Four dates with fatty

Chapter 9 - buffet date - part 1

The fifth week of Charlie's training was spent on site with clients, giving the trainees the chance to put into practice what they'd learnt, so he didn't get a chance to see Melissa. They talked on the phone to arrange another meeting, though, and she revealed exactly how she had been piling on so much weight.

"The hotel where I work puts on a huge buffet every lunch and dinner time - and most of the guests barely touch it, because they're off playing golf or they're going out for dinner. So my catering team and I are allowed to eat as much as we like after the guests have left, and..." she giggled, "as you can tell, I've really been making the most of it, twice a day every day!"

Charlie couldn't wait to see her again. The thought of Melissa stuffing herself to bursting point day after day kept him horny all week, especially when she sent him photos of her swelling breasts, or her stuffed stomach spilling generously over her waistband.

They arranged to meet for dinner at her hotel at the end of the sixth week, and Melissa promised him that she had gained even more while they'd been apart. She told him that they could take advantage of the buffet, and she had told the cleaning team not to come until three hours afterwards. Charlie walked into the opulent lobby in hot anticipation, and walked down the few marble stairs towards the dining room. The last few guests were filtering out, dressed for the theatre or a swanky party. Charlie's interest was stirred still further when he overheard a snippet of conversation as he stood aside to let an austere-looking couple pass:

"...but honestly, that girl on the staff! It was almost obscene."

"Quite, dear. I don't know how these people can let themselves get into that condition. She should really be told to cover herself up properly."

As Charlie stepped into the ornate dining room, he saw just what they meant. Melissa was wearing a smart black staff uniform of skirt and buttoned shirt, embroidered with the hotel company's golden logo. At least, the uniform would have been smart, had it not been very obviously several sizes too small. The shirt gaped wide between every straining button hole, her bra-less breasts looked set to burst out, a thick roll of muffin-top spilled over the tight waistband and her plump abdomen bulged below, stretching the material of the skirt.

A very beautiful girl in the same uniform closed the door behind him. She was tall and willowy with pale skin and very dark hair and eyes; Charlie guessed that she might be Persian. As the heavy door thudded shut, she burst into musical laughter.

"Melissa, honestly! What do you look like?!"

Melissa looked down at herself and tried to smooth the ill-fitting shirt over her bulging body.

"You're spilling out of your uniform everywhere! I swear, I go on holiday for two weeks and you do this to yourself..."

Melissa, blushing deep red, replied: "All of my uniform clothes were in the wash, and I thought I had seen a Large set in the staff room... but there was only a Small. I didn't think anyone would notice."
The middle-Eastern girl laughed again. "I really don't think a Large would do the job, my darling. Maybe XXL would be a better choice..."

She seemed to notice Charlie for the first time, and held out a slender hand. "I'm sorry, how rude of me. I'm Yasmin, you must be Charlie?"

Charlie greeted her and kissed Melissa on the cheek, as Yasmin continued: "What on Earth have you been feeding my little dumpling here? I can't understand how she has let herself get so big in such a short time! I have been trying to help her lose some weight, but -" she made a show of looking Melissa up and down, appraising her bulging body - "I've been away and it looks like all my hard work has gone out of the window!"

Charlie looked at Melissa, who was smiling sheepishly, and imagined how turned on she was. She had obviously cultivated this teasing relationship with her colleague - was Yasmin aware that it was a sexual thrill for Melissa? Was it mutual?

Either way, he wasted no time in joining in. "I know, she has been a very greedy girl over the last few weeks - I think I've been a bad influence, but believe me, she doesn't need much encouragement to fill that big belly!" and he patted Melissa's stomach as she stood there shame-faced.

Yasmin tutted and someone else spoke. "Well, I think she looks very nice. Don't listen to them, Melissa." It was a red-haired boy of about Melissa's age, gawky and shy-looking, also in a black shirt with a gold logo. Melissa introduced him as Roger, another member of her team who had also been in her year at school.

The four of them sat down together at an unused table, and Yasmin explained: "Melissa is my manager at work - but when it comes to trying to get her into shape, I'm very much in charge." She stared critically at Melissa's round stomach, her pretty nose wrinkling a little. "It looks like I've got a tough job on my hands. Honestly, I have just been back home in Lebanon for two weeks, and my mother always makes me eat so much - but I don't gain a pound. I can't understand how you have blown up like this. OK, my greedy little dumpling, you can go to the buffet. But I'm putting you on a diet - so nothing fattening. I'll be checking!"

Roger looked even more uncomfortable than Melissa, and tried again to defend her. "She can have what she likes, Yasmin. You're so harsh to her."

Charlie jumped in. "She's right, though, Roger. Even when I met Melissa a few weeks ago, she must have been thirty pounds lighter. I mean," he turned to Melissa, "you were seriously chubby even then, but you seem to be completely out of control. You're piling on fat so fast, it's unbelievable."

Charlie watched Yasmin instructing Melissa on what foods she could choose from the buffet table, and had to finish loading his plate quickly and sit down to conceal the bulge in his trousers. As they ate, he and Yasmin continued to mock Melissa for her weight gain, and Roger became increasingly defensive of the suffering fat girl. This only encouraged her tormentors, and the teasing became increasingly merciless - starting out with dieting and exercise tips, and moving on to open name-calling - 'piggy', 'fatso', 'dough girl'.

Melissa, for her part, was cheerful as usual but a little cowed by the constant barrage of humiliation. She ate steadily, obeying Yasmin's commands to choose healthy items but re-filling her plate three or four times. Finally, as she sat back down after another trip to the buffet, the long-suffering shirt button in the middle of her stomach popped off and pinged against a water glass.

Yasmin burst out laughing, and Charlie waggled his finger in the gaping hole, poking the fat flesh. "I think that was inevitable, wasn't it fatty? Do these uniforms come in triple-XL...?" Melissa tried ineffectually to cover her stomach, and Yasmin stood up.

"I think it's time to go. Trying to get you to be less gluttonous is a hopeless task, you plump little dumpling. Come on, Roger, let's leave these two lovebirds to their dessert." She caught Charlie's eye on the last word, a knowing half-smile on her pretty lips.

Roger lingered, red-faced, seemingly wanting to say something to alleviate Melissa's embarrassment but not finding any words. Yasmin took him by the arm and pulled him towards the door, and Charlie gave the ginger-haired boy a cheery smile, putting an arm around Melissa's shoulders and patting her gorged stomach. For a second Roger looked murderous, then Charlie smiled at him even more broadly and said "Nice to meet you, Roger. Don't worry mate, I'll look after this fat little piggy."

After they had gone and the door had thudded softly shut again, Melissa immediately pulled Charlie's face to hers and gave him a long and passionate kiss. His hands were fondling her plump breasts, feeling her hard nipples through the straining shirt. Meanwhile she was undoing the tight skirt to release her lower stomach, which jiggled out onto her lap. Charlie reached down and squeezed it, feeling its luxurious softness and weight. Then, without a word, he took two of the large white napkins from the table and bound Melissa's hands to the tops of her chair-legs. Then he took off his belt and looped it around her neck like a leash. She looked up at him with big eyes full of anticipation.

"It's feeding time, fat girl," he told her.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Stor738 8 months
Please continue!!!
Stor738 8 months
Potbellypimp 5 years
Fourth date finally uploaded... hope you all enjoy!
Theswordsman 6 years
Please continue