Piggies for rent

Chapter 6 - the beginning of pfr

The result of that action made Amanda thinking. First, Claudia was her girlfriend, her piggy the feed. But on the other hand there seemed to be a serious amount of money to be made with an escort service providing feeders (secret or without an own feedee) and FA's of all kind with a possibility to fulfil their desires! She only would need a few more fatties or fatties to be to open up an attracting service for people with this special fetish. She began to calculate, adding together all her liquid money and the value of her inherited real estate. She was convinced that with her selling her city apartment and moving into her parent's house she would have enough money to start up the business. With the prices of real estate at an all-time high she made a good deal for her apartment, adding a serious amount of money into her start up pot. But this turned out to be the only easy action on her way to become a successful business woman. Setting up the small startup was no problem, but when it came to find employees for her special service, she found out that it was nearly impossible to get the right type of people. Most of the woman who answered to her (very vague formulated) job offer immediately refused when she explained what special 'services' she had in mind.

Disgruntled by the luck of success and seeing her dream of being a wealthy business woman vanishing into the mist, Amanda developed another plan to come to a handful of 'employees'! If there were no willing women for this kind of service, she would create them! This should work out! Had she not turned her own girlfriend into a food and sex addicted fat pig? (That was only too true; Claudia had gained another 15kg within the last 2 month, bringing her to a stunning 120 kg distributed quite even over her 1.62m body. Even as in a quite big double rolled belly, huge, jiggly thighs, massive upper arms and a cute double chin over E-Cup sized boobs.) Following her idea she began planning the 'acquisition' of her new Piggies for Rent. She refurbished the 3 cellar rooms into holding cells with tiled wall and bottom, equipped with sturdy hospital beds (complete with straps to restrain a body) and a few medical monitoring devices she'd bought together with the beds. This equipment had been easy to get, coming from a sellout of a hospital getting an allover renewal. Coming into possession of the required amount of drugs she intended to use was a bit more complicated and she had to get deeper into black market dealings as she had imagined. But after another month of preparation she finally had everything together to start the making of her first 3 new piggies. Amanda had also spend a good part of that month driving around in the shabbier parts of the city, checking out shelters for runaways and other meeting points where she probably could find suitable 'candidates' for her plan. She had spent a little money here and there to inquire information about a few girls she had seen. She had no names but the pictures of five girls she thought adequate, because all of them where according to the people she'd asked runaways with no family present or searching. Everything in place at the mansion Amanda went out to get her first new girls.

It proved easier as she had expected. Only one of the girls refused her offer of 'a day of work for 50$ on hand'. Once she had a girl at her mansion, a small breakfast with a heavily spiked coffee and within three days the cells in the cellar became occupied. She also had found out the names of the girls from documents she'd found at her victims, but she decided to call them piglet one, two and three for now. Time for fancy names would be later. Taking the different taste of the (future) customers into consideration she even had chosen girls of different ethnical origin. Piglet one was white, about 1.70m, rather plain with tiny boobs but extremely long legs for her size. Her initial weight was a (for Amanda) depressing 52kg. Piglet two remembered her a little bit of her piggy Claudia before she had plumped up into a 120kg BBW. A bit smaller, only 1.55m piglet 2 was a slightly chubby Latino girl with nice boobs, a (tiny) belly and generously swung hips. But it was future piglet 3 which Amanda was most interested in. Her milk chocolate skin and the only slightly curling hair spoke of a mixed European-African heritage. She was an unbelievable 1.98m, but due to a long time of living with very less to no money she was extremely skinny. But even thou her boobs where a good C and her butt promised to be spectacular once being filled out!

The next few weeks proved to be very exhausting. Taking care of three totally drugged woman, feeding them every day and making sure they got satisfied in another way too (always at the time they were filled to the max) proved to be a full time job. She got Claudia to help her, but there was always the problem that if Claudia took care of the feeding, they needed a much bigger amount of food to fill not only the piglet, but also satisfy Claudias ever increasing hunger. So it was not surprising, that by end of the first month the girls each had gained an average of 5kg while Claudia had added nearly seven. Now close to 120kg (a BMI well over 45) Claudia was straight on her way from BBW to SSBBW. The second month turned out to be much more successful. The first months feeding and bloating had greatly increased the eating capacity of the three piglets, and with a much bigger amount of food where Amanda only used fast food and sweets their calorie intake had gone up dramatically. So did the weight. After two month piglet 1 now was at 65kg, which could be considered a normal weight. Piglet 2 had now added 14kg to her small frame, bringing her to 64kg with a bulging belly, a beginning double chin and greatly expanded hips. Piglet 3, which had gotten special treatment during the last few weeks, had gained an astonishing 17kg total. Yet those 17 kilo did not really made her appear even slightly chubby, to well they were distributed over the tall body.
Seeing her success with piglet 2 Amanda decided it was time to see if under these circumstances the girl could be convinced to 'work' for her.
After 3 days of cleaning out the medications from the body as well as starving her, Amanda woke up the piglet. It took the girl a while to realize the situation, but then the drama started. True to her Latin American temperament she began to cry, shouting at Amanda now and then and frantically wobbling her belly and love handles the one or other time. Amanda waited for a while until the girly had calmed down a little bit before she began to make her point. She moved a tablet with a dozen glazed doughnuts in front of the girl and pointed out that she must be hungry after not having eaten for over 24 hours. Instantly Amanda could see the effect. Smelling the aroma of the bakery goods the girl finally calmed down. Her belly started to grumble and she hastily grabbed one of the round goodies. Within 5 minutes the girl had wolfed down as many doughnuts. During this time Amanda sat there, watching her with a smiling face. After the fifth the girls swiped over her mouth and looked ashamed at Amanda. That was Amanda's chance. She explained why she had done what she did and what she would offer. Three years she would have to 'work' for PfR, 25 percent of the money she would make would be hers. After 3 years she would even get paid a 'leaving bonus', what amount depending on the total success of PfR. While explaining all the additional conditions and expectations Amanda continuously fed the girl the remaining doughnuts, until all 12 where gone. Smiling she rubbed the girls now distended belly and added that obviously she would be a great piggy. Finally Dorothy (from now on Bubbly Betty) agreed to the terms.

One month later Amanda was able to convince both the other woman in a very similar way. Of course, being stuffed for another month had greatly weakened any possible resistance, waking up very hungry and 25 (piglet 1) respective 30 (piglet 3) kilogram heavier than used too might have helped this decision making.
Finally, six month after her idea, Amanda's big business was ready to start. And it went astonishing well. All her three piglets were requested several times per month, the 'rental' time ranging from one night feeding up to a one week special for piglet 3 (now called Voluptuous Viola). Seeing the success of her idea Amanda decided to 'recruit' another 3 women to increase her multiracial offer.
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Karenjenk 6 years
I really like this because of the relationship between the main characters and the Sub/Dom themes and control.
I also like that it's dark.
Hopefully you will continue.
Thank you for sharing