Four dates with fatty

Chapter 6 - dinner date (part 1)

The following week Melissa was away on an all-inclusive holiday with a girl-friend, but she sent Charlie teasing photos showing huge amounts of food, and hinted that she was piling on weight faster than ever before. He couldn't wait to see the results of her gluttony, and when she got back in the middle of the following week, he arranged to meet her for dinner at Papa Mario's, an excellent Italian eatery where he had been once before with a colleague.

Charlie arrived first and waited at the front of the restaurant for Melissa; when she jiggled through the door, he was not disappointed. He immediately recognised the red plus-size dress which they'd bought at their last meeting; despite its generous size, it looked like it was about to burst at the seams. Gone were Melissa's trademark pigtails, and her hair fell across her shoulders in golden waves. In her high heels, she was still a good five or six inches shorter than Charlie. Her stomach jutted proudly in front of her, spilling into a generous fold of fat even when she was standing up, and Charlie guessed that her already-sumptuous breasts had grown a full cup size.

"My goodness, somebody's certainly looking well-fed" he said as he greeted her, his eyes wide. "What on earth were they feeding you at that resort, you little butterball?"

The Maitre d' was assiduously pretending not to listen, a look of faint shock on his face.

"Everything, and lots of it," replied Melissa sheepishly. "I know, I can't believe how much weight I put on in just ten days... I've been really naughty! But I'm starving now..."

After they had been shown to their table, Papa Mario himself made an appearance. Although Charlie had only visited once before, the jovial proprietor greeted him like an old friend.

"I'm so pleased you come back to my restaurant! And you bring a beautiful lady with you. She is a nice big girl, she looks much healthier than the skinny woman you bring a-last time!"

"I was here with a colleague," explained Charlie in response to Melissa's raised eyebrow. Then, to Papa Mario: "But this is a date!"

"Then I make you special menu for a romantic evening. I can see the bella signora appreciates the good food", he smiled, eyeing Melissa's huge stomach with clear approval. "No need to order, I bring my best dishes just for you. You just-a tell Papa Mario when to stop!"

The restaurateur bustled into the kitchen, and Charlie leaned over to whisper quietly in Melissa's ear. "Trouble is, greedy-guts, you don't know when to stop, do you? I'm going to fatten you up like a pig..." As he sat back in his seat, he saw that she was biting her lip and had that horny fire in her eyes. Tonight was going to be fun.

They ordered prosecco and the dishes started arriving, first cicchetti of all kinds and a beautiful burrata whose pale, sensuous roundness made Charlie think of Melissa's doughy belly. She gorged herself without restraint, eating easily twice as much as Charlie, chatting and laughing happily as the delicious food kept coming.

"You obviously weren't joking about being hungry, you little piggy!" chuckled Charlie. "Anyone would think you hadn't eaten in a week - but the size of your stomach says otherwise!"

A few diners looked around from neighbouring tables, obviously bemused by the smartly-dressed young guy teasing his overweight date like this. Melissa noticed their stares and just ate with even greater abandon, shovelling mushroom-stuffed ravioli into her mouth.

Next came a magnificently creamy risotto, of which Melissa devoured three-quarters, and then a main course of exquisite beef tournedos with a rich port sauce, topped with crispy pancetta and asparagus. Melissa finally began to show some signs of slowing, breathing heavily and holding her round gut as she swallowed the last mouthful.

At this moment Papa Mario reappeared to check on their progress, and he was clearly pleased with the regular flow of empty plates back into the kitchen. "molto bene, molto bene! I love to see a girl who enjoys eating. Remember signor, how I tell you before to find yourself a nice fat one who is not ashamed of her appetite." And he reached down and patted Melissa's swollen belly as one would pat the head of a puppy - gently, lovingly. She looked a little surprised, but was obviously enjoying her gluttony being the centre of attention.

Charlie reached around the table to grab a love-handle and give it a jiggle; Melissa's fat bounced freely and she blushed deep scarlet, but sat there smiling meekly. "Well, this one certainly likes her food." Now he poked her bulging gut once, twice, with a probing finger. "In fact, I think I still feel some room in there... maybe she wants some more..?"

"I think you can eat some more, yes, bella?" agreed Mario.

She looked up at him, still flushed red and breathing a little heavily. Her hands cupped the sides of her big round paunch, squeezing gently, feeling how heavy and full it was already. "Yes, please. I'm already so stuffed, but I can't help myself - the food is just so good.."

Mario beamed and patted her stomach again, this time a little harder so that it wobbled once again.
"I bring you something nice, porcellina mia."

A few minutes later the waiter wheeled a large dessert trolley to their table, laden with mouthwatering cassata, sfogliatella, fanciful ice-cream creations, panna cotta and cakes. Melissa's eyes widened and she licked her plump lips.

"Now, bear in mind you don't have to finish everything on the trolley, greedy girl," laughed Charlie. "But if you really want to impress Papa Mario..."

He helped her to big servings of several of the sweet dishes, lining them up in front of her. "Go on, you plump little piggy, I know you've got a sweet tooth."

Melissa needed no second invitation and began eating with renewed gusto, her stomach pressing against the table and the seams of her dress straining and stretching. Soon Charlie could see that the fat girl was really struggling to stuff down more food inside her, but he kept encouraging and teasing her and Melissa soldiered wilfully on, giving little groans of pleasure and discomfort.

When Papa Mario returned a third time, Melissa had eaten everything on the trolley, leaving only scraps. Charlie was genuinely incredulous - he had meant the comment about finishing everything as a joke. Papa Mario was amazed and impressed in equal parts. "Brava, brava! Here is a buongustaia who really enjoy the finer things in life! I have never seen one girl eat this-a much! All the puddings she eat, they are on the house."

"Uuhhhh, I can barely move," Melissa smiled up at him with heavy-lidded eyes, looking as though she were about to slip into a food coma. Her arms hung at her sides and her distended stomach bulged prodigiously in front of her, her breasts resting on top of it. Surveying the soft curves of her body, Charlie suddenly became aware that she wasn't wearing anything under the red dress. There was no line of knicker-elastic cutting into her lower belly or the generous swell of her hip, and he could clearly see that her nipples were erect. Suddenly he was in a rush to get this overstuffed, horny fat girl back to his hotel.
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Stor738 8 months
Please continue!!!
Stor738 8 months
Potbellypimp 5 years
Fourth date finally uploaded... hope you all enjoy!
Theswordsman 6 years
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