Leo lyons and his amazing grizzly bear

chapter 3

Toby saved me. I didn't know when he showed up, but he totally beat the hell out of Buck and one of the other guys. Two of them must've gotten scared and run off. Buck yelled some things about telling everyone my secret and I felt my stomach tighten.

I hadn't noticed it, but I was crying. Just a few tears though, not major bawling. I'd have some pretty bad bruises tomorrow, but I was okay.

"Thank...thank you," I said. I grabbed my bag and pulled it back onto my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" he asked. He put his gigantic hand on my shoulder. It was so warm. I wanted to feel his hands all over my body.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I wiped my face on my jacket sleeve.

"Leo, what secret was he talking about?"

"I...I don't want to talk about it." I started crying again. I wiped my face quickly, not wanting Toby to think I was a major pussy. I had to get out of there before Toby hated me too. I couldn't take him hating me.

"Leo..." I walked towards the doors. I could hear that he was following me. "Leo."

"Please Toby, just go away."

"No, you're not fine." I stopped walking. "What is he doing to you? What secret is he going to tell?" I wanted to tell someone. I needed to tell someone or one day it would be too much to keep to myself. Toby seemed nice enough...I could trust him. I just knew I could.

We ended up going to a coffee shop. I ordered something very chocolaty. I didn't drink much of it. He got the same drink as me but with caramel. He also ordered some cookies and scones.

I started off with the journal. Then I went into the blackmail. Ending with what the big secret was. He nodded once I was finished. He probably didn't like me now either. If he could take on Buck, I knew an ass-kicking from him was going to be brutal.

He was so quiet. I felt good telling my secret to him. He wasn't the type of guy to hold stuff against you. I knew he wouldn't beat me up. I didn't even know why that had even crossed my mind. He wouldn't make fun of me or call me names. Toby was a great person.

"I figured you were gay," he said finally. I felt my face go hot. I just had to remember I could trust Toby.

"I...I am."

"Well, I don't see anything wrong with that." He smiled his half-smile. "I am too."

"You...you're gay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. He was blushing now. His boyish face had a couple of freckles on it and it made him really cute. The blush was now evenly distributed throughout his entire face.

"I would never have guessed," I said truthfully. Toby...gay? I still couldn't believe it.

"Well, I am."

"You know, Toby, I...I like you a lot."

"Me?" he asked, genuinely shocked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I do."

"I'm...I, uh, like you too." He was half-smiling again, the blush deepening on his gorgeous face.

"Can we consider this a first date then?"

"No...if we do go on a date, I would want it to be in a nicer place than this." I smiled wide. Buck could tell everyone if he wanted to. I had Toby. I had a guy who accepted me. Things were looking up. I could feel the bruises through my shirt and I knew I could take a lifetime of ass-kickings if I had Toby.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 13 years , updated 54 years
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Carlos 13 years
impressive as always smiley