floor and fell asleep on her belly, patting and rubbing it as he drifted off himself.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Tarquin 6 years
Incredibly, awesomely good and well-written! Many thanks, can't wait for the next chapter.
Syphon77 6 years
As someone who's 27 and over 550 lbs, this is a refreshingly accurate depiction of what life is like at that size. You do break stuff and it is embarrassing. Going out is hard and I hate the grocery store for all the walking.
Iafeeder 6 years
Please continue! This is a great setup to potentially huge growth! I cannot wait to see where this goes.
Bruinsean 6 years
Great story. But, it is hard to believe she does not have a boyfriend or woman in her life.
Theswordsman 6 years
This is gonna be big☺
QuebecFA 6 years
I really love the story so far! Please continue! :-)
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