Piggies for rent

Chapter 9 - moody times can harm the waistline

A few weeks after her birthday Amanda decided that it would be time to invite Sam, her new lover to visit her on the island. Of course she would not induct Sam into her business model. All Sam would see would be a beautiful island resort with a couple of overweight 'guests'. In really good mood Amanda pictured Sam in her mind, all the about 75 kilos divided most favorably over a 1.7m body. Slightly chunky thighs ending in a bubbly butt, a not totally flat belly shadowed by generous double D's and a beautiful face framed in auburn hair. Yes, Sam was a true eye-catcher and with her close to 30 years also not a fancy headed youngster any more. And, to make things really perfect, she even had allowed Amanda to feed her during their last meeting in one of the chalets at the beach club. Amanda was not really sure, but for her it had looked like Sam had truly liked it and hinted to do it again! Now, that was a tantalizing perspective! Not only beautiful, sexy and intelligent, but also with small feedee tendencies! Life could not get better!

That feeling changed the moment when Amanda before leaving checked her mails. The red blinking exclamation mark indicating a very urgent mail sprang into her eyes. The mail was from MoD. It contained a couple of pictures showing Sam with 2 other people. Time and date of the meeting were mentioned in the description of the pictures. These meetings had taken place always after one her meetings with Sam. MoD also wrote that those meetings had made her suspicious and so she had looked up the 2 other guys. She believed that they are federal police who were after Amanda. So Sam was an agent too or simply a person working as bait for Amanda! It clearly would be better for Amanda not to meet her again. It also would be advisable to avoid the area at the coast were they had met. Or even better avoid the main land for a longer while until the interest of the feds had diminished.

Anger, frustration and a not to small part fear let Amanda directly to her 'medicine' cabinet. After several shots of whiskey she began to feel better, less angst but even more anger and frustration. For the next few hours Amanda simply sat in her rooms, drinking and comforting herself with the one or other sweet snack. Staring at the now empty whiskey bottle she suddenly remembered the cake she had ordered from the kitchen. It had been for her planned intimate together with Sam, to stuff that small belly of her former lover. But this dreamed up happening was now out of question. Not only angry, but furious in her drunken state of mind Amanda decided that if she couldn't feed the cake to Sam, she would go down to the 'conditioning' rooms and stuff one of the new girls. Swaying heavily from too much alcohol she stumbled down the stairs, into the cellar, only to find all the cells empty! Suddenly she remembered that her 'recruiters' had somehow lost sight of all 3 new 'recruits'. Slowly making her way back to her rooms, her anger turned to frustration. Back in her living area she threw herself onto the couch and grabbed the next available bottle on the table. After taking a few more huge sips from the sweet liquor she felt not only the room slowly starting to turn around her, the soft sweetness of the liquor also seemed to reduce her frustration! So Amanda began to quench her frustration with the comfort of the sweet and creamy cake, washing it dawn with a whole jug of cocoa. Not before two thirds of the cake, a cream and sugar bomb of 20 cm diameter, were gone she realized what she did! She was nearly lying on her couch, the lower half of her face smeared with cream and crumbs. Crumbs also tickled in her cleavage and while she with one hand had stuffed her face with the cake, her other had alternated between rubbing her swollen middle and teasing the wet center farer below. The frustration replaced with an incredible arousal she closed her eyes and began to play with her swollen belly and the hot spot between her thighs and imagined it to be Sams soft fingers. After fingering herself to the one after another orgasm she finished the cake and fell into a deep, sugar and alcohol induced, sleep. Waking up with a terrible hangover never was Amandas favorite, but after the afternoons excess there was nothing other to expect.

For the next three weeks Amanda was in very sullen mood. Sticking on the island, all her piglets out or with an in house guest she still felt betrayed and more than a little bit lonely. This moodiness had also caused the house stuff to stay well clear of her. Bored, frustrated and still angry she more than once retreated into the comfort of the sweet snacks. Several times a day cakes and other bakery goodies found the way in her room and from there into her belly, drowning her feelings in a sugary high. Not once all her boredom let her to the beach for a swim, let alone into her gym! The only times she left her rooms were when she had to welcome or to see off one of her guest. She could not avoid to note the peeks some of them gave her now visibly protruding middle or her clearly bigger bum. Of course, those patrons all had it for feeding and watching people getting fat. But she was not one of the feedees! Yet, also this disgruntlement did not bring her back to dieting and work out. So, within three weeks of indulgence she had regained half of the weight she'd lost the last year, pushing her well above 90 kg! This new weight had settled nearly all over her body. The only place spared was her face, still quite slim and only the slightest trace of a double chin. But especially belly, boobs and bum had dramatically increased in size, and so nothing of newer outfits was fitting any longer. Given the treat of the feds still waiting for her on the main land she also was not able to go on a shopping trip to purchase new clothing. So, the only clothes left to wear were her 'fat' clothes, the ones she had bought during the last year. Slightly embarrassing, to appear with 'outdated' clothes in front of her wealthy patrons! Amanda especially dreaded the return of the one special customer, the one who last year had made her this disgusting offer! She knew from the bookings that he would be back in less than two weeks and she truly was not up to meeting this guy again. True, he was a rather good looking man in his mid-thirties, not to forget stinking rich, but he had proved to be a true chauvinist too. Not surprising with his upbringing from a more than rich Arabian family. She knew he would ogle and tease and most probably even ask her again, because she clearly was his type. At least now, with more than 20kg to much on her ribs she perfectly fitted his special type, a chubby to fat Caucasian woman with bright blond hair!

At least one silver line on the horizon appeared. Her 'recruiters' would bring a couple of new 'human resources' for her business. Which was a relief, because two of her 'workers' by now showed the first signs of losing it completely, say even when not at a customer or with a patron in house they constantly stuffed themselves to the brim and had long reached 'her' maximum BMI of 100. Time for them to continue their way into immobility in another house!

The much dreaded moment of greeting the special patron came ten days later, falling onto the same date than the arrival of her new 'employees'. As Amanda had expected, the meeting with him turned out more than a bit embarrassing. Whilst receiving her welcoming words his gaze had constantly wandered up and down her swollen body, from the now double Ds down to her well rounded bum, stopping for a longer time only to admire the slight strain of her blouse over her jutting belly! With a knowing smile on his face he finally thanked her for the 'warm' welcome and assured her with a devious smile that she never ever looked better! Amanda felt her face blushing from embarrassment and humiliation. As fast as dignity as well as hip and thigh jiggling permitted she turned around and walked away, feeling his eyes glued to her swaying butt all the way until she could vanish behind the door! As fast as she could she went to her rooms to wash dawn the awkwardness with a hearty swallow from the liquor bottle. Encouraged in such a manner she now made her way to the 'conditioning' rooms, to have a look at her new 'recruits'. The young man was a quite good looking typical American boy, maybe beginning of his twenties, a sugar cube for her middle aged female patrons. The first woman looked like to be about the same age. Being of Arabian parentage she already showed all the benefits that descent did offer. A beautiful face with dark brown eyes framed by a wave of black hair, still rather small boobs over a (tiny) belly and very well bottomed she would be another growing 'star' in her possession! When Amanda first laid eyes on number three, she forgot to breathe for at least one minute. There she was, the same beautiful face, the same slightly chubby figure, the same a little curly black hair!
16 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Karenjenk 6 years
I really like this because of the relationship between the main characters and the Sub/Dom themes and control.
I also like that it's dark.
Hopefully you will continue.
Thank you for sharing