Hot & fat

chapter 4

By the time they reached Cutler street, Delly's round cheeks and plump lips were glistening with butter. The empty container was dropped to the floor when the car rolled to a stop in front of the much anticipated bakery.

Like a child, Delly pressed her greasy hands and greasy face up against the glass. Her eyes were wide as she gazed out into the large storefront window, where she could see dozens upon dozens of cookies, doughnuts, cupcakes, and more in tantalizing displays.

Behind her, the old woman smirked. "Looks like hog heaven, eh Porky?"

Delly nodded excitedly and reached for the door handle. The old woman quickly leaned forward and slapped her hand away.

"Ow! What was that for?" the fat girl cried, rubbing her sore hand.

"You're not coming in."

Delly's mouth opened in shock. "What do you mean?!"

"Letting a piggy like you into a store like that is asking for trouble. Now, here's the deal: I will go in alone, and buy you all the treats your piggy heart could ever desire. You will stay right here."


" ;Or, I dump you out on the sidewalk right here and leave you to eat your heart out. I felt no wallet or cash in your pants when I was buttering you up, so am I right in assuming you have no money?"

Delly opened her mouth to protest, before she realized the old woman was right. How was she supposed to get cookies if she had no money? Damnit. Pouting, Delly sat back and crossed her arms.

The old woman patronizingly patted her plush arms. "There there, I'll be out in a jiffy...and then the real fun begins," she grinned, revealing crooked sharp teeth.

Delly shivered, and the old woman exited the car.

With a forlorn expression, she watched as the old woman entered the bakery, and began counting down the seconds until the promised sweet treats were retrieved. She kept her eyes focused on the shop window, ignoring the lecherous stare from the driver's seat.

Inside the bakery Delly watched as the old woman spoke to the two people behind the counter, and saw them begin reaching under the counter and into the numerous shelves while they were in the process of filling up several boxes plus a couple of bags with their delicious looking treats. By the time the old woman left the store her arms (and the arms of the two employees who helped bring everything to the car) were completely filled with desserts.

The employees placed everything into the trunk, shook the old woman's hand, then peered through the window next to Delly. They both waved to her, which she gleefully returned, then they turned and reentered the bakery.

The old woman slid in next to Delly and dropped a white paper bag into the drooling fat girl's lap, who then proceeded to quickly tear into it. Inside she found the largest powdered cream doughnut she had ever seen, with white cream bursting from its edges; needless to say she wasted no time in taking a bite. It tasted like heaven.

"Mhmmmm so good...." Delly moaned, her mouthed coated in sugar and cream.

The old woman smiled proudly and, while Delly was distracted by the delicious doughnut, placed a hand onto her big bare belly.

"That's it my porky dear, eat it all up, get yourself nice and messy," she cooed, stroking and pinching and prodding Delly's stomach. "I've got a big surprise waiting for you at home."

Delly smiled between mouthfuls, not even stopping to consider what that really meant, or what home she was referring to.

The old woman turned to the driver and gave him her home addres, hers, not Delly's; Delly did not react to this at all, for all she cared about was all those treats in the trunk, not where she was going to get to eat them.


Aft er about a twenty minute drive, the taxi pulled up in front of a very large and very foreboding looking three story home. The old woman grinned and gave Delly's belly a few light slaps.

"We're here Porky! Come on, fun awaits!" she proclaimed, pinched Delly's multiple chins, then exited the vehicle.

Rubbing her belly, Delly finally started feeling a bit anxious over having been brought to the home of this strange old woman, who harrassed and manhandled her like a piece of meat from the minute they'd met; going into her house seemed like a really bad idea...except for the fact that the house was where all the treats were being taken, and she would not, could not, lose out on gorging herself on all of those so she too exited the car (with slightly less trouble than she had getting into it).

The driver was helping carry the boxes and bags of desserts into the house, assisted by a thin man who had approached the car the second it had pulled up.

The old woman was standing on the porch, directing where the desserts should be placed and talking to a thin woman. When both women heard the car door slam as Delly got out of the car, their heads turned in her direction and the old woman pointed at the fat girl, to which the thin woman nodded and started to walk towards Delly.

Delly watched her approach with apprehension, her powder covered hands clutching the bottom of her stained shirt that kept riding all the way up her stomach.

With a gentle smile on her face, the thin woman continued her approach with her hands slightly raised, as if she were trying to soothe a frightened animal.

"Hi there," she said brightly to Delly. "My name is Amie. It's so nice to meet Grandma's new friend."


"Yep!" Amie nodded. "She raised my brother Artie and I since we were little."

Delly glanced over to the old woman still on the porch, handing over a wad of cash to the driver. It was hard to imagine her as a sweet grandmother.

Amie clapped her hands and her smile grew wider. "My my, Grammie was right about you-- you're a real beauty!"

"Rea--really?" Delly asked shyly, her round cheeks reddening, which increase the length of Amie's smile.

"Really!" Amie enthusiastically responded, clapped her hands again, and started slowly circling the fat girl.

Delly's eyes followed her, a smile on her face because of the compliment, nervousness in her throat because of the way she was being circled like a lion waiting to pounce on its plump prey.

"I mean, look at your skin! So clear, not a blemish in sight!" Her hand reached out, pausing a few inches from Delly's body. "May I?"

Delly hesitantly nodded.

Amie then placed her hand not on the fat girl's face, like the fat girl had expected, but rather reached down and lightly grasped a succulently plump lovehandle, gently kneading it between her fingers. She gave a soft moan of satisfaction, which bothered Delly, but she was too nervous to say anything, so Amie's other hand grasped another lovehandle and moaned again.

"Yes yes, nice and juicy, just like Grammie said you would be!"

This way of speaking reminded Delly too much of her initial conversation with the old woman, where she was referred to as looking like a fat pig ready to be eaten, so she was not particularly pleased by these comments.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 6 years , updated 4 years
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Plumply45 2 years
With another firm squeeze of her fat belly, Amie began leading the porky and thoroughly bewildered young girl back towards the house with a slap on her bulging and jiggling bottom. “Let’s go my piggy!
Plumply45 2 years
Deli slowly started waddling across the farm yard, heading for the house, where grandma waited, smiling and holding a delicious pastry and the front door open wide beckoning the plump girl inside
Plumply45 2 years
The old woman came out quickly to guide her into kitchen, grabbing onto a meaty arm while running her hand along Deli’s fat and fleshy side. “Let’s get you cleaned up and dressed for dinner my piggy”
Plumply45 2 years
While Deli stumbled forward, her big body trembling as she felt Amie reaching around her round belly and lifting up her sticky top revealing her jiggling rolls of flesh as Granny pinched her fat botto
Plumply45 2 years
With another tug her pants were peeled down to her chubby ankles, leaving Deli totally naked, wobbling uncontrollably as her hosts began squeezing her juicy rolls of flesh and tying her hands & feet
Plumply45 2 years
As the fat girl gasped in fear the thin man arrived with Amie’s brother and they quickly jammed an Apple between her plump lips stifling her cry, then lifting her heavy body onto a butchers block
Plumply45 2 years
With a meaty plop, and her dimpled skin still glistening with butter, the trembling girl felt many strong hands holding her porky body down as she tried to rise up, her overburdened heart pounding
Plumply45 2 years
Amie’s face appeared above her whispering “relax now my pig, this is where you were always meant to wind up” as she laid her hand on Deli’s plump cheek as the fat girl moaned around her apple gag
Plumply45 2 years
“You’ve fattened up so well and now you can just relax and let nature take it’s course” she soothingly started rubbing one bulging love handle “so very soft and juicy…”
Clubkong 3 years
I so love reading these stories. So much fun. They always make me drool. Can't wait for more
Clubkong 3 years
I believe this story is still the best of quite an amazing portfolio of stories. I just keep crossing my fingers for more delicious chapters. smiley
Hubbert2995 4 years
Please upload more chapters
Vinix 4 years
when the next chapter comes?
Plumply45 4 years
Now let’s get porky inside to clean her up and prepare the plump girl for dinner!
Clubkong 4 years
Such a masterpiece !
Feedee007 4 years
Thank you very much for page 4, I love it. The best story here.
Vinix 4 years
Best storie on the FF 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Clubkong 5 years
Truely the best story ever so far
Vinix 5 years
Please more, these are the best history ever
Vinix 5 years
Please continue
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