The affair

Chapter 3 - test drive

A few months later, as Jenny put on a cute top, she looked down and saw the material stretching awkwardly across her stomach and sides. She turned sideways in the mirror and studied her shape. Was she really getting a little belly on her? Her boobs certainly looked larger, starting to roll out as she put her bra on. As she looked now, she could see the fabric of her pants looking a little snug around her ass as well.

Hanging out with Damon was having an effect on them both, for Damon also looked a little heavier each time Jenny saw him; his face a little but more puffy or his stomach a little bit rounder. His love of food was infectious and his hedonistic, laid back attitude to portion sizes was so refreshing after spending so much time with Jenny's usual friends who were always trying to slim down; usually after giving birth. Indeed, there was no doubt that Damon was getting a little pot-bellied, but from the looks of things, Jenny wouldn't be far behind if she carried on.

Jenny shrugged her shoulders, took off the top and put a better fitting shirt on instead. She was meeting Damon in town to test drive a car he couldn't afford. Still, it gave them something to do whilst the Fran was in New Mexico and Jake was in New York meeting with shareholders.

Damon arrived wearing a shirt in a surprisingly similar colour to Jenny's. His however, looked a lot more snug, displaying the shelf of his forming pot belly, with the fabric falling loosely over the cascade, giving him an almost pregnant look. Likewise, his chest looked a little bulkier, with his newly pointed nipples just showing against the fabric. Damon still had naturally wide shoulders and thick arms and so the look suited him; maybe made him look more attractive even.

As they sat in the car together, it was hard not to be distracted by the belly that was collecting into Damon's lap as he took the wheel. Jenny tried to look out of the window instead and make small talk about the car's upholstery or the sound of the engine, but there was no denying that she was feeling more attracted to Damon.

"Now, where do you want to go and eat this afternoon?" Damon grinned, rubbing his hands together after handing back the keys and making his excuses about why he wouldn't be buying the car.

Jenny and Damon took themselves off to one of their favourite places in town and pigged out as usual. It was funny watching Damon getting full on food, taking a deep breath and ploughing back in for more, as if he were taking on a food challenge.

"I couldn't wear one of my favourite tops this morning," Jenny admitted after they had both finished eating. "It looked way too tight after all these weekend days out with you."

"Ah, welcome to my world!" Damon smiled, lounging back, rubbing his stomach. Jenny caught a glimpse of his new belly and slight furriness around his deepening belly button. That's when Jenny felt her heart racing. "Fran has been going mad at me lately with all this weight I've put on."

"Oh dear," Jenny sighed, feeling guilty. "I can't say I don't feel partly responsible bringing you to places like this all the while!"

"You are partly responsible," laughed Damon, with a serious look in his face. "I've never eaten as well as I have since I starting hanging out with you. I mean..." he started, turning sideways on his chair so that Jenny could see how thick he was getting around the middle, "...look at me! I'm turning into a fatso!" he cried, patting his bloated stomach.

Jenny was grateful for the opportunity to have permission to stare at Damon's belly, although it didn't help with how fast her heart was racing. "In fact, I'm glad to see that karma is catching up with you too!" Damon turned, pointing at Jenny's little stomach. "I can't say I hadn't noticed either!"

Jenny had to stop herself from instinctively sucking her stomach back in as Damon studied it. If anyone else had said it, she might have been offended. But her and Damon didn't have those kinds of barriers. "Excuse me. I think you'll find that you're the bad influence around here!" mocked Jenny. "I've never struggled with my weight before I met you. Who got me hooked on cheese and tacos, huh?"

Damon laughed and nodded. "Alright, alright. We're both to blame then!" he conceded. "What does Jake think about your new shapely figure?"

"My what?" laughed Jenny, at Damon's choice of words. "He doesn't say anything, he never has really."

"Boy, I wish Fran were like that!" Damon sighed rolling his eyes. "I bought myself some bigger underwear the other day and Fran saw the size on the box. She was ranting for ages about it."

Jenny chuckled, but suddenly felt a deep sadness inside of herself. Jake may not nag her about her weight gain, but Jake didn't really notice her at all when Jenny really thought about it. He didn't notice all the things she did around the house, all her cooking, her attentiveness. Jake's whole life seemed to be work, with little room for anything else. In fact, Jenny couldn't even imagine Jake giving her an impassioned speech about how chubby she was getting. He just wouldn't care.

"You're so lucky!" Damon finished.

"Yeah, I guess so," sighed Jenny.
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RFBurton 6 years
How about an epilogue....say 3 years later? What a wonderful story...I can't but hope you won't let it end here....
Jazzman 6 years
I wish I had your writing gifts.Particularly finishing well.That story was Wonderful!
Katkatkatkatkat 6 years
I keep coming back for more of this!
James Marlow 6 years
I don't want this to end
Jazzman 6 years
How much does Jenny weigh now?
I LOVE this story!
Ssaylleb 6 years
I suspected Jake and Fran all along! Skinny no good assholes!
Feeder862 6 years
Only two chapters left in this one until it's finished. I'm glad you've all enjoyed it.
Jazzman 6 years
This is So Wonderful. Classic style of the kind that drew me to love weight gain fiction.
Fatchance 6 years

"What if jake and fran got tired of having larger partners and started dating each other behind thier backs"

Pfft! Just wait for the plot to continue, I bet they were dating each other from the start.
Theswordsman 6 years
What if jake and fran got tired of having larger partners and started dating each other behind thier backs
Jazzman 6 years
This is a Terrific Story
Ssaylleb 6 years
I'm really enjoying this story.. slowish pace of hain, very realistic, adorable main couple. And a great villian in Fran too.

I keep checking back for updates.
Pd500 6 years
I'm digging this! Can't weight to read chapter 5 and more.
Jazzman 6 years
I Love this sweet and also hot story.You are a terrific writer
Jazzman 6 years
This is Wonderful!
Dreamcaliber 6 years
Great beginning