The affair

Chapter 4 - growing together

The two couples spent an awful lot of time together over the next few months, but by the end of the evening, they would always split into two groups, with Fran and Jake on one side, comparing funny anecdotes from their trips to the different offices around the country, and Jenny and Damon on the other; usually discussing recipes and restaurants. However, evenings like this were never as fun. Somehow Jenny and Damon felt constrained by having their partners there with them. They couldn't joke like they did normally, or eat as heartily with Fran looking disapprovingly at Damon.

"Oh geez! Wasn't it boring on Saturday night?" chuckled Damon as he met up with Jenny the following Friday. "What was all that crap about investors we had to listen to?" he complained light-heartedly. Jenny nodded in hysterics. She knew exactly how Damon would have reacted from the moment Fran started a marathon conversation about it last week. Sometimes she had to pinch herself to not laugh when Jake or Fran rambled on about this stuff in front of them both.

"I'm having the belly buster burger tonight" Damon announced proudly, closing his menu. I'm wearing my new pants with some room for me to expand in to, so why not?"

Jenny smiled. She loved how care-free Damon was. "Well, I'll have the same then!" she teased, not to be outdone. "My friends always go on about these super-stretchy maternity underwear you can buy; so I got myself some for when I'm out eating with you." She smiled happily. "I've been dying to try them out all week!"

Damon smiled teasingly. "Oh well, in that case, I think I may order a few sides as well..." he winked.
"You go for it buddy, because whatever you order, I'm having the same. This is one battle you won't win!"

An hour later, the pair of them looked sweaty and pale from their massive overindulgence. "How are the bigger pants holding out?" asked Jenny, seeing Damon's hand slip under the table.

"Not as good as I thought they would. I've had to undo the top button," he whispered, looking around the room to see if anyone nearby would overhear. "What about your underwear?"

"I want my money back!" grumbled Jenny. "I've never been so uncomfortable in my life!"

The pair of them laughed, but their eyes lingered just a little too long. "Can we get the bill please?" asked Jenny hastily as the waiter came by.

"You don't want dessert?" asked Damon, a little shocked at her haste.

"Not here. I thought we could go to that place down by..."

"The waffle place!" cheered Damon. "Yes. I'd forgotten about there!"

Jenny chuckled. She loved how relaxed she was around Damon. She was funnier when Damon was around and she didn't feel the normal pressures to look good for him, or act a certain way. She was who she was, and Damon liked that.

"May I just say..." started the overbearing waiter, making a last attempt for a good tip. "...what a lovely couple you both make. I haven't seen a pair so in love in quite a while now."

Jenny and Damon smiled nervously. "We're just friends," Damon muttered.

"We're both married," Jenny chimed in, somehow feeling the need to corroborate his story.

"Oh. I'm sorry," the waiter replied, a little thrown. "Well then, can I say how nice it is to see two good friends with such a good appetite."

"Yes. Yes you can," nodded Damon proudly, stretching his stomach and giving Jenny a cheery smile.

It wasn't the first time this misunderstanding had happened, and Jenny doubted it would be the last.
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RFBurton 6 years
How about an epilogue....say 3 years later? What a wonderful story...I can't but hope you won't let it end here....
Jazzman 6 years
I wish I had your writing gifts.Particularly finishing well.That story was Wonderful!
Katkatkatkatkat 6 years
I keep coming back for more of this!
James Marlow 6 years
I don't want this to end
Jazzman 6 years
How much does Jenny weigh now?
I LOVE this story!
Ssaylleb 6 years
I suspected Jake and Fran all along! Skinny no good assholes!
Feeder862 6 years
Only two chapters left in this one until it's finished. I'm glad you've all enjoyed it.
Jazzman 6 years
This is So Wonderful. Classic style of the kind that drew me to love weight gain fiction.
Fatchance 6 years

"What if jake and fran got tired of having larger partners and started dating each other behind thier backs"

Pfft! Just wait for the plot to continue, I bet they were dating each other from the start.
Theswordsman 6 years
What if jake and fran got tired of having larger partners and started dating each other behind thier backs
Jazzman 6 years
This is a Terrific Story
Ssaylleb 6 years
I'm really enjoying this story.. slowish pace of hain, very realistic, adorable main couple. And a great villian in Fran too.

I keep checking back for updates.
Pd500 6 years
I'm digging this! Can't weight to read chapter 5 and more.
Jazzman 6 years
I Love this sweet and also hot story.You are a terrific writer
Jazzman 6 years
This is Wonderful!
Dreamcaliber 6 years
Great beginning