Moving to the fat farm

chapter 8

The shower was luxurious and very spacious, and featured an industrial-sized, talking, scale and full mirror. Colleen was thrilled to find a shower bench and detachable shower head inside, and plopped her fat ass down on it as soon as her clothes were off. She lathered up a sponge with her favorite body wash and scrubbed deep under all her folds and flaps, taking an exhaustive amount of effort to defy the "fat people smell" stereotype. Usually, the sight of herself naked would repulse her or make her anxious/sad. But now, it didn't seem quite so bad to be so big.

It was a baby step, but a major one in her own
journey to self-acceptance.


Colleen heaved herself to her feet and waddled to the door. She was wearing a tight pink tank top and skin-tight custom made black yoga pants. Lyndsey waited for her on the other side, smiling and holding her medical bag.

"Hey, you!" Lyndsey said, giving Colleen a big hug.

"Hey! Come on in..." Colleen replied.

Lyndsey followed Colleen into her bedroom, where Colleen sat down on the bed. Lyndsey sat in Colleen's office chair and wheeled it over to the bed. She pulled an orange prescription pill bottle from her medical bag and handed it to Colleen.

"Here's your medication. Take it once in the morning, and once at night. It's very important you take it faithfully, set a reminder on your phone, do whatever you have to do, OK?"


"Now. Your weight, post-gain, will be six hundred... and eighty eight pounds. I'm gonna set your minimum daily calorie goal to 20,000 per day. You are more than welcome, and encouraged, to exceed it. Since this is your first gaining commitment and we don't know what your metabolism is like, we're gonna be a little lenient with you as far as our expectations go. You will have six months to gain all 50 pounds, and we're gonna check in twice a month to see how you're doing. Six months is more than enough time for you to put on all that weight, provided you meet and exceed your goal every day and don't move around too much. I want you to take advantage of everything we offer you here at the facility. Between the scooters, room service, housekeeping, all that stuff, you should barely ever have to leave this bed. All you have to do is fill this tummy as much and as often as humanly possible, OK?"

Lyndsey jiggled and smacked Colleen's belly playfully.


"I'll go ahead and put your goal into the calorie tracker now... There you are!"

"Thanks, Lyndsey."

"You're very welcome! Oh! And if and when you feel you're getting too big to get around by yourself anymore, it is absolutely CRUCIAL you call me and let me know. Do not feel embarrassed or shy about it, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I just need to know as soon as it happens so I can update your profile and get you the care and assistance you need. Alright? Any questions?"

"Nope, thanks again."

"You're welcome. Now start eating!"

Colleen quickly pulled up the room service menu and ordered herself a big lunch: three meat lover's pizzas, onion rings, buffalo wings, and French fries. She also ordered a few bags of cheese curls, some chocolate chip cookies, chocolate brownie ice cream, mountain dew, Hawaiian punch, and Twinkies to keep in her fridge/cabinets. A chunky young blonde with big boobs and a growing belly delivered it all to her door 45 minutes later. The hot food was on a meal cart, and the grocery items were in a shopping cart. Colleen hurriedly brought it all into her room. She planted her ass in bed, the pile of pizza boxes and the rest of the food sitting within arm's reach.

The wings were the first to be devoured. There were 35 of them, more than Colleen expected, but nothing she couldn't handle. Her fingers and face were coated with spicy buffalo sauce as she sucked the meat off each bone, one after the other. She pushed herself to eat as quickly as humanly possible, in order to trick her belly into thinking it wasn't as full as it actually was. As she discarded the last bone she began to feel a glimpse of satisfaction, as her tongue and lips stung with the spiciness of the wings. Wasting no time, she opened the onion rings and began popping them into her mouth, one after the other, chewing them with an assembly line level of efficiency. After chugging some Mountain Dew, she felt the waistband of her yoga pants digging sharply into her belly button, and she struggled to pull it down under her belly. She let out a heavy sigh of relief as her tummy spilled out a few inches further and some much needed room was freed up in her gullet.

She ate the fries four at a time, swirling them in ketchup before stuffing them in her mouth greedily. By that point her face was coated in shiny grease, and she was down a full two liter of Mountain Dew. From there she opted to switch to the Hawaiian Punch, since it wasn't carbonated and wouldn't bloat her as much as the soda.

"Ugh... Mmmmm... HICCUP! URRRRP! HICCUP! Ugh..." She moaned, belched, hiccupped, but kept eating.

Her belly was approaching capacity as she neared the halfway mark of the first pizza. Ignoring her body's natural instincts, she pushed forward, folding each piece in half and scarfing it up in three quick bites. Pepperoni, sausage, ham, and bacon, tumbled down into her cleavage in large chunks, leaving saucy streaks on her enormous breasts. Never one to waste food, she'd quickly eat those straggling pieces up too. As she trudged through the second pizza, her fullness began to turn to mild discomfort. Something in her brain drove her to keep eating, though. As she opened up the box to pizza number three, she realized she was breathing very heavily and had started to sweat. For a brief moment she considered taking a break, but what then?

"The pizza might get cold, and it's never as good when you re-heat it. Cold pizza can be a great breakfast, but it's the afternoon! Might as well just eat it now..." She thought to herself.

As she picked up the final piece of the final pizza, she was completely exhausted and virtually immobile. Her shirt was rolled all the way up and her belly was bulging out in front of her, heaving up and down with each gasping breath. By that point, she was in pain, her belly ached and she was nauseous. She had eaten herself to the point where she had to regulate her breathing and the rhythm/timing of her hiccups and burps to avoid throwing it all back up. But she couldn't leave the last piece. It would drive her crazy if she did.

"Ugh... HICCUP! HICCUP! URRRPPP! Ugh... Ohhhh..."

She choked down the last slice and slumped back on the bed, unsure if she'd be able to get up within the next four to six hours. Just then, her phone rang.

"Incoming Call from Shannon Farrell..." The screen read.

"Hello..." Colleen huffed into the phone.

"Hey there! I got your number from the resident database, hope you don't think I'm a creep..." Shannon replied.

"Haha, no... So... What's up?"

"You sound tired! Did you just stand up or something?"

"Very... Funny... HICCUP! URRRP! No, I just... I ate way too much..."

"Awwwww, piggy! That's adorable!"

"HICCUP! Yeah, maybe to you..."

"You make the cutest noise when you hiccup. Can I come over? I'll rub your tummy and make it all better... I promise..."

"I don't even think I can get up to let you in right now, Shannon."

"Jesus! How much did you eat?!"

"Ugh... Three large pizzas, 35 wings, onion rings, and French fries..."

"Wow! Good for you! Just unlock your door from the app, it's easy. Just go to your room and click controls. It's in there with the light switch and TV remote."

"Ugh... OK..."

"I'll be there in five minutes. I'll bring snacks."


"Helloooooo?" Shannon called from the kitchen.

"Back here, in the bedroom!" Colleen shouted back.

Shannon walked into Colleen's bedroom, holding a few dozen donuts and a large fountain drink cup. She wore a tight grey sweater that looked like it hadn't buttoned comfortably in years, over a black and white horizontal stripe dress.

"Good God, Colleen, look at you! You're a fucking beached whale..." Shannon said.

"Ugh... My HICCUP! Belly... URRRRP!!" Colleen replied.

"Awwww... My poor piggy! Here..."

Shannon gathered up all the empty food boxes and brought them to the kitchen. On her way back to the bedroom she stopped at the bathroom, and took some Pepto Bismol from the medicine cabinet. She got into bed with Colleen and gave her some of the medicine, then cuddled up with her and gave her a much needed belly rub.


"Excuse you!" Shannon said.

"Oooooohhh Shannon I'm so full..."

"I know, good work! Oh! You have to try one of these donuts. I swear they're the best I've ever had. Better than Krispy Kreme..."

"Awww... Don't say that..."

"Come on... One couldn't hurt, right?"

"Ugh... HICCUP! I don't know..."

"Look at it! It's tiny! You're telling me that with all this room, you can't fit one little bitty, teeny weenie, donut?"

Shannon slapped and jiggled Colleen's belly forcefully, sending shockwaves of blubber rippling through her ample midsection.


"Here comes the plane! C'mon..."

"URRRP! Alright, alright! Feed me..."

Colleen opened her mouth and Shannon shoved three quarters of the glazed donut into it, at which point Colleen bit down. Shannon quickly shoved the remaining portion of the donut into her mouth, almost making her choke in the process.

"OOOOMMMFFF! UGH!" Colleen grunted, her mouth stuffed.

Colleen chewed the donut as quickly as she could, unable to breathe or make more than a muffled sound through all the dough. As she swallowed her first bite, though, she realized what Shannon was talking about. It was delicious. And as the Pepto slowly coated her belly and eased the discomfort, she found herself hungry again.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 5 years
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Iafeeder 6 years
Another amazing chapter! It's great how Crystal continues to grow while away from Donnie to maximize the shock and awe of her gain! Please continue!
Fluffylove 6 years
Amazing Chapter,I wonder how fat Crystal can get next month?..and how big Collen And Shannon have gotten in the 2 months Crystal was gone for? Please keep this epic going
Bruinsean 6 years
This is in my all-time top 10 of stories on this site.
Iafeeder 6 years
This keeps getting even better! Absolutely amazing! Keep up the great work!
Emmaa 6 years
Love it. I love how you're building a whole world with lots of character offshoots. I'd have probably been a bit bored by now if it had just been the two super fat characters. Would love to hear more about dean and how he came to open the place.
WayTooThin 6 years
I love how this story is evolving
Taylormadexxl 6 years
...Couldn't come soon enough (Chapter 21). Character limit sucks.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
@WayTooThin Good catch, thanks for pointing that out.
WayTooThin 6 years
nice addition. I noticed one typo. A reference to Mark when that character doesnt exist in the story
Fluffylove 6 years
Really nice additions
Theswordsman 6 years
Something tells me crystal may become a resident at the fat farm and Donnie may be looking after her. I could be wrong
WayTooThin 6 years
You have created a nice well rounded story with many angles. Good job!
Fluffylove 6 years
The perspective from Crystal was really nice. Hopefully we hear more from her in the future.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
The character limit is killing me here. Especially since it says it's 10,000 but is more like 9,500. Thanks for reading guys.
Taylormadexxl 6 years
@FluffyLove thank you for the feedback, I will definitely do that moving forward.
Fluffylove 6 years
I really like where the story is going. could you be more graphic in describing their bodies/physical challenge of moving. Such as describing Colleen and Crystal's sexual experience. Having to move fat around,both getting sweaty and out of breath from sli
Juicy 6 years
I guess you’ll have to stop Colleen eventually, but maybe we could get attached to Crystal’s gaining slowly, over time, until the focus switches to her? Just please don’t stop. 😁
Juicy 6 years
I guess you’ll have to stop Colleen eventually, but maybe we could get attached to Crystal’s gaining slowly, over time, until the focus switches to her? Just please don’t stop. 😁
Juicy 6 years
This takes an old premise and does all kind of new and creative things with it. Both congratulations and thanks—and please don’t stop!
WayTooThin 6 years
This is a very well written story. I really enjoyed reading it. Please continue. I look forward to seeing what happens.
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