Model appetite

Chapter 4

I was so glad I was with Gabe. He had gotten so plump and round. He was up to 237 pounds and it was just in time for his photo shoot for a new line of swim wear. I hated to say it, but today was most likely his last shoot. He had gotten so very sexy, if only up to our standards.

Once we arrived I felt like everyone was staring at me, as if to say “That's him, the freak that ruined Gabe Mabius!”

Thank God we walked into his dressing room…and with an hour and a half to spare. We decided on trying on his different swimsuits. First up was a small red and blue suit that clung to every curve on his ample bottom.

Then there was a black one that was a bit larger, however, it didn't make much of a difference. And I thought black was supposed to be slimming!

His last suit was an aqua colored leathery thing that was probably more for fashion than functioning ability. He could barely squeeze into that one.

It was the one he wanted to wear out first, which was all right with me because he looked so hot I was barely able to keep up with the conversation.

Then someone came in and said it was time to get started. I couldn't take the staring and I wasn't even the fat one. How in the world was Gabe so put together?

"What the FUCK, Gabe!?" I could tell that it was Chaz, the overly excitable photographer.

"Um, what's the problem?" How was he so cool with this? He was so calm and collected that it made me feel the need to freak out for the both of us. I needed to chill out.

"I told you to drop the weight and it looks like you've doubled what you gained at the last shoot! That's the goddam problem!"

That was when he popped out of the skimpy aqua speedo. He must have been holding in his gut because it just seemed to have doubled in size, causing the speedo to rip at the seams.

"Now you're fucking busting outta clothes!" He needed a model and was really pissed. I knew they would never shoot Gabe at this weight. I also couldn't take them yelling at him like this.

"Gabe, let's go, please" I whispered pleadingly. I knew some guys enjoyed this sort of things, public embarrassment, but that wasn’t for me. I didn’t want Gabe to feel bad.

"Okay, sure," he said, smiling coyly.

"Hey, you!" Chaz focused his gaze upon me.

"Me?" I asked.

"No, the fucking blimp next to you,” he said sarcastically. “Yes you!"


&qu ot;Get dressed, you look about the size Gabe used to be, although you’re kinda short…"

"Oh, I'm...I'm not a model."

"Did I say you were a model? I just need to shoot somebody and you got the look."

"He may have the look, but he's not interested," Gabe said seriously. He looked angry.

"Fatty, you're ship has sailed," he shot at Gabe.

"No, thank you" I said as both Gabe and I turned to leave.

"Gabe Mabius, you just threw your career right out the fucking window! You huge fucking fat pig!"
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Legalizeme 13 years
Can you please write something similar? More stories please. I enjoy reading it. Thank you. smiley
Fatfiction 13 years
Yeah, I think so too. But thanks for the comment ^^
Legalizeme 13 years
A little sappy with the crying. But I must say overall, I LOVE IT!! I like the how you fatten up a hunky young underwear model! I love the part his speedos splits!! It's so graphical. I like how you write! Thank you! smiley
Fatfiction 13 years
I'm glad you like it smiley