An unexpected trip

chapter 2


Phil flew to Bangkok and got a connecting flight south to the island.

Once he arrived, he quickly headed out despite his jetlag. The street was buzzing with activity. Mostly groups of excited young people. He was waiting for the text message to tell him what to do with the parcel. He needed to get some food, and maybe a couple of drinks as well.

He chose a seat outside a busy restaurant. Scanning round he let his eyes take some of the many attractive women. His eyes always stayed the longest on the chubby ones. He watched a tan skinned raven-haired cutie a few places away from him. She was chatting with her friends. Her white top was nicely stretched over her round belly. Little shorts and nice thick thighs. She had a nice smile he thought.

He was in his own world when he suddenly heard a loud voice say, "not bad hey mate!" He turned to see a beer bellied middle aged man at the next table. His accent was Australian, and he was looking at Phil with a knowing smile. The man was wearing a leather hat and had the deep wrinkles in the forehead of someone who has spent a lot of time in the sun. He inhaled a deep lungful of cigarette smoke.

"I reckon you've got an eye for the bigger girls," he said laughing loudly. "A man after my own tastes."

Phil just stared at him. Not knowing what to say.

The man went on, "my names Roland, and if you fancy a bit of fun tonight, why don't you tag along with me?"

Roland knew the town well, and he kept up a string of anecdotes. They visited a few bars where he seemed to know everyone. The beer and nightlife had given Phil a burst of energy, and he found himself having a great time.

He checked his phone, still no text message. Maybe he wouldn't get it until the morning.

"Now the next place, is one I know you will like," said Roland grinning. Phil, feeling the effect of the booze, was smiling. Following along the semi-lit streets, he realised that he had no idea where his hotel was.

They stopped outside a bar. He saw the sign: Big Daddies Bar. A pulse of a dance beat hit him as he walked In.

Roland's smile was broad, and Phil could see the yellow teeth. He shouted over the music: "you're going to love it here. They've got the fattest bar girls on the island!"

They went it and got a table. They went in and got a table. Looking around Phil could see that Roland was telling the truth about the girls. Instead of usual slim Thai girls, he could see chubby boobs and bellies squeezed into little dresses. At the bar he could see the girls plump asses and thick thighs. He could well believe that they were the fattest on the island.

A waitress came to take their drinks order. Her green dress was promoting the most popular type of beer. And it was stretched to the limit, barely containing her round body.

They went in and got a table. Looking around Phil could see that Roland was telling the truth about the girls.

A waitress came to take their drinks order. Her green dress was promoting the most popular type of beer. And it was stretched to the limit, barely containing her round body.

Roland ordered a couple more beers for them. "And get one for yourself and come and join us," he added with a grin to waitress.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 6 years
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FrecherTyp 6 years
mhmmm interesting plot i and such surprising twists ;-)