Nikki gains

  By Oc30

chapter 4

"Babe, what are we eating, I am starving!" She yelled as soon as she got home from work. Her button up shirt was really straining against her breasts. Her shirt was almost too tight to contain her widening middle, which, unless she used a mirror, she would never see anymore. Here huge tits rested on her growing belly as she plopped down next to me on the couch, rubbing her fat thighs on my leg as she landed.

"Right now sexy. Ill order our usual three app, two entree, three desert meal!" I said with a huge grin. Her appetite had grown from 1 app. 2 meals, and no deserts when we first met. I was gladly footing the bill of tons of extra food every week, just to watch her gain pound after pound. She was living out my every fantasy.

She felt here let tingle when I read back the large order over the phone. She was buying her lips and rubbing her fatter inner thighs squeezing the new cellulite forming.

While we wait for delivery she goes into the bedroom to change into her typical sweatpants outfit. When she slides them up her now chunky legs she notices that they feel tighter then they should. "Easy Nikki," She says to herself. "You don't want to become a fat pig and ruin your relationship do you?" She turned around and look at her widening rear in the mirror. "Shit I don't remember these pants being this tight," She says as she grabs her growing ass - it's tight against her sweats and the slack string is only about an inch away from the holes. "Whelp, at least I don't need to tie these anymore," She was getting wet again when she put on one of her cut off high school shirts. As she put up her hair, she could see the bottom of her belly sticking out - growing seemingly by the day. Her shirts no longer able to cover her expanding body. "Wow, this is kind of hot," She whispered as she explored her growing tits. "I hope he likes my fat growing belly too. " She thought.

"He hasn't mentioned anything negative about my changing physique - maybe he doesn't mind; we've had way more sex laity," She thought. She stuck out her belly in the mirror and she felt her crotch get warm. Just then, the doorbell rang - the food had arrived.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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Karenjenk 6 years
I love this. the whole secret feeder.
I'm late for work because of you.
And its ok..

Please write more