The love triangle

  By Oc30

chapter 3

A few weeks later

She arrived at work 5 minutes early and plopped down in her cubical chair. It had gotten slightly tighter recently; Her hips just cleared the arm rests and the piston recently starting leaking air, making her chair slowly lower throughout the day - Most likely from her just landing on the chair with all her additional weight.

She rolled herself up to her computer, something else that was starting to become a pain. She had to reach farther to the keyboard than she wanted because her growing body was starting to get in the way. Her belly would touch the desks edge and she would slouch slightly so she could see below her huge bust.

"God if I keep this up I won't be able to sit at my desk..." She thought.

Courtney remembered the bet she made a few weeks ago and knew that he was still totally down. They had been eating more and more after the bet was made, constantly ordering out and baking in. She was fed delicious food every night before bed stuffing her to the max, making it extremely easy to fall asleep with a food coma. Maybe that's way she almost didn't fit in her chair anymore.

"Well, maybe it's time for a huge breakfast." She thought as she rubbed her empty belly. The top of her gut was flatter because she hadn't eaten since last night, but her lower belly was always big now. When she sat down it rested on the tops of her expanding legs and spilled to the sides where her love handles were competing with her hips for the rounded part of her body.

She tried to get up to go to the cafeteria but she fell back down on the desk chair, a little frazzled, but also a little turned on. She had been gaining so quickly already that her body hadn't caught up with her growing waist line and the results were starting to show, she needed to heave herself up while pushing with her arms to get up.

She rocked back slightly and then lurched forward, this time successfully leaving the chair. Her crotch was starting to get wet and she was slightly out of breath.

"Maybe I could just take a quick 'me' break in the restroom." she thought as her hand explored her wider hips. her crotch grew wetter. She loved her growing body and was glad she had found someone that loved it too. Just then, her co worker Jess popped into the cubical door, scaring her half to death.

"Jess! you scared me!" She said as she tried to hid her arousal from thinking about her chair fiasco.

"Hey sorry! I just got in - you want to get breakfast?" Jess said motioning to the cafeteria.

"Sure I was just about the head over." Courtney said as she hiked up her tight pants. They kept sliding down under her round belly. She kicked each leg while she tugged to help but it made her while body jiggle and wobble.

Jess had noticed Courtney's recent gain and was eyeing up the results of months of overindulgence and a sedentary life.

Courtney's face was rounding out making her cheeks stick out over her newly forming double chin. Below that her bust size had exploded making even her newest bras slightly too tight, digging into her soft growing bust. When she walked the tops of her chest jiggled.

Moving farther south Jess's eyes stopped at Courtney's expanding middle. Courtney's shirt was tight around her belly (another recent thing) and was unable to fit around her chubbier hips, bunching up at the top of her pants. Her waist band was digging into her new love handles and her jean fabric stretched around her growing trunks for legs - without compression from pants, they would jiggle with every step. Jess couldn't see this, but new stretch marks were forming around Courtney's inner thigh and just above her knee. Her legs were taking the brunt of her new sexy gain.

Jess was recent graduate new to the office and Courtney had taken her under her wing. She had played soccer for her small school which kept her in fairly good shape. When she was hired she had four pack abs and a tight butt that most men would droll over, probably the reason she was hired... She wasn't the brightest.

Courtney had been noticing some slight changes in Jess's body over the past few months. Once flat her stomach now was rounding out, making her buttons on her blouse strain when she sat. Her ass had gained the most, growing into fleshy dough globes that started to dimple with new cellulite. Jess was sporting new pants today because of her growing rear, which she was extremely embarrassed of. She had finally bought a new size because her old pants were started to rip at the seams when she would sit on her growing ass and hips.

"New pants? They look great!" Courtney asked as they looked at options for breakfast.

"Hey, yea! I got them at H&M. They were $30 dollars!" She said as she showed them off. Her growing rear was already straining the new stretchy fabric making her pockets open on either side.

"I kinda had to buy new pants... I jumped TWO pants sizes since I started working her." She confessed. It was really three, but she was too embarrassed to say that her ass had grown that fast.

"My stomach still looks great but by bum is my 'trouble' spot." She said in a hushed tone as she rubbed her hands over a new layer of fat on her hips.

"Oh it's not faux pas to be chubby anymore." Court responded, "Tons of people are literally getting butt implants so no complaining you have a naturally curvy body. I think you look great and I bet a lot of people think you're too skinny."

Courtney blurted out the last part before she realized what she was saying. She felt her face get red as she waited for Jess's reply. Thankfully, she was not mad at all, but intrigued.

"You're so right about the butt thing. I don't know why I get so worked up." Jess said with a smile. "But who would think i'm too skinny?" She followed up after a moment in thought.

"I've said too much." Courtney thought.

"I don't know....Everyone likes different things. Some people think feet are sexy, or even bellies!"

Just then they heard the cashier call them. They finally arrived at the front of the line.

"Two double bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches please!" Courtney ordered. She was still thinking about the bet and really wanted to watch him oogle over her growing fat body.

"Do you want anything?" Courtney asked.

After a brief hesitation, Jess replied "Make that four sandwiches!"
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Karenjenk 6 years
I love this. its moving at a nice pace and a wager is a really cool reason to gain.
i hope you keep writing
Mdy73 6 years
Yes, great story, I hope for some next chapters...
Jazzman 6 years
This Is AMAZING. Please write more quickly.This story is Hot!