Model appetite

Chapter 6

It had been a year since I had stopped modeling and I had never felt more attractive. I had gained 116 pounds and it was all thanks to Zach. I had just eaten an extra large pizza, an extra large pizza! Can you believe I was actually still kind of hungry too?

I was about to take a shower when someone snuck up behind me. It could only have been one person. I felt a smile spread across my face. "Hey Zach" I said. I was always glad to see him.

"You are the sexiest man alive; you do know that, don't you?" He always could say the right things to me.

"Not sexier than you." I watched him blush.

"What are you about to do?"

"Shower, then eat something."

"You're always eating something," he said playfully. "Would you like for me to join you in the shower?" He already knew the answer.

"Of course." He lit up at my answer.

Our shower was pretty roomy but that’s for two skinny people. I think he liked the way my body accidentally bumped him around, and I had to admit, I liked it too.

We stripped down and I noticed that I looked like two of him and then some. It got me really excited. We hopped into the warm shower and felt the water run over us.

I immediately went in for a kiss, which was great with the water and the juiciness of his lips. He kneaded my love handles which were rubbing against the wall and the shower door.

He grabbed fistfuls of my ass and began to suck on my now huge nipples. He rubbed my belly and began to kiss it softly.

He turned around to present his nice firm bubble butt. He leaned against the wall and I leaned closely behind, beginning to fuck him gently and then at a more rapid pace. He was moaning loader and loader until he came on the bathroom wall with me finishing soon thereafter. We finished the shower in complete bliss.

"You were great" I told him as we dried off in the bedroom.

"Ha, yeah right!" He laughed lightly. "I love feeling your weight crush me and how soft your stomach is on my back...are you hungry now?" he asked excitedly.

"I still say you were the best...what are you in the mood for?" Food seemed to really get my attention nowadays.

"Anything because I'm starving," he said.


I sent Zach out for some of those burgers from the place we first meet. The burgers are always so nice and juicy, not to mention loaded with calories.

He came back with ten double cheese burgers, three large fries, and two ultra shakes, chocolate flavor, my favorite. He ate half a burger, 22 French fries, and took three sips of his shake and was done.

Now I knew why he was so skinny. I ate everything else, finishing off his leftovers in the process. I made a real pig of myself and felt my stomach straining. That was when Zach climbed up and began to massage my belly.

It felt so good, because he was so gentle and rubbed so precisely. I was in nothing but a pair of gray boxer briefs that were straining to hold in my ass, half of it was hanging out over the waistband.

I didn't know how, but we ended up doing it again, this time my belly resting on his back. He rubbed my gut again and told me I was the hottest guy he ever dated. It was strange but I felt more like a model now than when I actually was one. I loved my expanding body and couldn't wait to grow even more with Zach.

The End!
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Legalizeme 13 years
Can you please write something similar? More stories please. I enjoy reading it. Thank you. smiley
Fatfiction 13 years
Yeah, I think so too. But thanks for the comment ^^
Legalizeme 13 years
A little sappy with the crying. But I must say overall, I LOVE IT!! I like the how you fatten up a hunky young underwear model! I love the part his speedos splits!! It's so graphical. I like how you write! Thank you! smiley
Fatfiction 13 years
I'm glad you like it smiley