Nikki gains

  By Oc30

chapter 3

Year two flew by- we were happy enough that we decided to move in together. She graduated college and found a desk job at a local fabric shop and I was working full time as a project manager. We were constantly eating out, seeing friends for drinks, and eating in when we were home.

Nikki gained another 15 pounds, making her total weight 150. Her 5'-0" frame showed every extra inch of blubber she added. Her face started to fill out more now then with the first 15. She started to develop a double chin and when she smiled she got dimples in her chubbier cheeks. They were so cute. Her breasts were still growing, now solidly in E cup category. They constantly hurt her back because they were growing so heavy and she now had to order custom bras online. She secretly was enthralled with her growth. She had continued to explore her newfound desires by trying on old clothes that didn't fit and masturbating with the clothes on. For her it was a new incredible rush she had no way of explaining to anyone. Little did she known I felt the same way about her growth.

Her cushy office job helped accelerate her weight gain - her once limited exercise walking to and from classes was replaced by walking to and from the cafeteria 15 feet away. Her new company encouraged breaks and free snacks and drinks, so she rarely got out of her seat all day, except to get food.

Her arms had grown considerably; so much so she removed the sleeves from her high school comfy t-shirts. They had become way too tight around her fat blubbery arms. She said it was so "she could breath more," Her dimpled upper arm sagged slight over her elbow because of all the new fat. She also had to throw away numerous rings because "she didn't like them" or "they broke on a door handle," She loved lying about her reasons. It turned her on to pretend to not know she had been gaining since we started dating. She was getting fat, and I loved every new pound.

Her belly roll was considerably larger then last year, resting on her lap when she sat upright, it folded at her belly button, swallowing her belly ring whole. Fresh pink stretch marks cascaded down her expanding midsection, from her growing love handles to her massive thighs, nothing fit anymore.

Her legs were growing much quicker now. They constantly rubbed together when she walked. Extra fat started to form just above her knee, requiring her to start wearing more sweatpants. They were comfy, not fussy, and didn't constantly remind her of all the weight she was gaining. Although it turned her on to no end, and she thought that I didn't mind, she still had to deal with the social repercussions- and hiding her 30-pound gain was the easiest way to avoid the topic. But even her sweats were starting to reveal her much wider Latin hips, which now tested the limits of proper proportions - looking more like a morph.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Karenjenk 6 years
I love this. the whole secret feeder.
I'm late for work because of you.
And its ok..

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