Nikki gains

  By Oc30

chapter 7

She got up before her alarm on Monday, and rolled out of bed to start her routine.

She waddled into the bathroom and started to wash her face. Her cheeks were so chunky now and her double chin was really prominent. Her face was completely round and she looked fatter then ever before. She felt fatter too, which was weird. She had just hit 190 over the weekend, flaunting "almost 195" to him. But she felt bigger for some reason.

She hopped on the scale in the bathroom and peaked over her huge breasts, only to see her belly in the way.

"Shit, well that's new," she sucked in her gut and leaned forward to see the number next to her feet. "I'm going to be immobile before next year if I keep gaining like this." She grabbed her large belly and gave it a shake. She moaned as she felt the weight in her chubby hands. She sucked in her growing gut and peaked over her breast at the number on the scale.


She gained 8 pounds in one weekend. "That can't be possible." She was turned on but almost kind of nervous. Could she keep this pace up? At this rate, she would be 400 by Christmas. She felt heavy.

She finished getting refreshed slightly aroused then headed into the bedroom to find an outfit for the day- something that was becoming increasingly difficult.

She pulled up her on her jeans and slid them over her expanding waistline. Her fat belly hung over her underwear- something she sometimes tried to hide by pulling her underwear over her belly, but honestly didn't work anymore, she needed bigger underwear, and apparently, new jeans.

They were tight; really tight. "Oh for fucks sake," she pulled the waistband together and sucked in her huge belly. "This is starting to get out of control." Her belly wasn't the issue; her ass had received most of the recent weight gain, making her figure truly out of this world. Her ass had new pink stretch marks and jiggled with ever motion. It expanded outward when she sat, making almost any pants impossible to wear without ripping.

"If I wear a sweater over it, I can leave it unbuttoned," she thought as she unbuttoned the top two buttons with a huge sigh of relief. Her belly lunged forward through the opening and her underwear folded under her lower belly roll.

She pulled her sweater over her head and slid her fat arms down the sleeves, stretching them as she forced her hands through. She could her some fabric strings pop. The underside of her arms also had stretch marks on it.

"This is deff not going to work," pulling down the sweater. It just passed her hanging belly button before abruptly ending, exposing her unbuttoned jeans and growing underbelly.

She pulled it off with my difficulty, exposing her large almost 200 pound body. She settled on a shirtdress that frankly, was a dress until she grew out of it. She looked incredibly sexy- and she felt sexy.

I was watching the whole thing pretending to be asleep; extremely turned on by the whole thing. My new secret plan was working - operation secret feed.

I was secretly feeder her in the middle of the night, stuffing her body with over 3900 calories while she slept - tripling her daily intake. I had only started two weeks ago, and it was already wreaking havoc on her body.

None of her clothes fit, she was having trouble getting ready, and she was out of breath from a couple steps. She was such a hot BBW.

She kissed me on my forehead "See you tonight sexy. Love you," I said pretending to be sleepy.

"By sexy ill be home at 6:30 PLEASE have dinner ready because you know I'm starving when I get home," she said with a sexy smile. She spun around and left for work, showing her fat round ass as she walked out.

I had taken the day off to catch up on a groceries and laundry, but mostly to buy more weight gain powder for Nikki, she was drinking it faster now, almost like she knows it coming while she's sleeping.

After grabbing all of the supplies, I stopped at the mall to get her new clothes. I felt bad that she was out growing her clothes so quickly because of me so I decided to get her some larger outfits.

I ended up buying all of the clothes from target- they had the largest sizes I could find. XXL was her official size in shirt and sweatpants, now outweighing me by more then 20 pounds.

After putting all the supplies away, I cleaned the place and got dinner ready; home made deep crust pizza. I added some weight gain powder to one side of the pie, honestly not caring if I ate one. I was in heaven.

She got home at 6 sharp - ravenous from the day. "Babe you will not believe my day," she said plopping onto the couch. "My pants didn't fit, I was hungry all day for some reason, and I was extra tired for some reason," she said rubbing her expanding belly.

I brought her three slices of the pizza and her eyes lit up. "Babe this looks amazing!" She dug in and devoured the whole thing in minutes.

"Ohhh! Why do I always do that," her extended belly now stretching her tight shirt out. She felt so sexy. "I'm just a big fat sexy piggy I guess," she moaned out and giggled.

"How much do you weigh now babe?" I asked. "Are you over 190?"

She laughed and looked embarrassed. "I may be bigger than you think boy." She looked at me with her sex eyes.

"Well let's see then you sexy pig - jump on the scale."

"Oh boy, I don't think I'm jumping anywhere," She giggled and propped herself up in her seat, her huge belly spilling over her unbuttoned jeans. All the buttons were unbuttoned now, for comfort.

She was slow to her feet, she was really not pretending anymore, making it all the more erotic to her. She was struggling to move because she was gaining so fast.

She joined me in the bathroom, I moved the scale and started filming - I had been filming our little weigh-ins since she was 165 pounds. She stepped on and felt tingling in her crotch knowing that she felt heavy. She was heavy. "He hadn't seen the scale thing morning, and after all the dinner I at tonight, I bet I'm almost a 200 pound Latina," she thought. "Babe read it to me, I can't see the numbers, my belly is in the way," she said as she rubbed her full belly almost at full capacity.

I looked down in amazement.


She had gained 4 pounds in one day - her fatter body was incredibly hot for both of them. He tried to pick her up and w her to the bedroom, but she had gained too much; her fat body was too heavy to carry anymore. We laughed and ran into the bedroom to explore her new curves.

Her breasts were starting to strain her new bras she just bought. She tried to slip on one of her sexy outfits that would show how much she gained, but she couldn't get the pants past her knees, and the button up shirt didn't seven come close to buttoning. She gained too much to show me.

"I'm such a fat pig," She moaned as she kicked off her outgrown shorts.

"I've grown so much for you - I honestly feel like my weight is out of my control," She said as she looked down at her shorts on the floor.

"My shorts used to hug my tight ass and toned legs and now they can't squeeze past my fat knees," She sighed half-heartedly.

She loved being fat but also knew how society viewed overweight people. She wanted to be herself - an obese Latina with a sexy growing ass and a huge rack. She wanted to wear super tight clothes and feel her belly expand with every fattening meal. But she knew reality would catch up with her. And it was catching up sooner than expected.

She giggled her legs while standing - a new feature of her growing body. It didn't matter if she was flexing her muscles or not - the growing layer fat on her thighs made her legs jiggle with the slightest move, reverberating up her huge chubby ass and into her growing fat love handles.

"I've gained over ten pounds in three days and that is not sustainable!" She joked as she shook her hips, rubbed her huge ass and jiggled her thighs - now wider than her ass. She stuck out her belly and hugged it with her round fat arms.

"I think those are the sexiest words you could say to me," I stammered. She was gorgeous. "I love your body and your growing figure." I slid off her tight underwear - now almost completely invisible under her fatter body. Her legs are so chubby - all the way down to her feet. Her expanding body even affected her feet - they were beginning to not fit even her widest shoes.

"I'm glad you took my underwear off for me - I am starting to have trouble with simple freaking tasks and as horny as it makes me I'm starting to get worried. I want to be your sexy piggy but I want to be mobile," She said in her typical sexy tone. She was fan complaining her turn us on.

I pulled her closer by her wide chunky thighs and slid her on to my hard erection. Her heavy body was really starting to be an issue - she actually might be too big to be on top I thought. She out weight me by almost 30 pounds, a number that was sure to increase. She tried to heave her fat body up and down but it became way to difficult way to early in her opinion. "You want to do it doggy style? I'm already out of breath; my legs can barely hold my fatter body," She felt up her growing body, something she almost didn't recognize.

She fell forward and exposed her huge ads and shook it - she was still slightly out of breath from riding my cool only of a few seconds. The nightly feedings were making her really unfit, which was extremely arousing.

We made love as I held her huge hips, much wider than me now. Jiggling with every thrust her body was one big blob. I grabbed her belly and couldn't believe it almost touched the mattress. I came right there as I felt her huge gut swing.

That was amazing," I said. "Ditto," She said, still out of breath from her orgasm.

"I don't want to out on clothes!" she moaned.

"That reminds me - I bought us some new clothes at the mall - they're in your closet," I motioned to her side of the room.

"No way!
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Karenjenk 6 years
I love this. the whole secret feeder.
I'm late for work because of you.
And its ok..

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