The affair

Chapter 6 - memories

"That movie was so long!" Damon grumbled coming out of the theatre. "Did you know it was that long?" he asked Jenny. "No wonder Fran didn't want to come see it too."

"It had good reviews!" Jenny tried, defensively, feeling guilty that she had suggested it.

"But it was so long!" Damon rambled. "I'm starving now! I feel like I've been watching that movie for the last month!" he continued dramatically.

"Oh, you liar! It wasn't that bad!" Jenny laughed, putting her arm into his as they strolled outside into the dark night. "We'll go to the burger place before we head home then. Will that do?"

Ten minutes and a short walk later, the pair were sat down tucking in to their massive meals. Both had got a little carried away by the late night special offer, but the place was popular with students from the local college so there was always good, cheap food here. That's why they liked it.

Jenny and Damon took a seat away from a rowdy bunch of college boys who looked like they were finishing off an evening out as well.

"I wish they would leave," Jenny grumbled after her first burger. The noise was starting to irritate her.

"Ah, leave them," Damon waved. "We've all been there, back in our college days."

Jenny sat up a little. "Oh yes? And what were you like back in college?" she asked, interested.

"A skinny, geeky little nerd," he laughed thinking back. "Then I met Fran in my second year and that was that."

Jenny knew that story. She had met Jake in college as well. "You were skinny?" she asked, thinking back to how stocky and strong Damon was when she first met him. She assumed he had always been that way.

"What are you saying?" asked Damon, jokingly patting his stomach.

Jenny laughed. She was started to get as blunt as Damon with her comments. She must have been spending too much time with him.

"I was about 130lbs in college," he nodded. "I used to get my ass kicked in high school because of it," he reminisced. "I'd never go back to being skinny."

"Good," smiled Jenny, thinking back to how nasty Fran had been about his weight gain recently.

Damon just smiled and leaned in across the table to whisper more privately to her. "I mean, look at that guy over there; the one with the baseball cap. What would you say he is... weight wise?"

Jenny studied him. She wasn't that good with guys' weights. "140?" she guessed.

Damon nodded. He must have been thinking along similar lines. "Now I'm almost twice his weight. Isn't that awesome?"

Jenny's tummy filled with butterflies hearing Damon speak so proudly about his weight; but now she finally had some sort of number on his weight. Damon was close to 280lbs! Maybe she should have guessed from the way his round stomach was swelling up, or the thick love handles that hadn't been entirely covered by his t shirt this evening. Then again, his thick, chubby ass looked to weigh at least 50lbs on its own these days. All she could manage was to nod and smile, trying to hold back the flood of delight.

"What about you?" Damon asked. "What were you like in college?"

Jenny thought back. "Same really. Skinny, nerdy. I had pretty much no cleavage. My sister used to joke that Jake must be gay marrying me, because I was so flat chested!" She looked down at her rack, realising that she was delighted with the weight she had gained. "Now look at me!" she grinned. "I'm filling up a D cup these days."

Jenny's stomach lurched at seeing Damon's eyes flicker for a couple of seconds to check them out.

"Sounds like we're both much happier now," Damon smiled.

"I dunno," Jenny grumbled, turning around impatiently towards the counter. "I'll be happier once they get me my bacon burger. What's the matter with them? Have they run out of bacon or something?"

Damon smiled at her contentedly. Then his eyes started squinting as he looked at a poster by the counter. "Hey, do you fancy that?" he nodded towards the poster. "Annual burger eating contest in September? I reckon you'd be good at that!"

Jenny looked around at the poster. "I don't know, I'm not all that good at eating lots in one go."

Damon just laughed and pointed at the mess of packaging on the table. "I'd do it as well. There's a male and female category. It'd be fun! Plus, we still have a couple of months to train ourselves up for it."

Jenny looked at the keen smile on Damon. At least he wasn't upset about Fran's harsh comments any more. "Yeah, alright. Go on then!" she conceded, feeling more excited about it than she was going to let on.
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RFBurton 6 years
How about an epilogue....say 3 years later? What a wonderful story...I can't but hope you won't let it end here....
Jazzman 6 years
I wish I had your writing gifts.Particularly finishing well.That story was Wonderful!
Katkatkatkatkat 6 years
I keep coming back for more of this!
James Marlow 6 years
I don't want this to end
Jazzman 6 years
How much does Jenny weigh now?
I LOVE this story!
Ssaylleb 6 years
I suspected Jake and Fran all along! Skinny no good assholes!
Feeder862 6 years
Only two chapters left in this one until it's finished. I'm glad you've all enjoyed it.
Jazzman 6 years
This is So Wonderful. Classic style of the kind that drew me to love weight gain fiction.
Fatchance 6 years

"What if jake and fran got tired of having larger partners and started dating each other behind thier backs"

Pfft! Just wait for the plot to continue, I bet they were dating each other from the start.
Theswordsman 6 years
What if jake and fran got tired of having larger partners and started dating each other behind thier backs
Jazzman 6 years
This is a Terrific Story
Ssaylleb 6 years
I'm really enjoying this story.. slowish pace of hain, very realistic, adorable main couple. And a great villian in Fran too.

I keep checking back for updates.
Pd500 6 years
I'm digging this! Can't weight to read chapter 5 and more.
Jazzman 6 years
I Love this sweet and also hot story.You are a terrific writer
Jazzman 6 years
This is Wonderful!
Dreamcaliber 6 years
Great beginning