Double happiness-2 girls 1 big boy

chapter 2

Touching his huge, round belly made me incredibly wet. I took immense pleasure exploring his remarkable girth. I tried to slide my hand under his gut to feel his soft underbelly but it was so heavy he and Sophie had to lift it up together. I slipped my hand under it and when they let his belly down my hand was literally trapped underneath between his hard cock and weight of his giant stomach. I loved the feeling of my one hand being squashed by his warm flesh while my other hand gently caressed the top, soft, slightly furry shelf, which ballooned out under the folds of his huge moobs. I leaned over, moving my hand to grab the man boob closest to me, and sucked hungrily on his nipple. Sophie did the same on the other side with her other hand running over the folds of fat on his neck. She moved up to his chubby face, pulling it towards her. They started kissing.

My hand had fallen asleep so they helped me pull it out from underneath the mountain of flesh. Sophie grabbed his fat face and they continued kissing. I started kissing and slowly licking his salty, smooth flesh, tracing his stretch marks with my tongue. When my hand came to, I ran it over his huge love handles - the fattest one on the bottom was so round and thick it took both my small hands spread wide to feel all of it at once. He had several folds of flesh above as well, each roll of fat soft, each ending in a deep fold, which I slid my fingers into, feeling heat trapped in there. Looking at his bloated belly, big soft moobs and fat arms, I thought he probably weighed more than we'd thought.

"So what are you, around 300?" I said. "I wish...I haven't seen that number for a few years. I'm up around 335...340." Sophie and exchanged looks over top of his mound of belly fat. "Well," Sophie said, "we're going to do our best to get you up to 350 by the end of the night. It's time for the main course!" He groaned and tried to sit up straighter. Pulling himself up was difficult, we helped him move his big butt back a little bit on the couch. He leaned back and sighed. "Wow...I can't believe how huge it is!" He patted the sides of it, reaching around to feel his deep belly button and the expanding flesh below it. "I can hardly reach the bottom of my own stomach. I guess that means I'm officially obese, a fat pig. Why do you two like fat men?"

"They feel good. They look good." I said. "And they can't run away," Sophie added. We all laughed. I went into the kitchen and served up a huge portion of pasta with marinara sauce and lots of cheese. When I came back into the living room, Sophie had climbed on top of him straddling him, her hands locked onto his love handles, exploring his fat neck and face with her tongue. "I can't reach my arms all the way around you" she said to him, when she heard me come out with the food. "Well I'm five feet around, so I'm not surprised," he said. "A sixty inch waist -- impressive" she said. "Here comes the second course..." He looked at the plate piled high with pasta. "That looks amazing, but you might have to help me finish it. I don't think I can eat all of that." "Oh we'll help you" I said. Sophie and I smiled at each other conspiratorially.

He leaned towards the plate I'd put on table but couldn't reach over his growing gut. "Don't worry, we'll feed it to you. Open up." His eyes widened as we took turns putting forkful after forkful of the rich noodles into his mouth. When one was feeding, the other was rubbing his ballooning belly, scratching it lightly with our fingernails, kissing it, licking it. We could feel how hard it was getting. Rounder, bigger, firmer. The bottom spreading out slowly further across his thick thighs. We took a few breaks, massaging his massive belly, complimenting him on his body and encouraging him to finish all the food himself. In the end he did, but we could see he was feeling really uncomfortable. He was sweating profusely and holding his stomach, groaning. He lay back on the couch after he'd finished, all three of us fascinated with how much bigger he looked, his gut like a huge beach ball, sticking out at a remarkable size. He had definitely gained a few pounds since he arrived. Sophie and I leaned over his gigantic, bloated gut and started kissing each other while continuing to rub him, feeling the giant curve of his body, his firm stomach, the folds of flesh on his sides.

"Time to move to the bedroom" I said. He moaned, "You'll both have to help me get up...oh, and I have to pee on the way. I don't think I can reach my cock though, so I'll need some help with that too."
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Bigfunguy 5 years
I think I need a nice cold shower now...
Built4com4t 5 years
Every reread it gets are so good
Built4com4t 5 years
Can't stay away...brilliant turn on
FatOpie 5 years
Ultimate fantasy 🤤
Built4com4t 6 years
love it...nicely done, you pushed all the pushable buttons. more please :-)