The munchies return!

Chapter 13 - the next day...

A thin fist of sharp, bony knuckles knocked at Olivia's door. They waited a beat before knocking again.

Lori stood outside Olivia's apartment, waiting for her friend to answer. She checked her phone and considered texting her but decided to knock one more time. Suddenly, the apartment door creaked open just a little. "Olivia?" Lori called into the dark apartment as she pushed the door further open.

She stepped gingerly into the apartment, seeing the devastation of the feast from the night prior: plates smeared with grease and sauce, stained napkins and cloths scattered about, cleared out bowls streaked with remnants, baskets empty save for crumbs. Lori covered her nose as the scent of conquered meals surrounded her and flowed into her nostrils. A bellowing growl that sounded like a groaning bear echoed from the hallway.

Lori slowly began walking down the hall, nervous about what she may find. The scent was becoming stronger, like parmesan and caramelized sugar. "Olivia?" Lori called out as she approached the closed bedroom door. With a deep breath, she wrapped her thin fingers around the knob and turned it, the door swinging open to reveal a massive pile of fat lying on the bed.

Olivia was huge and round all over, too busy eating a hoagie to notice Lori arrive. Another fart rumbled from beneath her and Olivia sighed from the pleasure. Her belly was a waterbed but also a blanket, covering her lap, resting on the bed between her knees.

Lori stepped forward, her mouth agape in shock. "Olivia?" Lori asked.

Olivia noticed her friend and smiled lazily. "Hi Lori," she said through a mouthful of hoagie.

"What happened to you? The Munchies did this?" Lori asked, stunned.

Olivia nodded and turned back to her sandwich to take another large bite.

"You rang?!" the Munchies called out behind Lori. She spun around to see them crowding the doorway, grinning from ear to ear.

"What did you do to my friend?! Turn her back!" Lori shouted angrily at them.

"You wanted this! Why so mad? Is it because your friend is thick with flab? We came to you, but you made a deal! Now Olivia gets all your meals," the Munchies explained.

"And Becky's," Olivia lamented, releasing another fart.

"But I didn't know it would go this far!" Lori pleaded as she fanned her nose, looking back at her enormously fat friend, who was still eating contentedly.

"Worry not about her size! She's not the one who fed us lies." The Munchies' voices suddenly took a more sinister tone, nearly growling.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Lori stuttered.

"You made us think Becky was the one! So we made her more than a quarter-ton! But once Olivia learned what we were up to, she made a sacrifice made by so very few! So she took on the rest of Becky's impending weight. Just so she could protect her mate! She thought she'd be 1,200 pounds, but we decided not to make her quite that round."

Lori turned again to look back at Olivia, who was pushing the last chunk of sandwich past her plump and shimmering lips. She moaned as she swallowed, farting again with minimal reservations.

"She's humongous now, but she'll walk again! Which is more than we can say for her skinny friend," the Munchies continued.

Lori whipped her head back to the crowd of creatures beginning to surround her.

"We were impressed with Olivia's nobility, so we decided to let her keep some of her mobility!" a Munchie sang.

"But since you mislead us and told us lies, it's time for you to have some pie," another Munchie continued, gesturing to the door where Lori's terrified eyes went as she saw an army of Munchies marching into the room, carrying numerous chocolate pies.

"No, wait, please! Don't make me fat!" Lori stammered.

"We're afraid it's too late for that!" the Munchies answered.

13 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 2 years
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Th3f4t5ide 4 years
Thank you so much, Supergirl!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Supergirl 4 years
This was such a wonderful, fun story! Great characterizations and motivations - lots of plot twists as well as fattening. Amazing!
Th3f4t5ide 5 years
Thanks so much, Lovetoeat!!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks, littlejohnboy!
Littlejohnboy 6 years
Great story!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Sorry, but this story's done. You'll have to imagine how big Lori gets or wait till someone else writes her story.
Theswordsman 6 years
I was wondering if you could write about how big Lori gets because im curious about how far the munchies will go.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks guys!!
Tommmy 6 years
Wonderful !!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
She has a presence at a couple of spots...


Theswordsman 6 years
Do you have a link to the artist who did the picture for this story? I tried looking him up but came up empty handed.
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Thanks so much, Gluttonybound! I really appreciate that!
Th3f4t5ide 6 years
Theswordsman 6 years
Looks like lori got her just desserts