Moving to the fat farm

chapter 7

...And a little elbow grease. She smiled mischievously as she tossed the pants across the room.

"Take your panties off. I wanna show you something." Shannon said.

Shannon walked over to her luggage on the opposite side of the room, and rummaged through one of her backpacks. She pulled out a strange looking device that looked like an uppercase "I" with a lever sticking out of the side. Colleen awkwardly took her panties and shirt off (taking her bra off was even more difficult, and she was too embarrassed to even attempt it) and shifted around nervously in bed as Shannon approached her.

"I call this, the fat jack. Now, what I'm gonna have you do, is spread those legs..." Shannon said.

Colleen spread her legs as far apart as she could. Her thighs were still just barely touching, even that far apart from one another. Shannon put the device between Colleen's thighs, pushing it against the left one and resting her belly on top of it. Colleen's belly was heavy enough to hold the jack in place, and Shannon began reeling the lever towards her, as if she was jacking up a car to change a flat tire. Slowly but surely, Colleen's belly began to lift up, and Shannon could see some pubic hair.

"What have we here?!" Shannon gasped, feigning surprise.

"Oh, Shannon! You should've let me freshen up..." Colleen replied.

"Ssssshhhh... Relax. Just relax." Shannon whispered before going back down.

Shannon jacked up Colleen's belly even higher and shoved her head between her thighs. Feeling the warmth of her belly and thighs against her neck and face turned her on immensely, and once she was in position, she started eating her pussy. She knew she was hitting the spot when she felt Colleen's legs begin to squirm, and her blubbery thighs push against her ears. Within seconds, she was moaning. Colleen hadn't been eaten out in years, and never this well before. Her obesity and reclusiveness had pretty much destroyed her sex drive, and masturbating was too much work for her. She hadn't had a proper orgasm in over a year, and was overwhelmed with euphoric, goosebump-raising waves of pleasure pulsing through all 600+ pounds of her body. Her thighs quivered and squeezed Shannon's head like it was in a doughy vice grip, nearly suffocating her in the process. Just before Colleen finally came, she reached over and grabbed the ice cream, shoveling a few spoonfuls into her insatiable maw as her pussy exploded with pleasure she'd nearly forgot existed.


Colleen's thighs relaxed back to their original position as she slowly began to float back down to earth from her orgasm, enhancing the whole experience tons of ice cream. Shannon pulled her head out from between her legs, and pulled the fat jack from under her belly.

"How was that, huh?" Shannon asked.

"Fucking... Incredible..." Colleen gasped.

"Oh, God! Were you eating that whole time!?"


"Good. You know, I don't know what I like more. Being a feedee or a feeder. I love being fat, and obviously I'm gonna keep getting fatter. But I also love nurturing and spoiling other women..."

"Well, if you keep getting bigger, you won' t really have that choice anymore..."

"Oh, I know. I think I like being a feedee just a little bit more. I can't wait to hit 600 pounds!!! I want a big, huge, fat, tummy like yours."

"If you don't mind me asking, Shannon... What'd you tell your family? Your friends?"

"Well... When I first started putting on weight, I'd get the odd comment from my parents and friends, 'Oh, Shannon, why don't you come out to the gym with me? I have a guest pass!' y'know, stuff like that. Of course, I never took them up on it. And the bigger I got, the more confident I became, and the more confident I became, the more women were attracted to me. They saw how genuinely happy I was as a fat girl, so my friends kinda backed off. But, obviously, once I broke 400 pounds, I started getting the 'Shannon, we're really worried about you, are you alright?' kinda comments. And I can't blame them, y'know? I mean, normally when your friend gains 400 pounds in a few years, it's because they're very depressed or something is very wrong. But I just... Told 'em the truth! That I love being big, and that I appreciated their concern, but that I was just fine. My Mom, especially, was really angry at first. She'd swear up and down that I was in denial, that there's no way anyone could be happy weighing 500 pounds. But over time, she realized I was happier than I'd ever been when I was dieting and watching my figure. And I think, that's all she really wants, is for me to be happy. As for my friends, well... I did lose a few of them. They said they couldn't watch me go down this road. And I guess I understand. But you make new friends as time goes on."

"I don't know what I'm gonna do... I told my Mom and my friends and all my old co-workers that I was participating in a study on obesity here. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I'm 50 pounds heavier and they start visiting me..."

"Listen. I've been in this exact same position. And let me tell ya, it's not worth the bellyaches. Just tell 'em the truth! And if they don't accept it, that's their problem! You think your own mother would just turn her back on you because you're fat?"

"I don't think she'd turn her back on me, but I don't wanna make her worry any more than she already does!"

"Is she fat, your Mom?"

"Oh, yeah! She's gotta be... Jeez, 400 pounds at least!"

"So she knows what it's like!! And honestly?! She has no right to criticize you for being fat! Plus, I think all the 'health risks' we associate with obesity are really overblown. We're doing this in the safest possible context imaginable. We've got doctors and nurses overseeing our gaining, setting goals for us, checking up on us, and if anything were to happen, God forbid... We'd have them right here by our sides like that!" Shannon snapped her fingers.

"I guess you're right. She's gonna find out sooner or later..."

"That's what I'm saying! Now gimme some of that ice cream..."

After another couple of glasses of wine, Shannon drifted off to sleep, nuzzled against Colleen's stomach like it was the most comfortable pillow in the whole world. She looked so content as she slept that Colleen wouldn't feel right disturbing her. As she drained her glass she decided she'd just drift off right there.

"Oooooohh... Oh, fuck... My head!" Colleen moaned.

"Good morning, sweetie." Shannon said. She kissed Colleen and handed her a breakfast-in-bed tray, with a big glass of OJ, aspirin, and a full breakfast: French toast, bacon, eggs, sausage, and a blueberry muffin.

"Oh my God, you're the best... Thank you so much..."

"Don't thank me, thank the room service girl."

"They have room service here?!?"

"Duh! There's women too fat to get out of bed here!! You just punch your order into the app and they bring it right up to you!"

"Oh my God... I'm gonna get so fat..."

"That's the idea... Hahahaha..."

Colleen's cell phone rang. She leaned over to the nightstand and answered it, even though it was from a foreign number.

"Hello?" Colleen said.

"Hi, yes, Colleen?" The voice replied.

"Yep, speaking!"

"Hi, Colleen! This is Lyndsey, your nurse."

"Oh, hey Lyndsey!"

"So, Dean tells me you've committed to gaining 50
pounds, is that correct?"

"Yes, that's right."

"That's great! I was wondering if I could come by your room sometime today and just have a quick chat with you about that, set your daily goal, and get you those meds I told you about yesterday. Is that alright?"

"Sure! Absolutely!"

"Great! What time works best for you?"

"Hmmm... You wanna come by around one

"One o'clock is perfect! I'll see you then! Oh, and if you have to cancel or reschedule, just call me back at this number, OK?"

"Alright, Lyndsey, thanks so much!"


"Who was that?" Shannon asked, her mouth half full.

"Lyndsey, my nurse. I gotta see her at one so I can set my calorie goal and get some meds." Colleen replied.

"Oh, ok."

"What's your goal?"

"Well, right now I'm committed to gain 300 pounds. I wanna be 1,000, but the most you can commit to at a time is 300. They don't know when I'm gonna get the immobility bonus yet, since everyone's different. But they set my daily calorie goal to 20,000, but they wanna get me to 30,000 eventually. It's a lot, but when you get super fat, you need a TON of calories to keep getting bigger."

"A thousand pounds, huh?"

"Mhmmm... I can't wait..." Shannon smiled, rubbing her big belly.

"You're really cool with never moving again, huh?"

"Oh, definitely! I hate moving as it is! All I wanna do is eat, eat, eat, eat, eat! Like a big fat piggy..."


Colleen ate another two helpings of breakfast and cuddled with Shannon before she went to her own room. It was virtually identical to Shannon's layout and furniture wise, but included a mobility scooter, which was parked by her bed. There was a large bow on the front of it, with a card that said:

"Compliments of the owner. -Dean"

Colleen wasn't sure what to make of the gesture. Though she hadn't been hit on much in her lifetime, she knew when it was happening, and Dean's body language and actions definitely pointed in that direction. She shrugged it off, after all, she did love the attention for a change. By then it was 12:30, so she decided to take a quick shower before Lyndsey arrived.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Bruinsean 5 years
Great story. One of the best on the site
Theswordsman 5 years
This is a good ending i like how you also leave the possibility for future stories involving these characters
Taylormadexxl 5 years
Next chapter is the final one, the epilogue. I think I've done all there is to do with this story and it's been a lot of fun. I've already started my new one, called "Fat Kat" that you can find on my profile.
Fluffylove 5 years
Great chapters.I'd love to see a chapter where Crystal experiences hunger. Such as the house ran out of food at night Donnie has to go pick more up for his starving queen. Maybe his tire gets a flat or just terrible traffic. What will Crystal do for 2+ ho
Iafeeder 5 years
Here's to another 70,000! Keep up the great work!
Taylormadexxl 5 years
Almost 70,000 views, WOW! Thanks guys!
WayTooThin 5 years
The best story ever on this site. Keep it going please
Theswordsman 5 years
Most stories end after only a couple posts im glad this isnt the case with this story
Iafeeder 5 years
This just keeps getting better and better! Bring on the three way action! This ought to be great!
Fluffylove 5 years
Ohhh this 3 way action is gonna be soo sexy! Can't wait to read about all the sweaty jiggly action...Please have them chowing on fried was sooo Hot last time Crystal devoured a stick of butter.
Unknowingly 5 years
SOOOO GOOD! Need some more to keep my satisfied!
Feeder505 5 years
I hope Crystal is going to make Christine fat too!
Iafeeder 5 years
It's great to see how out of control Crystal is these days! I can only imagine how this will add to her form in the coming chapters! Keep up the great work!
Theswordsman 6 years
Either crystal is going to need to rent a private jet/helicopter or Donnie is going to have to move to Texas because i dont see her doing another plane trip like shes been doing
Iafeeder 6 years
Another great installment of a truly wonderful story! Absence makes the heart grow stronger and the waist grow larger in Crystal's case!
Krollmeister 6 years
really liking Crystal she's so nice and sweet I find myself wanting to stand up for her whenever I read a part where she gets mistreated. overall I like the day to day, slice of life format you have for this story you've managed to keep it interesting.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
Thank you all for the comments, criticisms, and encouragement. I've been having a lot of fun writing this and it's nice to know you guys have too.
Nept13 6 years
Best story on this website hands down! Look forward to reading more!
Fluffylove 6 years
You should make deep fried sticks of butter,covered in powdered sugar Crystal's new go to snack...Also I wonder how long some of your characters can go without food? Crystal can (mostly)make it through the night without needing to eat.But how about the ot
Iafeeder 6 years
I realize that I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but this is one of the best stories ever written! I cannot imagine how big Crystal is going to get but hopefully it's absolutely massive!
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