Model appetite

Chapter 2

I was eating with a model and I totally think he's into me. God I hoped so, but he could do a lot better than me, some really pretty girl of stunning muscle stud.

I saw why they gave him the title of "World's Best Buns," his ass was amazing. It was so round and tight. His pecs were so big. His arms were even bigger than in his shirtless magazine ads.

I may have seemed crazy for wishing he was fatter. It might have even counted as a crime against the rest of the world to take away such a glorious physique.

I liked bigger guys, the ex-jock type look, muscular, but chunky. Weird, I knew it was. Why would anyone like that? Well, label me a weirdo because I did.

But I wished I knew why he was just sitting there. I hoped I was not boring him, because I was just smiling like an idiot. I wasn’t cool or anything like he was. I wasn’t from the city and I was new to the ways of the glamorous lives of urban people.

"So, you haven't touched your food" I said, the silence smothering me. I couldn't take it, I had to break the ice.

"Oh, you're right; it's just that, you're so great to look at." He was blushing redder than a fire truck, as was I. A model, a real life model, had just complemented me.

"Thank...thank you, you're not so bad to look at either." That was the dumbest complement he could have possibly heard. Of course he knew he was freaking gorgeous. But still…here I was flirting with a model.

He began to eat his food and was done in less than ten minutes, which shocked me, because I thought models never ate the way he was eating.

I could not take it; it was like he was teasing me. It was like he knew my...preferences. How could he eat like this in front of someone who wanted to fatten him up?

I wanted him to have a big soft gut, a nice meaty chest, a double chin, and thighs that rubbed together slightly. He wasn't being fair, not at all.

"I...I have to be blunt with you" I said. What was I doing? Blunt was always bad. It scares people and makes them uncomfortable.

"Okay, shoot."

"I like bi...bigger guys. You're hot and everything but it could never work between us. You're a freaking model! It's like a zero percent chance you would ever... gain weight... and that's fine because the world doesn't work that way." I must’ve sounded like a perverted freak. "I'm...I'm very sorry. It was nice meeting you." I ran out of there as quickly as I could.

I felt so stupid. I was so stupid. He really did probably think I was a freak or some kind of pervert. I was pretty sure he liked me. What if I took what he said the wrong way? Maybe he didn't even like me at all! How embarrassing.

That was when someone grabbed my arm. I couldn't believe it, but it was Gabe. "Uh, hey," he said. His face was really red. I had freaked him out, or maybe I even made him angry.

"Hello, I…I have to go." I couldn't face him, I really couldn't. We only ever met to part. Us being together wouldn’t work. I didn’t even want to set myself up for heartbreak.

"I want gain weight." I must've had the craziest expression on my face. "I really like you and I have always wanted to get... bigger. I have thought about it a lot and just needed to know someone would love me even if I was fat."

I felt like such a baby, freaking out on the sidewalk. I could feel my entire body trembling. I was filled with sudden hope, but fear that he didn’t mean those words. We had only just met, he could be unsure of what I even meant. That's when he pulled me in and gave me a hug, a nice strong hug that felt of reassurance and support.

"Thanks Gabe” I said. “But…but are you serious? You couldn't possibly... Are you okay with giving up your modeling career for a guy? For getting fat?" I asked, still unsure of myself, of us.

"I've been sick of modeling since I began doing it. I never wanted it. Never. But I do know that I want you." He gave me a suave model smile and I…I could have died right then and been happy.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Legalizeme 13 years
Can you please write something similar? More stories please. I enjoy reading it. Thank you. smiley
Fatfiction 13 years
Yeah, I think so too. But thanks for the comment ^^
Legalizeme 13 years
A little sappy with the crying. But I must say overall, I LOVE IT!! I like the how you fatten up a hunky young underwear model! I love the part his speedos splits!! It's so graphical. I like how you write! Thank you! smiley
Fatfiction 13 years
I'm glad you like it smiley