Model appetite

Chapter 3

It had been three weeks and I had gained 23 exceptional pounds. I loved eating whatever I want to: Pizza, French Fries, Donuts, Ice Cream, Cake, it goes on and on. My body wasn’t used to food with substantial amounts of fat or calories, so the weight piled on quickly.

Zach was a real find and we moved in together, after my persistent asking wore him down. He really did love me, even though I was getting huge. He’d feed me all the time and rub my belly telling me how hot I was.

It was so sincere and it made me fell so happy and safe. I had a shoot tomorrow and was the most nervous I had ever been in my entire life. I knew they were all going to laugh at me and tell me how fat I'd gotten…as if I had not even noticed. Maybe it might even be fun to just get to be fat in public.

Zach and I went to bed after a little exercise. It was the most exercise I did now that I had told James I wouldn’t need his services any longer.

So here I was, in my dressing room, looking at the fattest Gabe Mabius in history. I loved it! I was in my regular sized underwear; they were red with white stripes coming from where my ass crack was, to the front where they were to be laced up like a gym shoe.

My ass was bursting out of them and the lace was barely able to be tied. My love handles were pouring out over the sides of them ready for Zach to pinch. My gut was full and bloated. My thighs were nearly touching, and I had a definite softening to my once toned chest. My chest was still firm, but had even started to jiggle when I moved too quickly. I would be shocked if I wasn't fired at first glance of my new and improved body.

"Gabe!" shouted Chaz, the overly dramatic photographer of basically all my shoots.

"Hey Chaz, are we ready to get started?" I made sure to stick my stomach out nice and big.

"Yeah, go stand over on that X."

"Oh, um, sure, okay" I said, stunned. How was I not fired? I was a fucking house!

Before I could find the X, Chaz whispered to me that I better lose the weight because if I got any bigger even photoshop was not going to help me. It was too bad I had already chosen to get bigger, much bigger.

I decided to make this a real fun shoot. I kept sticking out my belly as far as I could, and would poke my butt out to make my ass look even bigger than it already was.

To hell if photoshop was going to fix this! I worked awfully hard to get this way. I had to make sure to ask for original copies of these photos.

I found out that my next shoot would be in one month, for a swimsuit line. I couldn't wait to invite Zach and show him today's underwear, which I got to keep.

It was about eight at night when I got in the house. I was hit by the smell of my new favorite foods and the sight of a nude Zach in an apron, cute bubble butt, nice strong thighs, thinly muscled arms, chiseled chest and abs. What a great way to be welcomed home.

"Hi Gabe!" he exclaimed. I loved how excited he was to see me all the time.

"Hey Zach, something smells good, but something looks even better."

"You," he said with a huge dimpled smile. "Are you hungry?"

"Of course, I'm always hungry."

"I'm glad you’re always hungry." Smile. "Let's fill up that beautiful belly."

"Good, I'm dying to eat whatever you tell me to." And I did eat everything.

I felt bad because Zach didn't eat a thing. I guess I was the reason he wasn’t fat, which was alright with me. I loved being the bigger one in the relationship.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Legalizeme 13 years
Can you please write something similar? More stories please. I enjoy reading it. Thank you. smiley
Fatfiction 13 years
Yeah, I think so too. But thanks for the comment ^^
Legalizeme 13 years
A little sappy with the crying. But I must say overall, I LOVE IT!! I like the how you fatten up a hunky young underwear model! I love the part his speedos splits!! It's so graphical. I like how you write! Thank you! smiley
Fatfiction 13 years
I'm glad you like it smiley